

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-03



教授介绍:周国富教授现任上海高级金融学院金融学****、圣路易斯华盛顿大学奥林商学院金融学Frederick Bierman and James E. Spears讲席教授。
周国富教授的研究兴趣包括资产定价测试、资产配置、资产组合优化、贝叶斯学习与模型评价、计量经济学、利率期限结构及企业项目实物期权。他在Journal of Finance,Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science等国际著名刊物发表过多篇学术论文,同时合著了Financial Economic一书并参与了包括Advanced Fixed-Income Valuation Tools和Q-finance等书籍的编写。
周国富教授分别于1997,2010和2014年获得华盛顿大学优秀教师称号,1998年获得Marcile and James Reid Chair卓越教学工作奖 ,并于2003及2013年获得华盛顿大学指导在校研究生杰出特别表彰奖。
周国富教授是美国金融学会会员。他还是Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis期刊的副主编,并任Portfolio Management, International Journal of Portfolio Analysis & Management, Annals of Economics and Finance期刊编委。
周国富教授 获得 成都地质学院学士学位,中国科学院成都分院计算数学硕士学, 和 杜克大学经济系博士学位。

1. Dashan Huang. Jiangyuan Li, Liyao Wang, and Guofu Zhou, 2020, Time-Series Momentum: Is It There? , Journal of Financial Economics.
2. Jiang, Lei, Guofu Zhou and Ke Wu, 2020, Asymmetry in Stock Comovements: An Entropy Approach, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
3. Jiang, Fuwei, Guofu Zhou, Joshua Lee and Xiumin Martin, 2019, Manager Sentiment and Stock Returns, Journal of Financial Economics.
4. Gao, Lei, Guofu Zhou, Yufeng Han and Sophia Zhengzi Li, 2018, Market Intraday Momentum, Journal of Financial Economics.
5. Kan, Raymond and Guofu Zhou, 2017, Modeling Non-normality Using Multivariate t: Implications for Asset Pricing, China Finance Review International.
6. Huang, Dashan and Guofu Zhou , 2017, Upper Bounds on Return Predictability, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
7. Rapach, David, Matthew Ringgenberg and Guofu zhou, 2016, Short Interest and Aggregate Market Returns, Journal of Financial Economics.
8. Han, Yufeng, Guofu Zhou and Yingzi Zhu, 2016, A Trend Factor: Any Economic Gains from Using Information over Investment Horizons?, Journal of Financial Economics.
9. Longzhen Fan, Fuwei Jiang, Guofu Zhou, 2015, The Chinese Bond Market: Risk, Return and Opportunities, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
10. Jushan Bai, Guofu Zhou, 2015, Fama-MacBeth Two-pass Regressions: Improving Risk Premia Estimates, Finance Research Letters.
11. Zhou, Guofu, and Yingzi Zhu, 2015, Macroeconomic Volatilities and Long-Run Risks of Asset Prices, Management Science.
12. Huang, Dashan, Fuwei Jiang, Jun Tu, Guofu Zhou , 2015, Investor Sentiment Aligned: A Powerful Predictor of Stock Returns, The Review of Financial Studies.
13. Neely, Christopher J., David E. Rapach, Jun Tu, and Guofu Zhou , 2014, Forecasting the Equity Risk Premium: The Role of Technical Indicators, Management Science.
14. Han, Yufeng, Xiongjian Wang, Guofu Zhou and Heng-fu Zou, 2014, Are There Trends in Chinese Stock Market?, 《金融研究》。
15. Francis Olszweski, Guofu Zhou, 2014, Strategy Diversification: Combining Momentum and Carry Strategies within a Foreign Exchange Portfolio, Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds.
16. Longzhen Fan, Canlin Li, Guofu Zhou, 2013, Preferred-habitat and demand factors in the term structure: Evidence from the Chinese bond market, Journal of Fixed Income.
17. David Rapach, Jack Strauss,and Guofu Zhou , 2013, International Stock Return Predictability: What Is the Role of the United States?, The Journal of Finance.
18. David Rapach, Guofu Zhou, 2013, Forcasting Stock Returns, Handbook of Economic Forecasting .
19. Yufeng Han, Ke Yang,and Guofu Zhou, 2013, A New Anomaly: The Cross-Sectional Profitability of Technical Analysis, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
20. Longzhen Fan, Canlin Li, Guofu Zhou, 2013, The Supply Factor in the Bond Market: Implications for Bond Risk and Return, Journal of Fixed Income.
21. G.Zhou, Sheng Qiang and Yingzi Zhu, 2012, Asset Allocation: Can Technical Analysis Add Value?, International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management.
22. Guofu Zhou, Yingzi Zhu, 2012, Volatility Trading: What Is the Role of the Long-Run Volatility Component?, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
23. Raymond Kan and Guofu Zhou , 2012, Tests of Mean-variance Spanning, Annals of Economics and Finance.
24. Jun Tu, Guofu Zhou, 2011, Markowitz Meets Talmud: A Combination of Sophisticated and Naive Diversification Strategies, Journal of Financial Economics.
25. Jiang,Fuwei, David Rapach, Jack Strauss, Jun Tu and Guofu Zhou , 2011, How Predictable Is the Chinese Stock Market?, 《金融研究》。
26. Aiguo Kong, David E. Rapach, Jack K. Strauss, and Guofu Zhou, 2011, Predicting Market Components Out of Sample: Asset Allocation Implications, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
27. Guofu Zhou and Yingzi Zhu, 2010, Is the Recent Financial Crisis Really a “Once-in-a-Century” Event?, Financial Analysts Journal.
28. Frank J. Fabozzi, Dashan Huang, Guofu Zhou, 2010, Robust Portfolios: Contributions from Operations Research and Finance, Annals of Operations Research.
29. Doron Avramov, Guofu Zhou, 2010, Bayesian Portfolio Analysis, Annual Review of Financial Economics.
30. Ravi Jagannathan, Ernst Schaumburg and Guofu Zhou, 2010, Cross Sectional Asset Pricing Tests , Annual Review of Financial Economics.
31. Raymond Kan, Guofu Zhou, 2010, What Will the Likely Range of My Wealth Be?: Author Response, Financial Analysts Journal.
32. David Rapach, Jack Strauss, Guofu Zhou, 2010, Out-of-Sample Equity Premium Prediction: Combination Forecasts and Links to the Real Economy, The Review of Financial Studies.
33. Todd Gormley, Hong Liu and Guofu Zhou, 2010, Limited Participation, Consumption, and Saving Puzzles: A Simple Explanation and the Role of Insurance, Journal of Financial Economics.
34. Guofu Zhou, 2010, How Much Stock Return Predictability Can We Expect From an Asset Pricing Model?, Economics Letters.
35. Jun Tu and Guofu Zhou, 2010, Incorporating Economic Objectives into Bayesian Priors: Portfolio Choice under Parameter Uncertainty, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
36. Yingzi Zhu, Guofu Zhou, 2009, Technical Analysis: An Asset Allocation Perspective on the Use of Moving Averages, Journal of Financial Economics.
37. Raymond Kan and Guofu Zhou, 2009, What Likely Range of My Wealth Will Be?, Financial Analysts Journal.
38. GuoFu Zhou, 2009, Beyond Black-Litterman: Letting the Data Speak, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
39. G.Zhou, 2008, On the Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management: What Happens if Our Estimates Are Wrong?, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
40. G.Zhou, 2008, On the Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management: How to Make Conditional Investments Unconditionally Optimal?, The Journal of Portfolio Management.
41. G.Zhou, Jay Shanken, 2007, Estimating and Testing Beta Pricing Models: Alternative Methods and Their Performance in Simulations, Journal of Financial Economics.
42. G.Zhou, Raymond Kan, 2007, Optimal Portfolio Choice with Parameter Uncertainty, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
43. G.Zhou, Yongmiao Hong and Jun Tu, 2007, Asymmetries in Stock Returns: Statistical Tests and Economic Evaluation, The Review of Financial Studies.
44. G.Zhou, Raymond Kan, 2006, A New Variance Bound On the Stochastic Discount Factor, Journal of Business Research.
45. G.Zhou, Pin-Huang Chou and Wen-Shen Li, 2006, Portfolio Optimization Under Asset Pricing Anomalies, Japan & the World Economy.
46. G.Zhou, Pin-Huang Chou, 2006, Using Bootstrap to Test Portfolio Effciency, Annals of Economics and Finance.
47. G.Zhou, Jun Tu, 2004, Data-generating Process Uncertainty: What Difference Does It Make in Portfolio Decisions?, Journal of Financial Economics.
48. G.Zhou, Campbell Harvey and Bruno Solnik, 2002, What Determines Expected International Asset Returns, Annals of Economics and Finance.
49. G.Zhou, Pin-Huang Chou and Yuan-Lin Hsu, 2000, Investment Horizon and the Cross Section of Expected Returns: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Annals of Economics and Finance.
50. G.Zhou, Steve Heston, 2000, On Rate of Convergence of Discrete-time Contingent Claims, Mathematical Finance.
51. G.Zhou, Raymond Kan, 1999, A Critique of the Stochastic Discount Factor Methodology, The Journal of Finance.
52. G.Zhou, Raja Velu, 1999, Testing Multi-beta Pricing Models, Journal of Empirical Finance.
53. G.Zhou, 1999, Security Factors as Linear Combinations of Economic Variables, Journal of Financial Markets.
54. G.Zhou, David Beaglehole and Philip Dybvig, 1997, Going to Extremes: Correcting Simulation Bias in Exotic Option Valuation,, Financial Analysts Journal.
55. G.Zhou, John Geweke, 1996, Measuring the Pricing Error of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory,, The Review of Financial Studies.
56. G.Zhou, Christopher Lamoureux, 1996, Temporary Components of Stock Returns: What Do the Data Tell Us, The Review of Financial Studies.
57. G.Zhou, , 1995, Small Sample Rank Tests with Applications to Asset Pricing, Journal of Empirical Finance.
58. G.Zhou, Jack Strauss, 1995, Time to Build Effects and the Term Structure, Journal of Financial Research.
59. G.Zhou, 1994, Analytical GMM Tests: Asset Pricing with Time-varying Risk Premiums, The Review of Financial Studies.
60. G.Zhou, 1993, Asset Pricing Tests Under Alternative Distributions, The Journal of Finance.
61. G.Zhou, Campbell Harvey, 1993, International Asset Pricing with Alternative Distributional Speci, Journal of Empirical Finance.
62. G.Zhou, 1991, Small Sample Tests of Portfolio E±ciency, Journal of Financial Economics.
63. G.Zhou, , 1991, Algorithms for the Estimation of Possibly Nonstationary Vector Time Series, Journal of Time Series Analysis.
64. G.Zhou, Campbell Harvey, 1990, Bayesian Inference in Asset Pricing Tests, Journal of Financial Economics.
65. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang, 1983, On Giuga's Conjecture and a Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Mersenne's Numbers to be Prime, Mathematical Monthly, Chinese Mathematical Society.
66. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang, 1983, On the Diophantine Equation ∑_(k=1)^m?〖k^n=〖(m+1)〗^n 〗, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition .
67. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang, Daqing Wan and Liren Zhao, 1982, On the Diophantine Equation X4 - 2Dy2= 1, Journal of China University of Science and Technology .
68. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang and Daqing Wan, 1982, Remarks on Two Diophantine Equations of the Fourth Order, Annuals of Hunan Mathematical Society.
69. G.Zhou, Chiding Kang, 1980, On Gigua's Conjecture, Journal of Chengdu College of Geology.



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