

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

导师姓名: 殷善开 专业代码: 100213
性别: 男 专业名称: 耳鼻咽喉科学
培养单位: 附属第六人民医院 三级学科/
导师类型: 博士生导师 专业学位导师: 兼
邮编: 200233 邮箱地址: yinshankai@china.com

研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)

上海市医师协会 常务理事
上海市医学会耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学分会 主任委员
中华医学会耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学分会 副主任委员
中国医师协会毕业后医学教育耳鼻咽喉专委会 副主任委员

科研项目 项目编号项目名称课题来源起止年月批准经费承担职责
YG2020YQ12 发热门诊“七不出”防控体系的建立与应用 医工交叉新型冠壮病毒防治攻关专项 2020-02~2020-05 100万元 课题负责人
18DZ** 上海市睡眠呼吸障碍疾病重点实验室 上海市科委技术委员会 2019-01~2020-11 300万元 课题负责人
多基因调控保护噪声性耳蜗关键细胞及突触损伤 国家自然基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目 2018-01~2022-12 234万元 课题负责人
2017-01-07-00-02-E00047 OSAHS致学龄期儿童行为认知障碍的大样本前瞻队列研究 上海市教育委员会 2017-06~2022-05 300万元 课题负责人
** 三峡库区耳鼻咽喉头颈外科先进诊疗技术及远程服务体系的建设 上海市科学技术委员会 2016-07~2017-06 10万元 课题负责人
2016 多巴胺对大鼠舌下神经运动核(HMN)调控机制的研究 上海市第六人民医院预研基金 2016-07~2018-07 60.75万元 课题负责人
** 噪声性聋易感基因及其突变的鉴定和分子机制研究 国家自然科学基金重点项目 2016-01~2020-12 325.8万元 课题负责人
SHDC** 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征舌咽平面阻塞的外科治疗 上海申康医院发展中心 2016-01~2018-12 150万元 课题负责人
DLY201502 重度OSAHS患者中枢神经系统损害及CPAP干预多中心随机对照研究 上海市交通大学医学院 2015-12~2017-01 200万元 课题负责人
14DJ** 耳聋基因的斑马鱼筛选与机制研究(所属项目名称:先天性耳聋的分子致病机制及早期基因筛选) 上海市科学技术委员会 2014-09~2017-08 50万元 子课题负责人
2014CB541700 单基因聋病的基因型表型校正(所属项目名称:单基因遗传性聋病的分子机制研究) 科技部973计划 2014-01~2018-08 401万元 子课题负责人
2013SY040 手法复位治疗BPPV的推广应用 上海卫生系统先进适宜技术推广项目 2014-01~2016-12 55万元 课题负责人
2013DFE33160 靶向性纳米药物治疗老年性 噪音性和婴幼儿听力减退临床前研究 河北博海生物工程开发有限公司 国家国际科技合作专项项目 2013-12~2016-12 22万元 子课题负责人
SHDC** 听神经瘤微创技术研究与治疗策略推广 上海市市级医院适宜技术项目 2013-07~2016-06 20万元 子课题负责人
斑马鱼交叉学科疾病模型的建立和研究 上海市科学技术委员会 2012-10~2014-09 36万元 课题负责人
** miR-96参与老年性聋小鼠DBA/2J毛细胞凋亡的机制 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2012-01~2015-12 65万元 课题负责人
听觉中枢的兴奋模式及耳蜗植入治疗耳鸣(所属项目名称:国产人工耳蜗优化及临床技术研究) 卫生部行业基金 2012-01~2014-12 167万元 子课题负责人
2012BAI12B02 耳源性眩晕机制及诊治方法方案研制 十二五国家科技支撑计划合作 2012-01~2015-12 10万元 课题负责人
S 感应神经性聋发病机制及干预措施的基础研究 973计划 2011-09~2015-12 241.85万元 课题参与人
** XIAP耳蜗局部转染防治耳聋 上海市医学领军人才 2011-01~2013-12 100万元 课题负责人
SHDC** 基于阻塞平面定位的OSAHS外科治疗 上海市市级医院新兴前沿技术联合攻关项目 2010-04~2013-03 150万元 课题负责人
** XIAP耳蜗局部转染防治耳聋 国家****科学基金 2010-01~2013-12 200万元 课题负责人
2009CB526504 XIAP耳蜗局部转染治疗老年性聋的实验研究 973计划前期研究专项 2009-04~2011-09 70万元 子课题负责人
08XD** XIAP耳蜗局部转染对耳聋的防治作用 上海市科委优秀学科带头人计划 2008-08~2010-09 50万元 课题负责人
** XIAP过度表达对顺铂和噪音所致耳蜗损伤的保护作用 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2007-01~2009-12 28万元 课题负责人

学术论文 作者论文标题期刊名出版年卷期页码
Ke Lai1*, Xing-Lei Song*, Hao-Song Shi*, Xin Qi, Chun-Yan Li, Jia Fang, Fan Wang, Oleksandr Maximyuk, Oleg Krishtal, Tian-Le Xu, Xiao-Yan Li, Kun Ni, Wan-Peng Li, Hai-Bo Shi#, Lu-Yang Wang#, Bilirubin enhances the activity of ASIC channels to exacerbate neurotoxicity in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in mice. Science Translational Medicine 2020 12(530):1-1212
Jing-Jing Wang(#), Yan-Mei Feng(#), Hui Wang, Ya-Qin Wu, Hai-Bo Shi, Zheng-Nong Chen(*), Changes in tinnitus after vestibular schwannoma surgery. Sci Rep. 2019 9:文献号: 1743
ZhaoXiaolong(#),LiXinyi(#),XuHuajun,Qian Yingjun,YiHongliang,GuanJian(*), Relationships between cardiometabolic disorders and obstructive sleep apnea: Implications for cardiovascular disease risk JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION 2019 30(1):23-32
Liu Y, Zou J, Li X, Zhao X, Zou J, Liu S, Meng L, Qian Y, Xu H, Yi H, Guan J, Effect?of?the?Interaction?between?Obstructive?Sleep?Apnea?and?Lipoprotein(a)?on?Insulin?Resistance:?ALarge-Scale?Cross-Sectional?Study J Diabetes Res 2019 **
Zhao X, Xu H, Qian Y, Liu Y, Zou J, Yi H, Guan J, Abdominal obesity is more strongly correlated with obstructive sleep apnea than general obesity in China: Results from two separated observational and longitudinal studies Obes Surg. 2019 29(8):2535-2547
Jiajia Feng(#), Qinyi Zhou(#), Hongliang Yi, Shiyin Ma, Dawei Li, Yanan Xu, Jiadong Wang(?) and Shankai Yin(?) A novel lncRNA n384546 promotes thyroid papillary cancer progression and metastasis by acting as a competing endogenous RNA of miR-145-5p to regulate AKT3 Cell Death and Disease 2019 10(文献号:433)
Zou J, Xia Y, Xu H, Fu Y, Qian Y, Li X, Zhao X, Zou J, Meng L, Liu S, Zhu H, Yi H, Guan J, Chen B, Independent relationships between cardinal features of obstructive sleep apnea and glycometabolism: a cross-sectional study. Metabolism. Metabolism 2018 85:340-347.
Wang JJ, Feng YM, Wang H, Wu YQ, Shi HB, Chen ZN, Postoperative efficacy analysis of patients with facial nerve palsy associated with cholesteatoma otitis media: Our experience with 32 patients. Clin Otolaryngol 2018 43(2):732-735
Hengchao Chen, Yazhi Xing, Li Xia, Zhengnong Chen,,corresponding author1 and Jian Wangcorresponding author1,2Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer AAV-mediated NT-3 overexpression protects cochleae against noise-induced synaptopathy Gene Ther 2018 25(4): 251–259.
Haolai Pan , Qiang Song, Yanyan Prevalence and Predictors of Atherogenic Serum LipoproteinDyslipidemia in Women with Obstructive Sleep ApneaHuang, Jiping Wang, Renjie Chai, Auditory Neuropathy after Damage to Cochlear Spiral Ganglion Neurons. Sci Rep 2017 7(1):6409
Liang M,Yin XL,Shi HB,Li CY,Li XY,Song NY,Shi HS,Zhao Y,Wang LY, Bilirubin augments Ca2+ load of developing bushy neurons by targeting specific subtype of voltage-gated calcium channels. Sci Rep 2017 7(1):431
Xia, Yunyan,Fu, Yiqun,Wang, Yuyu,Qian, Yingjun,Li, Xinyi,Xu,Huajun,Zou, Jianyin,,Jian,Yi,Hongliang,Meng,Lili,Tang,Xulan,Zhu,Huaming,Yu,Dongzh,Zhou,Huiqun,Su,Kaiming,Yin, Shankai Prevalence and Predictors of Atherogenic Serum Lipoprotein Dyslipidemia in Women with Obstructive Sci Rep 2017 4.7:41687
Liang, Min(#),Yin, Xin-Lu(#),Wang, Lu-Yang,Yin,,Song,Ning-Ying,Shi, Hai-Bo(*),Li, Chun-Yan(*),Yin, Shan-Kai(*) NAD+ Attenuates Bilirubin-Induced Hyperexcitation in the Ventral Cochlear Nucleus by Inhibiting Excitatory Neurotransmission and Neuronal Excitability. Front Cell Neurosci 2017 01,11:21
Guan J,Yi H,Zou J,Meng L,Tang X,Zhu H,Yu D,Zhou H,Su K,Yang M, Chen H, Shi Y, Wang Y, Wang J, Distinct severity stages of obstructive sleep apnoea are correlated with unique dyslipidaemia: large-scale observational study Thorax. 2016 71(4):347-55.
Xin-Lu Yin,Min Liang,Hai-Bo Shi,Lu-Yang Wang,Chun-Yan Li, The role of gamma-aminobutyric acid/glycinergic synaptic transmission in mediating bilirubin-induced hyperexcitation in developing auditory neurons Toxicology Letters 2016 240(1):1-9
Yunyan Xia,Yiqun Fu,Huajun Xu,Jian Guan,HongliangYi, Changes in cerebral metabolites in obstructive sleep apnea: a systemic review and meta-analysis Scientific RepoRts 2016 6:28712
Qian Y,Yi H,Zou J,Meng L,Tang X,Zhu H,Yu D, Zhou H,Su K,Guan J, Independent Association between Sleep Fragmentation and Dyslipidemia in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Scientific RepoRts 2016 6:26089
Qiang Song,Pei Shen,Xiaowei Li,Lijuan Shi,Lijie Liu,Jiping Wang,Zhiping Yu,Kegan Stephen,Steve Aiken,,Jian Wang Coding deficits in hidden hearing loss induced by noise: the nature and impacts Scientific RepoRts 2016 6:25200
Xu H,Qian Y,Guan J,Yi H, No association between the ApoE ε 2 and ε 4 alleles and the risk of obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis Biomed Rep 2015 3(3):313-318
Xu H, Wang Y, Guan J*, Yi H, Effect of CPAP on Endothelial Function in Subjects With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Meta-Analysis Respir Care 2015 60(5):749-55.
Xu H,Zheng X,Jia W, Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry-Based Biomarkers in the Field of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015 94(40):e1541.
Wang H, Li B, Feng Y, Cui B, Wu H, Shi H*, A pilot study of EEG source analysis based repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of tinnitus PLoS One 2015 10(10):e**.
Xu Y, Zheng X,Qiu Y, Jia W, Wang J*, Distinct Metabolomic Profiles of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Benign Thyroid Adenoma J Proteome Res 2015 14(8):3315-21
Han GY, Li CY, Shi HB, Wang JP, Su KM, Yin XL, Yin SK* Riluzole is a Promising Pharmacological Inhibitor of Bilirubin-Induced Excitotoxicity in the Ventral Cochlear Nucleus. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2015 21(3):262-70
Wang J, Song Q, Yu D, Yang G, Xia L, Su K, Shi H, Wang J, Ontogenetic development of auditory sensory organ in zebrafish (Danio rerio): changes in hearing sensitivity and related morphology Sci Rep 2015 5:15943
Xu H, Guan J, Yi H, A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Association between Serotonergic Gene Polymorphisms and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome PLoS One 2014 9(1):8646-0
Chen Z, Sun X, Zhou H, Shi H, Wu Y, Comparison of Hearing Results of Malleovestibulopexy and Total Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis for Chronic Otitis Media Patients With a Mobile Stapes Footplate Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2014 123(5):343-6
Xu H, Yi H, Guan J, Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on lipid profile in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Atherosclerosis 2014 234(2):446-53
Xu Y, Liu S, Yi H, Wang J, Luo Y, Low prevalence of human papillomavirus in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in Chinese patients. J Med Virol 2014 87(2):281-6
Su K, Zhang W, Shi H, Pedunculated cavernous hemangioma originating in the olfactory cleft. Ear Nose Throat J 2014 93(9):29-33
Ruan Q, Ao H, He J, Chen Z, Yu Z, Zhang R, Wang J, Topographic and quantitative evaluation of gentamicin-induced damage to peripheral innervation of mouse cochleae Neurotoxicology 2014 40():86-96
Song NY, Li CY, Yin XL, Liang M, Shi HB, Han GY, Taurine protects against bilirubin-induced hyperexcitation in rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus neurons Exp Neurol 2014 254():216-23
Wang H, Yu D, Song N, Su K, Delayed diagnosis and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo associated with current practice. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014 271(2):261-4
Xia L, Chen Z, Su K,, Wang J. Comparison of Cochlear Cell Death Caused by Cisplatin, Alone and in Combination with Furosemide Toxicol Pathol 2014 42(2):376-385
Xu Y, Liu S, Yi H, Wang J, Dong P, Li X, Human paoillomavirus infection in 674 Chinese patients with Laryngeal Squamous cell Carcinoma PLoS One 2014 9(12):1159-14
Chen Z, Prasad SC, Di Lella F, Medina M, Piccirillo E, Taibah A, Russo A,, Sanna M. The behavior of residual tumors and facial nerve outcomes after incomplete excision of vestibular schwannomas J Neurosurg 2014 120(6):1278-87
Shi H, Li Y,, Zou J. The predominant vestibular uptake of gadolinium through the oval window pathway is compromised by endolymphatic hydrops in Meniere's disease. Otol Neurotol 2014 35(2):315-22
Zou J, Guan J, Yi H, Meng L, Xiong Y, Tang X, Su K, An effective model for screening obstructive sleep apnea: a large-scale diagnostic study PLoS One 2013 8(12):8070-4
Xia L, Local gene transfection in the cochlea Mol Med Rep 2013 8(1):3-10
Zhou H, Chen Z, Shi H, Wu Y, Categries of auditory performance and speech intelligibility ratings of early-implant children without speech training PLoS ONE 2013 8(1):53-852
Yanmei F, Yaqin W Jian W Shankai Y Yanmei F, Yaqin W Jian W Shankai Y Cochlear implantation in a patient with severe cochlear hypoplasia The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 2012 126(11):1172-5
Feng YM, Xu L, Zhou N, Yang G, Sine-wave speech recognition in a tonal language J Acoust Soc Am 2012 131(2):EL133-8
Su Ru Liu, Hong Liang Yi,, Jian Guan, Bin Chen, Li Li Meng, Jian Yin Zou, Wei Tian Zhang Primary Maxillomandibular Advancement With Concomitant Revised Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty With Uvula Preservation for Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome J Craniofac Surg 2012 23(6):1649-53
Song NY, Shi HB, Li CY, Interaction between taurine and GABA(A)/glycine receptors in neurons of the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus Brain Res 2012 1472:1-10
Liu SR, Yi HL, Guan J, Chen B, Wu HM, Changes in facial appearance after maxillomandibular advancement for severe obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome in Chinese patients: a subjective and objective evaluation nt J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2012 2012 41:1112-1119
Xia Li, Yin S, Inner ear gene transfection in neonatal mice using adeno-associated viral vector: a comparison of two approaches Plos one 2012 7(8):e43218
Huiqun Zhou, Zhengnong Chen, Haibo Shi, Yaqin Wu, Comparisons of auditory performance and speech intelligibility in children with cochlear implants placed using different approaches Otol Neurotol 2012 33(1):26-9
Li CY, Shi HB, Ye HB, Song NY, Minocycline cannot protect neurons against bilirubin-induced hyperexcitation in the ventral cochlear nucleus Exp Neurol 2012 237(1):96-102
Wang H, Murphy R, Taaffe D,, Xia L, Hauswirth WW, Bance M, Robertson GS, Wang J Efficient cochlear gene transfection in guinea-pigs with adeno-associated viral vectors by partial digestion of round window membrane Gene Ther 2012 19(3):255-63.
Song NY, Shi HB, Li CY, Differences in developmental changes in GABAergic response between bushy and stellate cells in the rat anteroventral cochlear nucleus Int J Dev Neurosci 2012 30(5):397-403
Ye HB, Shi HB, Wang J, Ding DL, Yu DZ, Chen ZN, Li CY, Zhang WT, Bilirubin induces auditory neuropathy in neonatal guinea pigs via auditory nerve fiber damage J Neurosci Res 2012 90(11):2201-13
CY Li, HB Shi, HB Ye, NY Song, Bilirubin facilitates depolarizing GABA/glycinergic synaptic transmission in the ventral cochlear nucleus of rats Eur J Pharmacol 2011 25;660(2-3):310-7.
CY Li, HB Shi, HB Ye, NY Song, Bilirubin enhances neuronal excitability by increasing glutamatergic transmission in the rat Toxicology 2011 18;284(1-3):19-25.
Hui Wang, Haibo Shi, Polyamidoamine dendrimers as gene delivery carriers: how to improve transfection efficiency and applications in the inner ear Exp Ther Med 2011 2(5):777-781
Wang H,, Yu Z, Huang Y, Wang J Dynamic changes in hair cell stereocilia and cochlear transduction after noise exposure Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2011 17;409(4):616-21
Ruan Q, Chen D, Wang Z, Chi F, He J, Wang J, Off-channel effect of high-frequency Effects of Kir2.1 gene transfection in cochlear hair cells and application of neurotrophic factors on survival and neurite growth of co-cultured cochlear spiral ganglion neurons Mol Cell Neurosci 2010 43(3):326-39.
Chen Z, Dongzhen, Wu Y, Shi H, Zhou H, Wang J, Miyoshi A, Surgical treatment of labyrinthine fistula caused by cholesteatoma with semicircular canal occlusion Acta Otolaryngol 2010 130(1):75-8
Ruan Q, Chen D, Wang Z, Chi F, He J, Wang J, Effects of Kir2.1 gene transfection in cochlear hair cells and application of neurotrophic factors on survival and neurite growth of co-cultured cochlear spiral ganglion neurons Mol Cell Neurosci 2010 43(3):326-39
Feng Y,, Wang J Deterioration of cortical responses to amplitude modulations of low-frequency carriers after high-frequency cochlear lesion in guinea pigs Int J Audiol 2010 49(3):228-37.
Wang J, Menchenton T,, Yu Z, Bance M, Morris DP, Moore CS, Korneluk RG, Robertson GS. Over-expression of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein slows presbycusis in C57BL/6J mice. Neurobiol Aging 2010 31(7):1238-49
Feng Y,, Kiefte M,Wang J. Temporal resolution in regions of normal hearing and speech perception in noise for adults with sloping high-frequency hearing loss Ear Hear 2010 31(1):115-25
Li CY, Shi HB, Chen ZN, Ye HB, Song NY, Protein kinase A and C signaling induces bilirubin potentiation of GABA/glycinergic synaptic transmission in rat ventral cochlear nucleus neurons Brain Res 2010 12;1348:30-41
Yi HL, Lu WY, Guan J, Wu HM, Cao ZY, Z-palatopharyngoplasty for obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 2009 247(1):40-
Chen B, Yu D,, Yin S Fos expression in the rat vestibular nucleus complex after plugging the three semicircular canals Audiol Neurootol 2009 8;14(4):209-213
Chen Z, Yu D, Wu Y, Zhou H, Shi H, Indications and common surgical approaches for cochlear implantation in China ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 2009 71(4):187-91
Yu D,, Chen Z Effect of baclofen on neuronal activity in the medial vestibular nucleus after unilateral surgical labyrinthectomy in rats Acta Otolaryngol. 2009 129(7):735-40
Chen Z, Yu D, Feng Y, Su K, Wang J, Yin S Off-channel effect of high-frequency overstimulation on duration tuning of low-frequency inferior colliculus neurons in guinea pigs. Acta Otolaryngol 2009 129(12):1451-5
Feng Y, Jian W, Cortical responses to amplitude modulation in guinea pigs and the effects of general anesthesia by pentobarbital Hear Res 2009 140(5):640-5
, Feng Y, Chen Z,Wang J The effect of noise-induced sloping high-frequency hearing loss on the gap response in the inferior colliculus and auditory cortex of guinea pigs Hear Res 2008 239(1-2):126-40.
Ruan Q, Chen D, Wang Z, Chi F,, Wang J Topological and Developmental Expression Gradients of Kir2.1, an Inward Rectifier K Channel, in Spiral Ganglion and Cochlear Hair Cells of Mouse Inner Ear Dev Neurosci 2008 30(6):374-88
, Chen Z, Feng Y, Wang J Local Inhibition Shapes Duration Tuning in The Inferior Colliculus of Guinea Pigs Hear Res 2008 237(1-2):32-48

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  • 上海交通大学医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王慧
    导师姓名:王慧专业代码:100213性别:女专业名称:耳鼻咽喉科学培养单位:附属第六人民医院三级学科/专业领域:导师类型:硕士生导师专业学位导师:兼联系方式:邮编:200233邮箱地址:wangh2014@163.com研究方向(点击浏览详细信息)主观性耳鸣的临床研究噪声性聋的机制及防治耳源性眩晕的 ...
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  • 上海交通大学医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-叶海波
    导师姓名:叶海波专业代码:100213性别:男专业名称:耳鼻咽喉科学培养单位:附属第六人民医院三级学科/专业领域:导师类型:硕士生导师专业学位导师:兼联系方式:宜山路600号耳鼻咽喉头颈外科邮编:200233邮箱地址:yehaibo_2012@163.com研究方向(点击浏览详细信息)慢性鼻窦炎的病 ...
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  • 上海交通大学医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-胡海燕
    导师姓名:胡海燕专业代码:100214性别:女专业名称:肿瘤学培养单位:附属第六人民医院三级学科/专业领域:导师类型:博士生导师专业学位导师:兼联系方式:xuri1104@163.com邮编:200233邮箱地址:xuri1104@163.com研究方向(点击浏览详细信息)肿瘤免疫,非编码RNA功能 ...
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  • 上海交通大学医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵晖
    导师姓名:赵晖专业代码:100214性别:女专业名称:肿瘤学培养单位:附属第六人民医院三级学科/专业领域:导师类型:博士生导师专业学位导师:兼联系方式:ivy25502@hotmail.com邮编:200233邮箱地址:ivy25502@hotmail.com研究方向(点击浏览详细信息)结肠癌细胞微 ...
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  • 上海交通大学医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-沈赞
    导师姓名:沈赞专业代码:100214性别:男专业名称:肿瘤学培养单位:附属第六人民医院三级学科/专业领域:导师类型:博士生导师专业学位导师:兼联系方式:邮编:200233邮箱地址:sshenzzan@vip.sina.com研究方向(点击浏览详细信息)恶性实体肿瘤的耐药及转移机制研究社会任职上海医学 ...
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  • 上海交通大学医学院导师教师师资介绍简介-闵大六
    导师姓名:闵大六专业代码:100214性别:男专业名称:肿瘤学培养单位:附属第六人民医院三级学科/专业领域:导师类型:博士生导师专业学位导师:兼联系方式:上海市浦东新区环湖西三路222号上海市第六人民医院东院邮编:201306邮箱地址:mindaliu1969@163.com研究方向(点击浏览详细信 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-02