

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2012-12-28


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随着科学和技术的发展,制造技术已成为当代各国在经济上获得成功的关键技术,并逐渐发展形成制造科学体系。制造技术即是制造业赖以生存的主体技术,又是国民经济发展的主要支柱技术。先进制造技术是将机械、材料、信息以及现代管理技术等的最新成果综合应用于产品开发与设计、制造以及管理等制造全过程,实现优质、高效、低耗、敏捷生产的前沿制造技术的总和。先进制造技术已成为提高制造业竞争力的主要手段,是增加综合国立和促进国民经济发展的重要基础。 材料成形技术是以金属成形为重要标志出现在人类社会中的最古老的生产技术之一。模具设计制造理论与技术的发展从最早原始的经验制造到今天的以计算机技术、信息技术为支撑的成形理论,走过了漫长的道路。随着计算机辅助技术渗透到模具技术的方方面面,计算机技术已经成为现代模具设计制造理论和技术的重要支撑技术,并形成了计算机辅助设计(CAD),辅助制造(CAM),辅助工程(CAE),反求工程(RE)和快速原型制造(RP/RT)虚拟设计与虚拟制造(VM)等一批分支技术。 本课程将以模具设计制造为切入点,全面、系统地讲解组成先进制造技术的CAD/CAM/CAE,RE,RP/RT,VM等分支技术的国内外发展现状,介绍所涉及的基础知识,讲述各分支技术的主要研究内容。


Following the development of science and technology, the manufacturing technology has been a key technique for the success of economy in modern nations, and with the development a scientific manufacturing system formed. The manufacturing technology is the principal part of the manufacturing. And it is also one of support technologies for the national economy. Advanced manufacturing technologies the summation of the advancing manufacturing technologies which apply the last words of the mechanics, material, informatics and management technologies to the processes of product development, product design, product manufacturing and management, and implement the high grade, great efficiency, low consumption, and flexible manufacture. The advanced manufacturing technologies become one of the leading means to improve the competitive power of manufacturing and important bases to improve the general national power and expedite the development of national economy. The forming technique, signed by the metal forming, is one of the most ancient techniques. The development of the theories and techniques in die design and manufacturing, from rude empirical making to the forming theories based on computer technologies and information technologies, is a long journey. Following the ingress of the computer aided technologies into die technologies, the computer technology has been one of the most important support technologies for the theories and techniques of modern die design and manufacturing. And a set of branch technologies have been formed, which consist Computer Aided Designing (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), RE, RP/PT, and VM. The course, whose entrance is the die designing and manufacturing, explains fully and systematically the development of the aforementioned branch technologies in advanced manufacturing technology of domestic and foreign, introduces the involved basic knowledge, and presents the major research contents of the branch technologies.






①考试目的; 检验教学效果,促使学生更好地掌握教学内容。②考试方式; 论文方式③考试内容及要求 结合课堂讲述内容,选取某个研究方向撰写一篇反映该方向国内外发展现状,主要关键技术以及目前研究热点的论文。

参 考 文 献
  • 1. 周雄飞;现代模具设计制造理论与技术;上海交通大学出版社;2000年12月