Home Page of Hongze Li
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Field of Research: Analytic Number Theory, Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Problems. The Hardy-Littlewood Circle method. The theory and applications of exponential sums. Dirichlet L-Function. Email address: lihz@sjtu.edu.cn Thank you for visiting my web site. This page is still in constant modification, so please come often to see the changes. This page was last updated on 10/11/2014. |
Publications list
48.Hongze Li & Hao Pan, Erratum to "Bounded gaps between primes of a special form" . International Mathematics Research Notices, no.21,2016(2016),6732-6734. published online May 23, 2016,doi:10.1093/imrn/rnw047.(pdf)
47.Hongze Li & Hao Pan, Bounded gaps between primes of a special form . International Mathematics Research Notices, no.23,2015(2015),12345-12365.published online March 9, 2015, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnv049. (pdf)
46.Zhen Cui,Hongze Li & Boqing Xue,On sums of sparse prime subsets.Acta Math Sinica,English Series, no.8, 29(2013), 1535-1542.(pdf)
45.Zhen Cui,Hongze Li & Boqing Xue, Long arithmetic progressions in A + A + A with A a prime subset. J of Number Theory, no.7,132(2012),1572-1582.(pdf)
44.Hongze Li & Hao Pan, A Schur-type addition theorem for primes. J of Number Theory, no.1,132(2012),117-126.(pdf)
43.Hongze Li & Hao Pan, Monochromatic integers adding to polynomials of prime variables. Combinatorica, no.1, 31(2011),67-83.(pdf)
42. Yunjie Wang& Hongze Li, On s-dimensional incomplete Kloosterman Sums. J of Number Theory, no.7,130(2010), 1602–1608.(pdf)
41.Hongze Li & Hao Pan,A density version of Vinogradov's three primes theorem, Forum Mathematicum, no.4, 22(2010), 699-714.(pdf)
40.Zhen Cui & Hongze Li, Small prime solutions of a pair of linear equations in five prime variables, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, no.3, 26(2010), 569-578.(pdf)
39. Hongze Li & Hao Pan,Primes of the form [α p+β], J of Number Theory, no.10,129(2009),2328-2334.(pdf)
38. Hongze Li & Hao Pan,Difference sets and Polynomials of prime variables,Acta Arith, no.1, 138 (2009), 25-52.(pdf)
37. Hongze Li & Hao Pan,The Romanoff theorem revisited, Acta Arith. no.2, 135(2008), 137-142.(pdf)
36. Hongze Li, Sums of one prime and two prime squares. Acta Arith. no.1, 134(2008), 1-9. (pdf)
35 . Hongze Li & Jie Wu, Sums of almost equal prime squares. Funct.Approx.Comment.Math. 38 (2008), no. 1, 49--65. (pdf)
34 .Hongze Li, Representation of odd integers as the sum of one prime, two squares of primes and powers of 2,Acta Arith. No.3, 128(2007), 223-233.(pdf)
33 .Hongze Li & Jie Wu, The universality of symmetric power L-functions and their Rankin-Selberg L- functions, J.Math.Soc.Japan, no.2, 59(2007). 371−392.(pdf)
32 .Hongze Li, Four prime squares and powers of 2 , Acta Arith,no.4, 125 (2006), 383-391.(pdf)
31.Hongze Li, & R.J.Mcintosh, On pairs of linear equations in three prime variables, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, no.5, 20(2004), 837-850.(dvi)
30.Hongze Li, The exceptional set for the sum of a prime and a square, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, no 1-2, 99(2003), 99-117. ( dvi)
29.Hongze Li, A numerical bound for small prime solutions of a pair of linear equations in five variables, ( in Chinese), Chinese Ann.Math.Ser.A, no.6, 24(2003), 765-776. (dvi) (pdf)
28.Hongze Li, A hybrid of theorems of Goldbach and Piatetski-Shapiro, Acta Arith, no.4, 107(2003), 307-326. (dvi)(pdf)
27.Hongze Li, A numerical bound for small prime solutions of some binary equations, Science in China, Series A.no.1, 46(2003), 48-63. (pdf) (dvi)
26 .Hongze Li, Small prime solutions of linear ternary equations, Acta Arith, no.3, 98(2001),293-309. (dvi)
25 .Hongze Li, The number of powers of 2 in a representation of large even integers by sums of such powers and of two primes(II), Acta Arith, no.4, 96(2001),369-379. (dvi)
24.Hongze Li, Cubic Diophantine inequalities, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, no.1, 17(2001), 153-160.(dvi)
23.Hongze Li, The number of powers of 2 in a representation of large even integers by sums of such powers and of two primes, Acta Arith, no.3, 92(2000),229-237.(dvi)
22.Hongze Li, The exceptional set of Goldbach numbers(II), Acta Arith, no.1, 92(2000),71-88. (dvi)
21.Hongze Li, The exceptional set of Goldbach numbers, Quart.J.Math.Oxford, no.200(1999),471-482.(dvi)
20.Hongze Li, Zero-free regions for Dirichlet L-functions , Quart.J.Math.Oxford, no.197(1999),13-23.
19.Hongze Li, Diagonal cubic equations, Acta Arith, no. 3, LXXXI(1997), 199-227.
18.Hongze Li, Primes in short intervals, , Math.Proc.Camb.Phil.Soc, no. 2, 122(1997),193-205.
17.Hongze Li, Waring’s problem for sixteen powers, Science in China, no.1,39(1996),56-64.
16.Hongze Li,On the number of finite non-isomorphic Abelian groups in short intervals, Math.Proc.Camb.Phil.Soc, no. 1, 117(1995), 1-5.
15.Hongze Li, Goldbach numbers in short intervals, Science in China, no.6, 38(1995),641-652.
14. Hongze Li, Waring’s problem for sixteen powers, (in Chinese), Science in China,no. 11, 25 (1995),1130-1138.
13.Hongze Li, Goldbach numbers in short intervals, (in Chinese), Science in China,no.3,25(1995),225-234.
12.Hongze Li, The solubility of certain diophantine inequalities, Acta Math. Sinica,no.2,11(1995),137-145.
11.Hongze Li, The divisor problem for arithmetic progressions, Chin. Sci. Bull,no.4,40(1995),265-267.
10.Hongze Li, On the distribution of a nk (mod 1), (in Chinese), Acta Math. Sinica .no.1,37(1994),122-127.
9.Hongze Li, Almost primes in short intervals, Science in China, no.12,37(1994),1428-1441.
8.Hongze Li, Almost primes in short intervals, (in Chinese), Science in China,no.8,24(1994),785-794.
7.Hongze Li, The divisor problem for arithmetic progressions, (in Chinese), Chin. Sci. Bull,no.4,39(1994),293-294.
6.Hongze Li, On the upper bound of solutions of additive equations, (in Chinese), J. Shandong University,no.1,28(1993),30-35.
5.Hongze Li, On Waring's problem for ninth and tenth powers, (in Chinese), J. Shandong University,no.1,27(1992),1-11.
4. Hongze Li, On Diophantine inequalities, (in Chinese), Advance in Math,no.3,21(1992),350-358.
3.Hongze Li,The distribution of f(n) (mod 1) ,(in Chinese),Advance in Math, no.2,21(1992),216-221.
2.Hongze Li, Some new estimations of G(k) in Waring’s problem, (in Chinese), Acta Math Sinica,no.1,33(1990),135-144.
1. Hongze Li, The distribution of k-free numbers, (in Chinese), Chinese Quart. J. Math ,no.4,3(1988),10-16.