

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

姓名: 崔可航
职称: 副教授
博导/硕导: 博导
所属二级机构: 复合材料研究所
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路800号上海交通大学材料学院A楼
邮编: 200240
E-mail: cuikehang@sjtu.edu.cn

从事专业: 材料科学与工程/工程热物理
学习与工作简历: 2004.09-2008.07 山东大学 能源与动力工程学院学士
2008.09-2011.07 山东大学 能源与动力工程学院硕士
2011.10-2014.09 东京大学 机械工程系 博士
2014.10-2015.08 东京大学 机械工程系 特任研究员
2015.08-2018.11 麻省理工学院 机械工程系/航空航天系 博士后研究员
2018.12-至今 上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授

研究方向一 能源材料与器件
研究方向二 微纳尺度传热传质
研究情况 主要研究领域包括:(1) 复合材料微尺度结构的增材制造及其光学、热物理性能;(2) 纳米光子学与微纳尺度热辐射调控;(3) 高温太阳能转换器件。在Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, AdvancedEnergy Materials, JACS等国际权威期刊上发表了20余篇高影响学术论文,得到了国内外同行和媒体的广泛关注与高度评价,研究成果被MaterialsViews, NIKKEI Industrial News等媒体转载报道。曾主持日本国家级科研项目JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (15K17983) 一项,获得了纳米碳材料学会颁发的青年研究奖,多次在国际学术会议上做特邀报告,并长期担任Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Sci., ACS Appl. Mater.Interf.等能源材料领域期刊的审稿人。在科技成果的产业化方面,申请人拥有美国专利授权1项、并已与日本电装Denso公司开展技术转化,另有日本专利2项,中国专利1项,美国专利申请3项。

讲授主要课程 ORCID: 0000-0002-1768-0845, ResearcherID:B-1382-2018
[1] Kehang Cui*, Shigeo Maruyama*, Manufacturing andFunctionalization of Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes Architectures for PlanarHeterojunction Solar Cells, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2018,70, 1-21(IF: 25.242)
[2] Kehang Cui*, Paul Lemaire, Hangbo Zhao, Tim Savas,Gregory Parsons, A. John Hart*, Tungsten-carbon nanocomposite photonic crystalsas thermally stable spectral-selective absorbers and emitters forthermophotovoltaics, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018,** (IF: 21.875)
[3] Zhenhua Rui*, Kehang Cui*, Xiaoqing Wang, JungchunChun, Yuwei Li, Zhien Zhang, Jun Lu, Gang Chen, Xiyu Zhou, Shirish Patil, “AComprehensive Investigation on Performance of Oil and Gas Development:Technical and Non-Technical Analyses”, Energy, 2018, 158, 666-680 (IF:4.968)
[4] Ashley Kaiser, Itai Stein, Kehang Cui, Brian L.Wardle, Process-morphology scaling relations quantify self-organization incapillary densified nanofiber arrays, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2018, 20, 3876-3881 (IF: 3.906)
[5] Kehang Cui*, Yang Qian, Il Jeon, Anton Anisimov,Yutaka Matsuo, Esko I. Kauppinen, Shigeo Maruyama*, Scalable and solid-stateredox functionalization of transparent single-walled carbon nanotube films forhighly efficient and stable solar cells, Advanced Energy Materials, 2017,7, ** (IF: 21.875)
[6] Kehang Cui, A.John Hart, Optical devices for efficient emission and/or absorption ofelectromagnetic radiation, and associated systems and methods, USPatent Appl. US62,426,793 A1
[7] Kehang Cui, Brian L. Wardle, Synthesis of carbon-basednanostructures using eutectic compositions. US Patent Appl. US 62,519,115 A1
[8] Kehang Cui,Brian L. Wardle, Fabrication of carbon-based nanostructures on metallicsubstrates, including aluminum-containing substrates. US Patent Appl. US 62,780,116 A1
[9] Shigeo Maruyama, Shohei Chiashi, Kehang Cui, Filmcomprising single-layer carbon nanotubes and having dense portions and sparseportions, process for producing same, and material including said film andprocess for producing same, US Patent US 9,847,181 B2
[10] Kehang Cui, Akihito Kumamoto, Rong Xiang, Hua An,Benjamin Wang, Taiki Inoue, Shohei Chiashi, Yuichi Ikuhara, Shigeo Maruyama,*Synthesis of Subnanometer-Diameter Vertically Aligned Single-Walled CarbonNanotubes with Copper-Anchored Cobalt Catalyst, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 1608-1617 (IF: 7.233)
[11] Kehang Cui,* Shigeo Maruyama,* Carbon Nanotube-SiliconSolar Cells: Improving performance for next-generation energy systems, IEEENanotechnology Magazine, 2016, 10,34-41
[12] Andrew. S. Westover, Junho Choi, Kehang Cui, Taiki.Inoue, Rong Xiang, Shohei Chiashi, S. Maruyama, Cary. L. Pint*, Load dependentfrictional response of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube films, ScriptaMaterialia, 2016, 125, 63-67 (IF: 4.163)
[13] Kehang Cui, Xiao Chen, Takaaki Chiba, Shohei Chiashi,Shigeo Maruyama, Structured Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube and Graphene forSolar Cells, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15, 3107-3110(IF: 1.483)
[14] Shigeo Maruyama, Yutaka Matsuo, JEON Il, CUI Kehang,Esko I Kauppinen, Albert G Nasibulin, Light-Transmitting Electrode HavingCarbon Nanotube Film, Solar Cell, Method for Producing Light-TransmittingElectrode Having Carbon Nanotube Film, and Method for Manufacturing Solar Cell, USPatent Appl. US 15,507,935 A1
[15] Il Jeon, Kehang Cui, Albert G. Nasibulin, Esko I. Kauppinen,Shigeo Maruyama*, Yutaka Matsuo*, Direct and Dry Deposited Single-Walled CarbonNanotube Films Doped with MoOx as Electron-Blocking Transparent Electrodes forFlexible Organic Solar Cells, Journal of the American Chemical Society,2015, 137, 7982-7985 (IF: 14.357)
[16] Kehang Cui, AntonS Anisimov, Takaaki Chiba, Shunjiro Fujii, Hiromichi Kataura, Albert Nasibulin,Shohei Chiashi, Esko Kauppinen, Shigeo Maruyama,* Air-Stable High-EfficiencySolar Cells Using Dry-Transferred Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films, Journalof Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2,11311-11318 (IF: 9.931)
[17] Kehang Cui, Takaaki Chiba, Shuichiro Omiya, TheerapolThurakitseree, Pei Zhao, Shunjiro Fujii, Hiromichi Kataura, Erik Einarsson,Shohei Chiashi, Shigeo Maruyama,*Self-Assembled Microhoneycomb Network of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes forSolar Cells, Journal of Physical ChemistryLetters, 2013, 4, 2571-2576 (IF: 8.709)
[18] Gongming Xin, Kehang Cui, Yong Zou, LinCheng*, Reduction of effective thermal conductivity for sintered LHP wicks, InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 53, 2932-2934 (IF: 3.891)
[19] Kehang Cui,Gongming Xin, Yong Zou, Lin Cheng*, Effective Thermal Conductivity of Loop HeatPipe Wicks, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2010, 9, 028
[20] Gongming Xin, Kehang Cui, Yong Zou, Lin Cheng*,Development of sintered Ni-Cu wicks for loop heat pipes, Science China TechnologicalSciences, 2009, 52, 1607-1612 (IF: 1.938)

毕业博士生数 常年招收具有材料学与工程热物理背景的博士及硕士研究生。
参加学术团体、任何职务 Materials ResearchSociety (MRS), Optical Society of America (OSA), American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME)
申请专利 获授权美国发明专利1项,美国发明专利申请5项
荣誉和奖励 日本纳米碳材料学会YoungScientist Award
相关话题/上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院