

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02


现招收2021级博士生、硕士生,欢迎随时联系! 本课题组长期招录博士后,欢迎随时联系。

1、基本信息 姓名:邱惠斌







[1] Fang Wang, Fuwei Gan,Chengshuo Shen, and Huibin Qiu*. Amplifiable SymmetryBreaking in Aggregates ofVibrating Helical Molecules. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c06932.
[2] Fang Wang,Huibin Qiu,* and Chuanliang Feng*.Wrapping Chiral Nanoribbons intoCoiled and CondensedMicrostructures in Supramolecular Hydrogels.Adv. Funct.Mater. 2020, 30, **.
[3] Yiwei Kang, Xujiang Yu,* Xinyang Fan, Aodenggerile, Shengzhe Zhao, Chunlai Tu,Zhiqiang Yan, Ruibin Wang,* Wanwan Li, andHuibin Qiu*. Tetramodal Imaging andSynergistic Cancer Radio-Chemotherapy Enabled by Multiple ComponentEncapsulated Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks.ACS Nano2020, 14, 4336?4351.
[4] Chengshuo Shen, Fuwei Gan, Guoli Zhang, Yongle Ding, Jinghao Wang, RuibinWang, Jeanne Crassous, Huibin Qiu*. Helicene-Derived Aggregation-Induced Emission Conjugates with Highly Tunable Circularly Polarized Luminescence.Mater. Chem. Front.2020, 4, 837?844. (Front cover)
[5] Jiandong Cai, Chen Li,Na Kong, Yi Lu, Geyu Lin, Xinyan Wang, Yuan Yao,Ian Manners,*Huibin Qiu*.Tailored multifunctional micellar brushes via crystallization-driven growth from a surface.Science2019, 366, 1095?1098. (Highlighted by Science 2019, 366, 1078?1079).
[6] Yan Zhou, Fuwei Gan, Yuanliang Zhang, Xiaozhen He, Chengshuo Shen, Huibin Qiu,*Peifeng Liu*.Selective Killing of Cancer Cells by Nonplanar AromaticHydrocarbon-Induced DNA Damage.Adv. Sci.2019, **.
[7] Hongyan Zhu, Xinyan Wang, Yan Cui, Jiandong Cai, Feng Tian,* Jie Wang,* Huibin Qiu*. Blooming of Block Copolymer Micelles into Complex Nanostructures on Surface.Macromolecules2019, 52, 3479–3485.
[8]Huibin Qiu,* Alex M. Oliver, Jessica Gwyther, Jiandong Cai, Robert L. Harniman,Dominic W. Hayward, Ian Manners*. Uniform Toroidal Micelles via the Solution Self-Assembly of Block Copolymer?Homopolymer Blends Using a “FrustratedCrystallization” Approach.Macromolecules2019, 52, 113?120.
[9] Jiandong Cai, Kenneth P. Mineart, Xiaoyu Li, Richard J. Spontak,* Ian Manners,* andHuibin Qiu*. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Toroidal Micelles into Multidimensional Nanoporous Superstructures.ACS Macro Lett.2018, 7, 1040?1045.(Front cover)
[10] Rebecca A. Musgrave, Paul Choi, Robert L. Harniman, Robert M. Richardson, Chengshuo Shen, George R. Whittell, Jeanne Crassous,Huibin Qiu,* Ian Manners*.Chiral Transmission to Cationic Polycobaltocenes over Multiple Length Scales Using Anionic Surfactants.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018, 140, 7222?7231.
[11] Abaid Ullah Malik,? Fuwei Gan,? Chengshuo Shen,* Na Yu, Ruibin Wang, Jeanne Crassous, Mouhai Shu,*Huibin Qiu*.Chiral Organic Cages with a Triple-Stranded Helical Structure Derived from Helicene.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018, 140, 2769?2772. (? Contributed equally)
[12]Huibin Qiu,?Yang Gao,?Charlotte E. Boott,?Oliver E. C. Gould,?Robert L. Harniman,?Mervyn J. Miles,Stephen E. D. Webb, Mitchell A. Winnik, and Ian Manners*.Uniform Patchy and Hollow Rectangular Platelet Micelles from Crystallizable Polymer Blends.Science2016, 352, 697?701. (?,?Contributed equally, highlighted byScience2016, 352, 656?657)

Before independent:

[1] HuibinQiu, Zachary M. Hudson, Mitchell A. Winnik,* Ian Manners*. Multidimensional Hierarchical Self-Assemblyof Amphiphilic Cylindrical Block Comicelles. Science 2015, 347,1329?1332. (Highlighted by Science 2015, 347, 1310?1311; C&E News 2015, vol. 93, iss. 13, p. 31)
[2] HuibinQiu, Yang Gao, Van An Du, Mitchell A. Winnik,* Ian Manners*. Branched Micelles by Living Crystallization-DrivenBlock Copolymer Self-Assembly under Kinetic Control. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 2375?2385.
[3] HuibinQiu, Van An Du, Mitchell A. Winnik,* Ian Manners*. Branched Cylindrical Micelles viaCrystallization-Driven Self-Assembly. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013,135, 17739?17742.
[4] HuibinQiu, Graeme Cambridge, Mitchell A. Winnik,* Ian Manners*. Multi-Armed Micelles and Block Co-micellesvia Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly with Homopolymer Nanocrystals asInitiators. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 12180?12183.(Highlighted by Nature Chemistry 2013, 5, 733?734; JACS Spotlight: 2013, 135,13221)
[5] Huibin Qiu, Joe B. Gilroy, Ian Manners*. DNA-Induced Chirality in Water-SolublePoly(cobaltoceniumethylene). Chem. Comm. 2013, 49,42?44.
[6] Huibin Qiu, Giuseppe Russo, Paul A. Rupar, LaurentChabanne, Mitchell A. Winnik,* Ian Manners*. TunableSupermicelle Architectures from the Hierarchical Self-Assembly of AmphiphilicCylindrical B-A-B Triblock Co-Micelles. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 11882?11885.
[7] Huibin Qiu,? Junjie Xie,? Shuai Che*. Formation of Chiral Mesostructured Porphyrin-SilicaHybrids. Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 2607?2609. (? Contributed equally)
[8] Huibin Qiu, Shunai Che*. Chiral Mesoporous Silica: Chiral Constructionand Imprinting via Cooperative Self-Assembly of Amphiphiles and Silica Precursors. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 1259?1268.
[9] Huibin Qiu, Yoshihisa Inoue, Shunai Che*.SupramolecularChiral Transcription and Recognition by Mesoporous Silica Prepared by ChiralImprinting of a Helical Micelle. Angew. Chem., Int.Ed. 2009, 48, 3069?3072.
[10]Huibin Qiu,? Cheng Yang,? Yoshihisa Inoue,* Shunai Che*. Supramolecular Photochirogenesiswith Cyclodextrin-Silica Composite. EnantiodifferentiatingPhotocyclodimerization of 2-Anthrancenecarboxylate with Mesoporous SilicaWall-Capped -Cyclodextrin. Org. Lett. 2009, 11,1793?1796. (? Contributed equally)
[11] Huibin Qiu, YasuhiroSakamoto,* Osamu Terasaki,Shunai Che*. A 2D-Rectangular p2gg Silica Mesoporous Crystal with EllipticalMesopores: An Intermediate Phase of Chiral and Lamellar Mesostructures. Adv.Mater. 2008, 20, 425?429.

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