摘要: 水平斜视矫正术后即刻或经一段时间后发生的继发性显性斜视称为连续性斜视,主要分为连续性内斜视和连续性外斜视2种,其中连续性内斜视的发病率为6%~20%。连续性内斜视会导致儿童患者产生弱视、双眼视功能缺失,以及成人患者复视等风险增加。由于连续性内斜视的多样性与复杂性,如何掌握其发生的危险因素以及选择合适的治疗方式是困扰很多临床医师的难题。该文回顾近年来连续性内斜视的危险因素与治疗方法的研究进展,旨在为更好地帮助临床上评估外斜视术后的连续性内斜视风险,调整手术设计方案,以及选择连续性内斜视治疗方案提供参考。
关键词: 连续性内斜视, 眼外科手术, 危险因素, 双眼视觉
Consecutive strabismus refers to the secondary manifest strabismus right after or a period after strabismus surgeries, including consecutive esotropia and consecutive exotropia. It is reported that the incidence of consecutive esotropia is 6%-20%. Consecutive esotropia may lead to increased risks of amblyopia and visual deficiency in children and diplopia in adults. As the multiformity and complexity of continuous esotropia, there exist many challenges for clinicians to know the risk factors well and select appropriate treatment. The article reviews the latest research progress on the risk factors and treatment strategies of consecutive esotropia, aiming to help better evaluate the risks of continuous esotropia after exotropia surgeries, adjust the operation plans, and provide references to select the appropriate treatment plan.
Key words: consecutive esotropia (CST), ophthalmologic surgical procedure, risk factor, binocular vision