

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2012-12-28


课程讨论时数24 (小时)课程实验数12 (小时)

在人类文明史上有四种重要光源,分别是电光源、X射线源、激光光源以及同步辐射光源。同步辐射具有高强度、宽频谱、小发散、偏振性、空间分辨及时间分辨等特性,已成为众多研究领域的最有效手段,极大地促进了相关学科的发展。同步辐射源是一种可供开展多项研究活动的大科学装置,其建造和运行在很大程度上代表一个国家的综合科技水平。我国继北京第一代同步辐射装置及合肥第二代同步辐射装置之后,正在上海建造以大量应用插入件为主要标志的第三代同步辐射装置。为了充分利用这类尖端科学装置,做出国际一流水平的研究成果,其重要环节就是尽快掌握同步辐射技术,培养出一支高素质的用户队伍。 同步辐射技术及其应用,为材料科学与工程等专业的博士生课,共分三部分内容,第一部分介绍同步辐射装置及发展趋势,包括发生器、光路系统及控制器等;第二部分包括一些重要的基础理论、实验技术以及数据处理方法等;第三部分为同步辐射技术的应用实例及其局限性等。教学起点为国内领先及国际先进,任务是培养具备丰富知识及开拓性的高素质人才。全部采用多媒体教学,适当穿插一些音像资料,以达到最佳的教学效果。鼓励学生与教师进行课堂讨论,不断完善教学模式。探讨新的考试方法,既可以测试学生掌握知识的程度,又不至于过多增大他们的负担。


There were four important light sources in the history human civilization, the electric light, X-ray, laser and synchrotron radiation. Because of the high energy, wide frequency spectrum, small dispersion, a certain polarization, space resolution and time resolution, the synchrotron radiation is the effective method for many research fields, and to accelerate the development of learning branch concerned. The synchrotron radiation is the enormous scientific equipment, which can provide many scientific researches, and represents the level of comprehensive science and technology of a country. The first generation and second generation synchrotron radiation equipments had been used in our country, and then the third generation equipment will be built in Shanghai, which contains a lots of application plug-in components. For aims of using the advanced scientific equipment and obtaining the achievement of first class level in world, it is necessary to know the technique of synchrotron radiation, and to train the users with high ability. The technique and application of synchrotron radiation, is the course for the doctor graduate student, which include three contents. In the first part, the equipment and development tendency of synchrotron radiation were introduced, included the generator, light path system and controller. The second part included the important foundation theories, experimental technique and data treatment methods. In the third part, there were the application examples and limitations of synchrotron radiation. The course is base on a high level, to train the high quality graduate student with knowledge and creativity. Not only lecture the basic principle, testing technique, main purposes and limits, but also introduce the new progress and development tendency. By using the computer medium with some audio and image documents, the best teaching result will be obtained. To improve the effect of course, the discussion of students with teacher is encouraged. In addition, the new examination manner will be used, to verify the knowledge degree and reduce the work of students.


上课周次:9周 , 上课时数:24时 , 课堂讨论:12时。讲课内容: 教学内容共分三部分,第一部分介绍同步辐射装置及发展趋势,包括发生器、光路系统及控制器等;第二部分包括一些重要的基础理论、实验技术及数据处理方法等;第三部分为同步辐射技术的应用实例及其局限性等。课堂讨论内容: 讨论同步辐射技术的优点、局限性及应用情况等。课程的性质和任务: 本课程是材料科学及工程等专业博士研究生课程,教学起点为国内领先及国际先进,任务是培养具备丰富知识及开拓性的高素质人才。课程的教学内容和基本要求: 课程教学内容共分三部分,第一部分介绍同步辐射装置及发展趋势,包括发生器、光路系统及控制器等;第二部分包括一些重要的基础理论、实验技术及数据处理方法等;第三部分为同步辐射技术的应用实例及其局限性等。实验内容和基本要求: 鉴于目前学校实验设备条件所限,部分教学实验尚不能开展,可通过一些音像资料来演示这些实验。对研究生能力培养的要求: 为了培养研究生的综合能力,除完成课内教学课程外,要求学生广开思路,能够将所学知识灵活应用到实际研究工作中。




考试目的: 测试学生掌握知识的程度,检验本课程的教学效果。考试方式: 根据情况,可分别采用闭卷及开卷考试方式,或撰写专题论文。考试内容及要求: 考试范围包括本课程教学大纲的全部内容,要求掌握有关的基本原理、实验技术、主要用途以及局限性等,了解最新进展和发展趋势等。

参 考 文 献
  • 同步辐射应用概论. 马礼敦, 杨福家主编. 复旦大学出版社, 2001年