吉林大学 汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室, 长春 130022
工业和信息化部项目(工装函[2015]615号)Construction of Typical Driving Cycle for Passenger Cars in the City of Dalian
CAO Qian,LI Jun,QU DaweiState Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
摘要: 为构建合理的乘用车典型行驶工况,以大连市乘用车行驶数据为基础,采用聚类分析考察其行驶特征,提出了基于马尔可夫链原理的算法,据此构建大连市乘用车典型行驶工况,并将其与现有行驶工况进行对比分析.结果表明,构建的典型行驶工况与数据库总体特征的平均偏差为 4.42%,满足偏差低于5%的开发精度要求,验证了构建算法的准确性和有效性;国内城市乘用车行驶特征存在明显地域差异,NEDC(New European Driving Cycle)难以准确反映国内行驶特征,构建符合国情的行驶工况具有必要性和现实意义,该结果可为行驶工况构建算法和行驶特征分析提供有益参考.
关键词: 行驶工况, 乘用车, 聚类分析, 马尔可夫链
Abstract: In order to construct a reasonable typical driving cycle of passenger cars, an arithmetic that based on Markov chain principal was proposed and the driving features were investigated based on driving data in the city of Dalian by adopting cluster analysis. The typical driving cycle of passenger cars was constructed and comparison analysis of driving features between the constructed typical Dalian driving cycle and the existing available driving cycles was applied. Results show that the average absolute deviation of driving characteristic parameters between the constructed driving cycle and driving database population is 4.42%. This value indicates that the development requirement that the deviation must be under 5% is met and the validness and accuracy of the constructed arithmetic is verified. Remarkable region discrepancy of driving characteristics of passenger cars exists in domestic cities. NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) can hardly characterize the domestic driving characteristics correctly. Thus, it is necessary to construct driving cycle which can correctly reflect the domestic actual driving features. The results can provide beneficial references for arithmetic of constructing driving cycle and analysis of driving characteristics.
Key words: driving cycle, passenger car, cluster analysis, Markov chain