

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2012-12-28


课程讨论时数0 (小时)课程实验数0 (小时)

本课程是高等院校电子信息、自动控制、电气工程、精密仪器等专业硕士研究生有关数字集成电路分析与设计的一门学位课,把当前数字集成电路中已无争议地占绝对主导地位的CMOS电路技术作为主要内容,以当前工业界领先的0.18微米和0.13微米的工艺技术为基础,内容和教材均属世界先进。本课程的任务是让学生掌握数字集成电路设计领域世界最先进的技术,即深亚微米集成电路设计技术,如最先进的电路制造工艺、BSIM3短沟器件模型、深亚微米的互连技术和时钟技术、基于逻辑力度(Logic Effort)的高速CMOS电路设计技术、电源网络设计、快闪存贮器(Flash Memory)、铁电存贮器(FRAM)和锁相环(PLL)等。学生应学会从一个芯片设计者的角度出发,在掌握MOS管结构、工作原理、制造工艺、版图和仿真技术的基础上,逐步深入到静态和动态CMOS电路的分析和设计,直到能够把深亚微米集成电路设计中最高层的系统级设计和最底层的物理级设计结合起来。


《Theory and Design of Digital Integrated Circuit》Course Introduction一、Course Basic Information1、Course code:X0345092、Course name: Theory and Design of Digital Integrated Circuit3、Teaching hours/Score:54/34、Prerequisite courses:Circuit Principle,Analog Electronic Technology, Digital Electronic Technology5、For which kind of students:Graduate students in Electronic and Information related specialty6、Course given by:Electronic Engineering department, EE School7、Textbook:Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuit – In Deep Submicron Technoloay (Third Edition);Authors:David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackon, Resve A. Saleh;Press:Tsinghua University Press,August 2004(2003 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.).Reference:Digital Integrated Circuit – A Design Perpective, 2nd ed.;Authors:J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic;Press:Prentice-Hall, New Jerseky, 2003.二、Course Description“Theory and design of digital integrated circuit” is a degree course for university graduate students which is used by electronic information, automatic control, electric engineering, and precise instrument specialty. Its main contents is based on 0.18m and 0.13m CMOS circuit technology which holds utterly dominant position in the state of digital integrated circuits. The contents and textbook all belong to the advanced in the world.The task of the course is to let students grasp the most advanced technology in the world in the digital integrated circuit design domain, ie, deep submicron IC design technology, such as, the most advanced circuit fabrication technology, BSIM3 short channel device model, interconnect and clock technology of deep submicron, high-speed CMOS logic design with logical effort, power grid design, flash memory, FRAM, and PLL, etc. Students should learn to start from the point of a chip designer, on the basis of grasping the structure, operation, fabrication technology of MOS transistors, layout and simulation, step by step go deep into the analysis and design of static and dynamic CMOS circuits, until can connect the top layer system level design with the lowest layer physical level design in the DSM IC design domain.


教学内容包括11章:1. Deep Submicron Digital IC Design; 2. MOS Transistors; 3. Fabrication, Layout, and Simulation; 4. MOS Inverter Circuits; 5. Static MOS Gate Circuits; 6. High-Speed CMOS Logic Design; 7. Transfer Gate and Dynamic Logic Design; 8. Semiconductor Memory Design; 9. Additional Topics in Memory Design; 10. Interconnect Design; 11. Power Grid and Clock Design.基本要求共计10章,第9章除外。如教学安排为18周,每周3学时,则供参考的学时安排为每3周讲2章内容。实验(上机)内容和基本要求:要求会用SPICE 集成电路仿真软件和一种版图编辑软件(如L-Edit)。对SPICE,要求熟练掌握文件、电路图输入和MOS器件的各级模型,特别是BSIM3V3短沟器件模型进行深亚微米集成电路方针和分析;对L-Edit,要求实际画若干个电炉的版图,并会进行DRC(设计规则检查)和LVS(电路图和版图一致性)检查。对学生能力培养的要求:明确深亚微米集成电路设计流程,了解掩膜、制造、测试和封装等过程;掌握MOS管结构、工作原理、制造工艺、版图和仿真技术,特别是速度饱和电流方程,并能熟练应用于静态和动态CMOS电路的分析和设计;掌握各种存贮器的设计方法;深入理解并掌握深亚微米集成电路互连设计、电源网络设计和时钟树设计技术。总之,既有深厚的半导体理论知识,又能进行实际的深亚微米集成电路分析和设计。





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