

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03



张春教授目前的研究领域是公司金融、宏观金融、组织和制度经济学。他的研究发表于《经济理论期刊》、《金融学期刊》、《金融研究评论》、《货币经济》、《商业期刊》、《货币、信贷与银行期刊》等众多刊物,并合作出版多本专著。2006年,北大出版社出版了张春的著作《写给中国企业家的公司财务》。2008年,人大出版社出版了他的新书《公司金融学》。由他任组长的深圳发展银行中欧课题组的应用型研究专著《供应链金融》于2009 年出版。其中,张春教授刊登在 Journal of Monetary Economics 的论文 “Capital Controls and Optimal Chinese Monetary Policy” 获得了2016年度孙冶方金融创新奖。

1. Chang, Chun, Zheng Liu, Mark M. Spiegel and Jingyi Zhang, 2019, Reserve Requirements and Optimal Chinese Stabilization Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
2. Chang, Chun, Yao-Min Chiang, Yiming Qian, and Jay Ritter, 2017, Pre-market Trading and IPO Pricing, The Review of Financial Studies.
3. Chang, Chun, Kaiji Chen, Daniel Waggoner, and Tao Zha, 2016, Trends and Cycles in China's Macroeconomy, Nber Macroeconomics Annual.
4. Chang, Chun, Zheng Liu, and Mark M. Spiegel, 2015, Capital Controls and Optimal Chinese Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
5. Chang, Chun, Xin Chen, and Guanmin Liao, 2014, What are the Reliably Important Determinants of Capital Structure in China?, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
6. Chang, Chun, Guanmin Liao, Xiaoyun Yu, and Zheng Ni, 2014, Information from Relationship Lending: Evidence from Loan Defaults in China, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
7. Chang, Chun, and Xiaoyun Yu, 2010, Informational Efficiency and Liquidity Premium as the Determinants of Capital Structure, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
8. Chang, Chun, and Walid Y. Busaba, 2010, Bookbuilding vs. Fixed Price Revisited: The Effect of Aftermarket Trading, Journal of Corporate Finance.
9. Chang, Chun, Xiaoqing Wang, Shuzhong Zhang, and David D. Yao, 2009, Separated Continuous Conic Programming: Strong Duality and an Approximation Algorithm, Siam Journal on Control and Optimization.
10. Chang, Chun, John Boyd, and Bruce Smith, 2004, Deposit Insurance and Bank Regulation in a Monetary Economy: a General Equilibrium Exposition, Economic Theory.
11. Chang, Chun, and Xiaoyun Yu, 2004, Investment Opportunities, Liquidity Premiums and Conglomerate Mergers, Journal of Business.
12. Chang, Chun, Brian McCall, and Yijiang Wang, 2003, Incentive Contracting versus Ownership Reforms: Evidence from China’s Township-Village Enterprises, Journal of Comparative Economics.
13. Chang, Chun, John Boyd, and Bruce Smith, 2002, Deposit Insurance: A Reconsideration, Journal of Monetary Economics.
14. Chang, Chun, 2001, The Informational Requirement on Financial Systems at Different Stages of Economic Development: The Case of South Korea, China Economic Quarterly.
15. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 2000, Choosing between Up-or-Out and Spot Contracts: Human Capital Investment Versus Job-Matching Considerations, Annals of Finance.
16. Chang, Chun, 1999, Capital Structure as Optimal Contracts, North American Journal of Economics and Finance.
17. Chang, Chun, John Boyd, and Bruce Smith, 1998, Moral Hazard under Commercial and Universal Banking, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
18. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 1998, Towards a Model of the Organizations in China as a Partially Reformed Developing Economy, China Economic Review.
19. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 1997, Some Empirical Implications of a Model of Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information, Research in Labor Economics.
20. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 1996, Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information: the Pigovian Conjecture Revisited, Journal of Labor Economics.
21. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 1995, A Framework for Understanding Differences in Employment Stability and Human Capital Investment, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
22. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 1994, The Nature of Township-Village Enterprises, Journal of Comparative Economics.
23. Chang, Chun, 1993, Payout Policy, Capital Structure, and Compensation Contracts when Managers Value Control, The Review of Financial Studies.
24. Chang, Chun, 1992, Capital Structure as an Optimal Contract between Employees and Investors, The Journal of Finance.
25. Chang, Chun, and Yijiang Wang, 1992, Optimal Liquidation Rule and Debt in the Principal-Agent Model, Economics Letters.
26. Chang, Chun, 1991, Asymmetric Information, Corporate Finance, and Investment, The Journal of Finance.
27. Chang, Chun, 1990, The Dynamic Structure of Optimal Debt Contracts, Journal of Economic Theory.
28. Chun Chang and Xiaoming Li, 2020, Universal Banking and Optimal Financial Structure.
29. Chang, Chun, and Sen Li, 2019, Contract Coordination and Uninformative Transfer Prices as the Benefit and Cost of Vertical Integration.
30. Chang, Chun, and Huiyan Qiu, 2019, On the Popularity of and a Comparison of Convertible Preferred and Participating Preferred Equities in Venture Financing.


个人风采+更多 张春:不走寻常路

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