摘要: 室性早搏诱发心肌病是一种潜在的可逆性疾病,频发室性早搏可引起左心室功能障碍及重构。既往对于成人及动物模型研究发现,心肌细胞本身以及细胞外机制可能参与了心肌病样改变发生。但该病的确切病理生理机制仍不清楚。并且,在儿童中如何进行该病的早期诊断和及时干预尚无明确指导。成人系列研究已经报道了多种导致室性早搏诱发心肌病的高危因素,包括室性早搏负荷量和室性早搏心率变异性等,但是针对儿童的相关研究仅限于病例报告和小型单中心回顾性系列研究。该文总结分析目前公认的可能导致儿童室性早搏诱发心肌病的高危因素以及该病现有的治疗策略。
关键词: 室性早搏, 心肌病, 儿童, 高危因素, 治疗
Premature ventricular contraction-induced cardiomyopathy is a potentially reversible disease, and frequent premature ventricular contraction will cause left ventricular dysfunction and remodeling. Previous studies on adults and animal models have found that cardiac myocytes and extracellular mechanisms may be involved in the development of cardiac dysfunction, but the exact pathophysiological mechanism is still unclear. Moreover, there is no clear guidance for early diagnosis and intervention strategies in children. A series of adult studies have proved that a variety of high-risk factors lead to premature ventricular contraction-induced cardiomyopathy, including premature ventricular burden and ventricular premature contraction variability. However, studies on children are limited to case reports and retrospective, small-sample-size, single center series. This review summarizes and analyzes the high-risk factors of premature ventricular contraction-induced cardiomyopathy in children and the current intervention strategies.
Key words: premature ventricular contraction, cardiomyopathy, children, risk factor, treatment