上海交通大学 航空航天学院, 上海 200240
沈佳瑛(1991-),女,上海市人,硕士生,主要研究方向为飞机结冰.Investigation on Substrate Icing Growth Affected by Surface Energy in Cush of Ice Branch
SHEN Jiaying,KONG Weiliang,LIU HongSchool of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
摘要: 通过实验研究过冷度和表面能对近绝热表面上壁面冰前缘形貌和生长速度的影响,理论计算了不同壁面接触角的壁面冰生长速度,并与实验结果对比.结果表明:在近绝热壁面上和过冷度小于2K时,冰形态为单冰枝,壁面自由能对结冰速度有明显影响,但对冰尖端形态改变很小.壁面冰枝前缘尺度和自由冰枝接近,壁面冰枝前缘形状的改变不足以解释生长速度的改变量.说明壁面表面能并非通过传热影响结冰,而是改变冰自身性质.
关键词: 过冷水, 壁面结冰, 接触角, 尖端形貌, 生长速度
Abstract: In this paper, the influence of the degrees of supercooling and free energy of substrate surface on substrate icing was studied through the experiment. Then, this paper analyzed the velocity of substrate icing growth with different surface contact angles theoretically and computationally, and compared with the experimental results. The results show that single ice branch grows on the near adiabatic surface under a low degree of supercooling of 2K. And the free energy of the substrate can rather make a significant effect on the icing rate, instead of the shape of dendrite tips. The scale law of dendrite tips on substrate is similar to that of free icing, and the theoretical calculation and experimental comparison show that the different shapes of dendrite tips cannot completely explain the growth rate changing. Hence, the surface energy is not frozen by heat transfer, but changing the nature of ice.
Key words: supercooled water, substrate icing, contact angle, shape of dendrite tips, tip velocity