课程内容简介(英文) Senior Animal Microbiology is a discipline to apply the theoretics and technique of current molecular biology to study the basic phenomena and principle of microorganisms 。Then evolution laws of bacterium about growth and replication,heredity,pathogenicity, antigenicity, and medicine resistant will be revealed. All these will be helpful to diagnosis and prevention of infection disease causing by bacteria. Meanwhile molecular structure and function of viruses, the interactions between viruses and their hosts(or cells)by use of the modern theories and techniques of molecular biology will also be introduced. Our course will be emphasis on the ultrastructure, toxin, adhesin and invasion factors, pathogenic island, superantigen, apoptosis, medicine mechanism , viral taxonomy , nomenclature, viral replication, viral genetics and evolution, determinants of viral virulence and host resistance/susceptibility, mechanisms of viral oncogenesis, laboratory diagnosis of viral disease, pathogenic mechanisms , development of the genetic engineering vaccine of the viruses. Another knowledge system will also be introduced about how to use the software and database of bio-information. |
参 考 文 献 - 1. 《兽医微生物学》,陆承平,农业出版社,20072. 〈〈Brock’s Biology of Microorganisms〉〉, Madigan M.T., Martinko J. M., Parker J., Prentice Hall press, 2003.3. 〈〈Instant Notes in Microbiology〉〉,edited by J.Nicklin,K.Graeme-Cook,T.Paget and R.Killington, 林稚兰 等译, 科学出版社,2000.