刘铮教授的主要研究领域包括宏观经济学、货币经济学、国际金融。他的多篇论文发表在American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Journal, and Journal of Monetary Economics等核心期刊。他也担任多家学术期刊的副主编。刘教授曾获2016年孙冶方金融创新奖,并多次获得埃默里大学的Teaching Consultation Pairs Award。
1. Zheng Liu, Pengfei Wang, and Zhiwei Xu, Forthcoming, Interest Rate Liberalization and Capital Misallocations, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
2. Sylvain Leduc and Zheng Liu, 2020, The Weak Job Recovery in a Macro Model of Search and Recruiting Intensity, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
3. Chang, Chun, Zheng Liu, Mark M. Spiegel and Jingyi Zhang, 2019, Reserve Requirements and Optimal Chinese Stabilization Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
4. He,Hui,Feng Huang,Zheng Liu,and Dongming Zhu, 2018, Breaking the “iron rice bowl:”Evidence of Precautionary Savings from the Chinese State-owned Enterprises Reform, Journal of Monetary Economics.
5. Liu, Zheng, Mark M. Spiegel, and Andrew Tai, 2017, Measuring the effects of dollar appreciation on Asia: A FAVAR, Journal of International Money and Finance.
6. Liu, Zheng, Jianjun Miao, and Tao Zha, 2016, Land Prices and Unemployment, Journal of Monetary Economics.
7. Leduc, Sylvain and Zheng Liu, 2016, Uncertainty shocks are aggregate demand shocks, Journal of Monetary Economics.
8. Liu, Zheng , 2015, Discussion of Notarpietro and Siviero, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
9. Liu, Zheng and Mark M. Spiegel, 2015, Optimal Monetary Policy and Capital Account Restrictions in a Small Open Economy, Imf Economic Review.
10. Chang, Chun, Zheng Liu, and Mark M. Spiegel, 2015, Capital Controls and Optimal Chinese Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
11. Kevin X.D. Huang, Zheng Liu, and Qi Zhu, 2015, Temptation and Self-Control: Some Evidence and Applications, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
12. Zheng Liu, Pengfei Wang, 2014, Credit Constraints and Self-fulfilling Business Cycles, American Economic Journal.
13. Zheng Liu, 2014, Job Uncertainty and Chinese Household Savings, Economics Letters.
14. Sylvian Leduc, Zheng Liu, 2013, Uncertainty and the Slow Labor Market Recovery , Economics Letters.
15. Zheng Liu, Pengfei Wang and Tao Zha, 2013, Land-Price Dynamics and Macroeconomic Fluctuations, Econometrica.
16. Zheng Liu, Louis Phaneuf, 2013, The Transmission of Productivity Shocks: What Do We Learn about DSGE Modeling?, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique (Annals of Economics and Statistics).
17. Karsten Jeske, Zheng Liu, 2013, Should the Central Bank be Concerned about Housing Prices?, Macroeconomic Dynamics.
18. Zheng Liu, Mark Spiegel, 2012, External Shocks and China’s Monetary Policy, Economics Letters.
19. Sylvain Leduc, Zheng Liu, 2012, Uncertainty, Unemployment, and Inflation, Economics Letters.
20. Zheng Liu, Mark Spiegel, 2011, Boomer Retirement: Headwinds for US Equity Markets?, Economics Letters.
21. Zheng Liu, Justin Weidner, 2011, Does Headline Inflation Converge to Core?, Economics Letters.
22. Zheng Liu, Tao Zha and Dan Waggoner, 2011, Sources of the Macroeconomic Fluctuations: A Regime-Switching DSGE Approach, Quantitative Economics.
23. Zheng Liu, Glenn Rudebusch, 2010, Inflation: Mind the Gap, Economics Letters.
24. Zheng Liu, Dan Waggoner and Tao Zha, 2009, Asymmetric Expectation Effects of Regime Shifts in Monetary Policy, Review of Economic Dynamics.
25. Kevin X.D. Huang, Zheng Liu, Tao Zha, 2009, Learning, Adaptive Expectations, and Technology Shocks, Economic Journal.
26. E. Pappa,Zheng Liu, 2008, Gains from International Monetary Policy Coordination: Does It Pay to be Different?, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
27. Hui He,Zheng Liu, 2008, Investment-Specific Technological Change, Skill Accumulation, and Wage Inequality, Review of Economic Dynamics.
28. L. Phaneuf,Zheng Liu, 2007, Technology Shocks and Labor Market Dynamics: Some Evidence and Theory, Journal of Monetary Economics.
29. K. Huang,Zheng Liu, 2007, Business Cycles with Staggered Prices and International Trade in Intermediate Inputs, Journal of Monetary Economics.
30. K. Huang,Zheng Liu, 2006, Sellers’ Local Currency Pricing or Buyers’ Local Currency Pricing: Does It Matter for International Welfare Analysis?, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
31. K. Huang,Zheng Liu, 2005, Inflation Targeting: What Inflation Rate to Target?, Journal of Monetary Economics.
32. F. De Fiore,Zheng Liu, 2005, Does Trade Openness Matter for Aggregate Instability?, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
33. K. Huang, L. Phaneuf,Zheng Liu, 2004, Why Does the Cyclical Behavior of Real Wages Change Over Time?, The American Economic Review.
34. K. Huang,Zheng Liu, 2004, Input-Output Structure and Nominal Rigidity: The Persistence Problem Revisited, Macroeconomic Dynamics.
35. K. Huang,Zheng Liu, 2002, Staggered Price-Setting, Staggered Wage-Setting, and Business Cycle Persistence, Journal of Monetary Economics.
36. K. Huang,Zheng Liu, 2001, Production Chains and General Equilibrium Aggregate Dynamics, Journal of Monetary Economics.
37. Zheng Liu, 2000, Seasonal Cycles, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy, Journal of Monetary Economics.
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