

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

导师姓名: 郑吉建 专业代码: 100217
性别: 男 专业名称: 麻醉学
培养单位: 附属儿童医学中心 三级学科/
导师类型: 博士生导师 专业学位导师: 兼
联系方式: zhengjijian626@sina.com
邮编: 200127 邮箱地址: zhengjijian626@sina.com

研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)

上海市医学会麻醉专科委员会小儿麻醉学组 副组长
中国胸心血管麻醉学会心脏病人非心脏手术学会 常委
中国胸心血管麻醉学会小儿麻醉学会 常委
上海市中西结合麻醉与镇痛专业委员会 常委
中国医药教育协会临床用药评价专业委员 理事
上海市麻醉质控专家委员会 委员
中国医药教育协会临床用药评价专业委员会儿童用药分会 委员
中华医学会麻醉学分会 基础学组 委员
中国心胸血管麻醉学会 围术期基础与转化医学分会 委员
《中华麻醉学杂志》 编委

科研项目 项目编号项目名称课题来源起止年月批准经费承担职责
** 自发性节律性神经网络电活动协同有序转换调控Zn2+-MMP2/9-BDNF轴介导全身麻醉药神经发育毒性易感窗口期研究 国家自然基金 2018-01~2021-12 54万元 课题负责人
PKJ2016-Y34 先心患儿合并上呼吸道感染行择期心导管检查与治疗手术麻醉安全与管理优化研究 上海市浦东新区科经委 2016-11~2019-12 20万元 课题负责人
** 复杂性先天性心脏病患儿围术期动态肺功能超声评估体系的建立与评价 上海市科委西医引导类项目 2016-06~2019-06 20万元 课题负责人
2015ZB0106 上海市卫生计生系统重要薄弱学科建设(麻醉学) 上海市卫计委 2016-01~2018-12 150万元 课题参与人
** 兴奋性与抑制性神经网络整合在全身麻醉诱发发育早期中枢神经毒性中的作用及机制 国家自然基金 2013-01~2016-12 65万元 课题负责人
11PJ** G蛋白偶联受体激酶2在Ⅰ型复杂性区域性神经痛综合症中的作用与机制 上海市浦江人才 2011-10~2013-09 20万元 课题负责人

学术论文 作者论文标题期刊名出版年卷期页码
Sen Zhang,Ruidong Zhang,Meihua Cai,Kan Zhang,Mazhong Zhang, Intranasal dexmedetomidine premedication in children with recent upper respiratory tract infection undergoing interventional cardiac catheterisation-A randomised contolled trial European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2020 37:85-90
Bo Li,Ruidong Zhang,Yue Huang,Kan Zhang,Chun Yin Wat,Jie Bai,Mazhong Zhang, Moderate and deep sedation for noninvasive paediatric procedures in tertiary maternity and children’s hospitals in China: a questionnaire survey from China BMC Health Services Research 2020 20:28 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4885-4
Liping Sun,Lei Wu,Kan Zhang,Ruizhen Tan,Jie Bai,Mazhong Zhang, Lung ultrasound evaluation of incremental PEEP recruitment maneuver in children undergoing cardiac surgery Pediatric Pulmonology 2020 DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24720
Kan Zhang,Siyuan Wang,Mengqi Li,Chi Wu,Liping Sun,Sen Zhang,Jie Bai,Mazhong Zhang, Anesthesia Timing for Children Undergoing Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization After Upper Respiratory Infection: A Prospective Observational Study Minerva Anestesiol 2020 DOI:10.23736/S0375-9393.20.14293-7
Lei Wu,Kan Zhang,Liping Sun,Jie Bai,Mazhong Zhang, Laminin degradation by matrix metalloproteinase 9 promotes ketamine-induced neuronal apoptosis in the early developing rat retina CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 2020 DOI: 10.1111/cns.13428
kan zhang,Siyuan Wang,Lei Wu,Yun'an Song,Meihua Cai,Mazhong Zhang, Newborn infant parasympathetic evaluation (NIPE) as a predictor of hemodynamic response in children younger than 2 years under general anesthesia: an observational pilot study BMC Anesthesiology 2019 19:98
Lei Wu,Siyuan Wang,Yanting Wang,Kan Zhang,Jie Bai, Prediction of Hemodynamic Reactivity by Electroencephalographically Derived Pain Threshold Index in Children Undergoing General Anesthesia: A Prospective Observational Study Journal of Pain Research 2019 2019:12:3245–3255
Lei Wu,Qiaoru Hou,Jie Bai,Jianwei Zhang,Liping Sun,Ruizhen Tan,Mazhong Zhang, Modified Lung Ultrasound Examinations in Assessment and Monitoring of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure-Induced Lung Reaeration in Young Children With Congenital Heart Disease Under General Anesthesia Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2019 20(5):442-449
Lingqi Gao, Junde Han, Jie bai, Jing Dong, Sen Zhang, Mazhong Zhang, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors are Associated with Ketamine-induced Neuronal Apoptosis in the Developing Rat Retina Neuroscience 2018 376:1-12
Lei Wu, Qiaoru Hou, Yingying Lu, Jie Bai, Liping Sun, Yue Huang, Mazhong Zhang, Feasibility of lung ultrasound to assess pulmonary overflow in congenital heart disease children Pediatric Pulmonology 2018 53(11):1525-1532
Sen Zhang, Shaoli Ding, Meihua Cai1, Jie Bai, Mazhong Zhang, Yue Huang, Impact of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections on Perioperative Outcomes of Children Undergoing Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterisation Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2018 62(7):915-923
Zifeng Xu, Tao Xu, Puwen Zhao, Rui Ma, Mazhong Zhang, Differential Roles of the Right and Left Toe Perfusion Index in Predicting the Incidence of Postspinal Hypotension During Cesarean Delivery ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA 2017 125(5):1560-1566
Junde Han,Lingqi Gao,Jing Dong,Yingtian Wang, Mazhong Zhang, Dopamine attenuates ethanol-induced neuroapoptosis in the developing rat retina via the cAMP/PKA pathway Molecular Medicine Reports 2017 16:1982-1990
Junde Han, Lingqi Gao, Jing Dong, Jie Bai, Mazhong Zhang, The expression profile of developmental stage-dependent circular RNA in the immature rat retina Molecular Vision 2017 23:457-469
Jing Dong, Lingqi Gao, Junde Han, Junjie Zhang, Dopamine Attenuates Ketamine-Induced Neuronal Apoptosis in the Developing Rat Retina Independent of Early Synchronized Spontaneous Network Activity Molecular Neurobiology 2017 54:3407–3417
Wenqing Lu,, Lingqi Gao, Yingtian Wang A comparison of classic laryngeal mask airway insertion between lightwand- and standard index finger–guided techniques Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2016 33, 309–314
Lingqi Gao, Junde Han, Yingtian Wang, Jing Dong, The stress peptide PACAP-38 protects neurons against ketamine-induced apoptosis in developing rat retina International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2016 9(3):5987-5995
Yinan Yu, Jing Dong, Zifeng Xu, Hao Shen, Pleth variability index-directed fluid management in abdominal surgery under combined general and epidural anesthesia J Clin Monit Comput 2015 29 (1): 47-52
Lingqi Gao, Guangze Zheng, Junde Han, Yingtian Wang, Effects of prophylactic ondansetron intervention on spinal anesthesia-induced hypotension: A meta-analysis International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2015 24:335–343
Li Yang, Jun Tang, Jing Dong, Alpha2-adrenoceptor-independent inhibition of acetylcholine receptor channel and sodium channel by dexmedetomidine in rat superior cervical ganglion neurons Neuroscience 2015 289: 9-18
Jun Tang, Jing Dong, Li Yang, Lingqi Gao, Paroxetine alleviates rat limb post-ischemia induced allodynia through GRK2 upregulation in superior cervical ganglia Int J Clin Exp Med 2015 8(2): 2065-2076
Jing Dong, Li Yang, Jun Tang, Dexmedetomidine alleviates rat post-ischemia induced allodynia through GRK2 upregulation in superior cervical ganglia Autonomic Neuroscience-Basic & Clinical 2015 187: 76-83
Chengmi Zhang, Zhengmeng Wang, Jinmin Zhang, Haibo Qiu,Yuming Sun, Liqun Yang, Feixiang Wu,, Weifeng Yu Competitive inhibition of the nondepolarizing muscle relaxant rocuronium on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in the rat superior cervical ganglia Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 2014 63(5): 428-433
Jing Dong, Lingqi Gao, Wenqing Lu, Zifeng Xu, Pharmacological interventions for acceleration of the onset time of rocuronium: a meta-analysis PLos One 2014 e114231
Jinhong Wu, Jing Dong, Yingchun Ding, Role of anterior neck soft tissue quantifications by ultrasound in predicting difficult laryngoscopy Medical Science Monitor 2014 20: 2343-2350
Chengmi Zhang, Zhengmeng Wang, Jing Dong, Ruirui Pan, Haibo Qiu, Jinmin Zhang, Peng Zhang,, Weifeng Yu Bilirubin modulates acetylcholine receptors in rat superior cervical ganglionic neurons in a bidirectional manner Scientific Reports 2014 4: 7475
Wenqing Lu, Jing Dong, Zifeng Xu, Hao Shen, The pleth variability index as an indicator of the central extracellular fluid volume in mechanically ventilated patients after anesthesia induction: Comparison with initial distribution volume of glucose Medical Science Monitor 2014 20: 386-392
Zifeng Xu, Jianhai Zhang, Hao Shen, Assessment of pulse oximeter perfusion index in pediatric caudal block under basal ketamine anesthesia The Scientific World Journal 2013 183493, 6 pages
, Seunghoon Lee, Z Jimmy Zhou A transient network of intrinsically bursting starburst cells underlies the generation of retinal waves Nature neuroscience 2006 9(3) : 363-371
Mohsin Md Syed, Seunghoon Lee,, Z Jimmy Zhou Stage-dependent dynamics and modulation of spontaneous waves in the developing rabbit retina Journal of Physiology 2004 560 (Pt 2), 533-49.
, Seunghoon Lee, Z.Jimmy Zhou A Developmental Switch in the Excitability and Function of the Starburst Network in the Mammalian Retina Neuron 2004 44: 851-864

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