

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

姓名: 沈耀
职称: 教授
博导/硕导: 博导
所属二级机构: 相变与结构研究所
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路800号交通大学材料学院A楼509B
邮编: 200240
E-mail: yaoshen@sjtu.edu.cn
联系电话: 86-

从事专业: 材料科学
学习与工作简历: 1989.09-1994.06 清华大学机械工程系本科
19970.3-1999.05 美国俄亥俄州立大学材料系硕士
2001.09-2004.08 美国俄亥俄州立大学材料系博士
2004.12-2006.07 上海交通大学材料学院讲师,副教授,博导
2009.01-2009.04 俄亥俄州立大学材料系访问****
2010.12-2011.02 香港大学机械系访问****
2010年 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划
2012.01-至今 教授, 博导

研究方向一 材料力学行为微介观机制的实验与理论模拟研究
研究方向二 极端条件下材料行为的计算模拟
研究情况 近年主要从事材料先进金属结构材料的微介观变形与强化机理研究,采用晶体塑性有限元、相场模型、位错理论分析及位错动力学和分子动力学等多尺度模拟分析手段,研究高强钢、镁合金、铝合金及复合材料等先进结构材料的位错滑移、孪生、相变、扩散等微介观机制及断裂损伤与变形等宏观过程。正在开展超高应变速率及高温高压和辐照等极端条件下材料行为和辐照条件下微小样品设计与数据处理等项研究。近期也开展了电脉冲在材料加工与处理过程中的效应及机理研究,早期还从事了表面工程方面的实验研究。负责国家挑战计划和重点研发项目课题各一项,国家自然科学基金项目四项。负责美国因特尔公司、美国通用汽车公司和日本大金公司等国际知名公司横向合作项目多项,及宝山钢铁公司、中国科学院和中国工程物理研究院等单位横向合作项目多项。
讲授主要课程 材料力学、材料强度学
教学研究 本科生参与科研的指导方法探索
代表性论文、论著 1.JiaweiMa, Haiting Liu, Qi Lu*, Yong Zhong, Li Wang, Yao Shen*, Transformationkinetics of retained austenite in the tensile Lüders strain range in medium Mnsteel, Scripta Materialia, 169(2019) 1-5
2.JiaweiYan, Wei Li, Haiting Liu, Yao Shen*, Reversion of sub-boundaries into densedislocations in aluminum by electric pulsing treatment, Scripta Materialia 167 (2019) 86-90.
3.LinWeng, Tongxiang Fan*, Mao Wen, Yao Shen*, Three-dimensional multi-particle FEmodel and effects of interface damage, particle size and morphology on tensilebehavior of particle reinforced composites, Composite Structures 209 (2019) 590–605
4.JiaweiYan, Jiawei Ma, Jian Wang, and Yao Shen*, Strength and Ductility with DualGrain-Size
and Texture Gradients in AZ31Mg Alloy, Metallurgical and MaterialsTransaction A, 49 (2018) 5333-5338
5.JiaweiMa, Qi Lu*, Li Sun, Yao Shen*, Two-Step IntercriticalAnnealing to Eliminate Lüders Band in a Strong and Ductile Medium Mn Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A,49(2018) 4404-4408
6.GuisenLiu, Jian Wang, Yao Shena*, Density functional theory study of {101n} twinboundaries of Zn under high pressure, ComputationalMaterials Science 151 (2018) 106–116
7.HaitingLiu, Yao Shen*, ShuangYang, Pengfei Zheng, Lei Zhang. A comprehensive solution to miniaturizedtensile testing: Specimen geometry optimization and extraction of constitutivebehaviors using inverse FEM procedure, FusionEngineering and Design 121 (2017) 188–197.
8.MingyuGong, John P. Hirth, Yue Liu, Yao Shen* & Jian Wang*, Interfacestructures and twinning mechanisms of twins in hexagonal metals, Materials Research Letters, 5 (2017)449-464.
9.YuruiWu, Yao Shen*, Kaiguo Chen, Yuying Yu, Guo He, Peidong Wu. Multi-scalecrystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM) simulations for shear banddevelopment in aluminum alloys, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 711 (2017) 495-505.
10.DongyueXie, Jiawei Yan, Yangxin Li*, Dong Qiu, Guilin Wu, Xiaodong Wang, BinChen, Yao Shen*, Guozhen Zhu. Ordered stacking faults within nanosizedsilicon precipitates in aluminum alloy, MaterialsLetters, 190 (2017) 225-228.
11.GuisenLiu, Xi Cheng, Jian Wang, Kaiguo Chen, Yao Shen*. Quasi-periodicvariation of Peierls stress of dislocations in face-centered-cubic metals. International Journal of Plasticity, 90(2017) 156-166.
12.GuisenLiu, Xi Cheng, Jian Wang, Kaiguo Chen, Yao Shen*. Atomically informednonlocal semi-discrete variational Peierls-Nabarro model for planar coredislocations. Scientific Reports, 7(2017) 43785.
13.GuisenLiu, Xi Cheng, Jian Wang, Kaiguo Chen, Yao Shen*. Improvement ofnonlocal Peierls-Nabarro models. ComputationalMaterials Science, 131 (2017) 69-77.
14.YangxinLi, Jian Wang, Kaiguo Chen, Meiyue Shao, Yao Shen*, Li Jin* &Guo-zhen*. Self-patterning Gd nano-fibers in Mg-Gd alloys. Scientific Report, 6 (2016) 38537.
15.HaitingLiu, Yao Shen* , Jiawei Ma, et al. Grain Size Dependence of UniformElongation in Single-Phase FCC/BCC Metals. Journalof Materials Engineering and Performance, 25 (2016) 1-7.
16.Wei Li, YaoShen*, Chaoying Xie,Highthermal stability of submicron grained Cu processed by asymmetrical rolling, Materials and Design, 105 (2016)404–410.
17.YuruiWu, Yao Shen*, Peidong Wu, Kaiguo Chen, Yuying Yu, Guo He, A two-stepapproach to predict shear band development with crystal plasticity finiteelement method (CPFEM), InternationalJournal of Solids andStructures, 96 (2016) 265-273.
18.Wei Li, YaoShen* Haiting Liu, Yuan Wang, Wenjun Zhu and Chaoying Xie,Non-octahedral-like dislocation glides in aluminum induced by athermal effectof electric pulse, Journal of MaterialsResearch, 31 (2016) 1193-1200.
19.GuisenLiu, Xi Cheng, Jian Wang, Kaiguo Chen, Yao Shen*, Peierls stress inface-centered-cubic metals predicted from an improved semi-discrete variationPeierls-Nabarro model, ScriptaMaterialia, 120 (2016) 94–97.
20.LiZhang, Yao Shen*, Haibo Wan, Xiaochuan Xiong, Lanting Zhang, The studyof Widmanstätten ferrite in Fe-C alloys by a phase field model coupled withanisotropic elasticity, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds 650 (2015) 239-247.
21.LiZhang, Yao Shen*, Lei Zhang, Yanming Wang, Xiaochuan Xiong, LantingZhang, Competing effects of interface anisotropy and isotropic driving force onthe growth of steady state shape in phase-field modeling, Computational Materials Science, 111 (2016) 313-321.
22.Wei Li, YaoShen* et al, Effects of electric pulse on the annealing induced hardeningbehavior of submicron grained Cu,Materials Science and Technology (UK), 31(2015) 1577-1582.
23.Xu He, YaoShen* et al, Modeling the evolution of interfacemorphologies in metallic layered composites, JOM, 67 (2015) 1486-1490.
24.LinWeng, Yao Shen* et al, A study of interface damage on mechanicalproperties of particle reinforced composites, JOM, 67 (2015) 1-6.
25. 邓洁, 马佳伟, 许以阳, 沈耀*. (2015). 马氏体的分布对双相钢微观变形行为和力学性能的影响. 金属学报 9 (2015) 1092-1100.
26.HaiboWan, Yao Shen*, Xu He, Jian Wang, Modeling of Microstructure Evolutionin Metallic Multilayers with Immiscible Constituents, JOM, 65(2013)443-449.
27.JianWang, Yao Shen, Structure - property - functionality relationships inbimetal composites, JOM, 64 (2012)1190-1191.
28.HaiboWan, Yao Shen*, Jian Wang, Zhiqiang Shen, Xuejun Jin, A predictive modelfor microstructure evolution in metallic multilayers with immiscibleconstituents, Acta Materialia, 60(2012) 6869-6881.
29.HaiboWan, Yao Shen*, XuejunJin, Youxing Chen, Jian Sun, Effects of coherency stress and vacancysources/sinks on interdiffusion across coherent multilayer interfaces - Part I:Theory, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012)2528–2538.
30.HaiboWan, Yao Shen*, XuejunJin, Youxing Chen, Jian Sun, Effects of coherency stress and vacancysources/sinks on interdiffusion across coherent multilayer interfaces - PartII: Interface sharpening and intermixing rate, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 2539–2553.
31.XiCheng, Yao Shen*, LeiZhang, Xiaohui Liu, Surface effect on the screw dislocation mobility over thePeierls barrier, Philosophical MagazineLetters, 92 (2012) 270-277.
32.WeiZeng, Yao Shen*, Ning Zhang,Xiaoxu Huang*, Jeff Wang, Guoyi Tang and Aidang Shan, Rapid hardening inducedby electric pulse annealing in nanostructured pure Aluminum, Scripta Materialia, 66 (2012) 147–150.
33.JiayiLiu, Mingjiang Jin, Chang Ni, YaoShen, Genlian Fan, Zi Wang, Yafei Zhang, Caifu Li, ZhiquanLiu, and Xuejun Jin*, Strain glassybehavior and premartensitic transition in Au7Cu5Al4 alloy, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 84(2011) 140102(R).
34.HaiboWan, Yao Shen*, Wei Zeng and Qiulong Chen, The nanoindentation-inducedcracking of thin silicon chips, Nanomaterialsand Nanotechnology Letters, 2 (2010) 327-331.
35.HaiboWan, Yao Shen*, A plastic-damage model for finite element analysis ofsilicon cracking under indentation, Journalof Materials Research, 25 (2010) 2224-2237.
36. XiaohuiLiu, Jianfeng Gu, Yao Shen, Ju Li, Changfeng Chen, Lattice dynamicalfinite-element method, Acta Materialia,58 (2010) 510-523.
37.Yao Shen*, XiCheng, Dislocation movement over the Peierls barrier in the semi-discretevariational Peierls framework, ScriptaMaterialia, 61 (2009) 457-460.
38.Yao Shen*, YangLi, Zhuliang Li, Haibo Wan, Pulin Nie, An improvement on the three-dimensionalphase-field microelasticity theory for elastically and structurallyinhomogeneous solids, Scripta Materialia,60 (2009) 901-904.
39.YaoShen*,PeterAnderson; Transmission of a screw dislocation across a coherent, non-slippinginterface, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 55 (2007)956-979.
40.Yao Shen*, PeterM. Anderson, Transmission of a screw dislocation across a coherent, slippinginterface, Acta Materialia, 54(2006) 3941–3951.
41.PulinNie, Yao Shen*, QiuLong Chen, Xun Cai, Effects of residual stresseson interfacial adhesion measurement, Mechanicsof Materials, 41 (2009) 545-552.
42.Xiaohui.Liu, Jianfeng Gu, Yao Shen and Changfeng Chen; Anisotropy in homogeneousdislocation nucleation by nanoindentation of single crystal Cu, ScriptaMaterialia,58 (2008) 564-567.
43.KaiFeng, Yao Shen*,Hailin Sun, Dongan Liu, Quanzhang An, Xun Cai, Paul K. Chu, Conductiveamorphous carbon-coated 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates in polymerelectrolyte membrane fuel cells, InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (2009) 6771-6777.
44.KaiFeng, Yao Shen, Dongan Liu, Paul K. Chu, Xun Cai, Ni–Cr Co-implanted316L stainless steel as bipolar plate in polymer electrolyte membrane fuelcells, International Journal of HydrogenEnergy, 35(2010) 690 -700.
45. KaiFeng, Yao Shen*, Jianming Mai, Dongan Liu, Xun Cai, Aninvestigation into nickel implanted 316Lstainless steel as bipolar plate for PEM fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 182 (2008) 145-152.
46. Hua Dai, Yao Shen *, Jing Wang, Ming Xu, Liuhe Li, Xiaoling Li, Xun Cai, Paul K.Chu. Fabrication for multilayered composite thin films by dual-channel vacuumarc deposition," Review ofScientific Instruments, 79(2008)065104.
47. Hua Dai, Yao Shen*, Hong Zhou, Xun Cai, Effects of step slope on thicknessmeasurement by optical interferometry for opaque thin films, Thin SolidFilms, 516 (2008) 1796–1802.
48. Hua Dai, Yao Shen*, Liuhe Li, Xiaoling Li, Xun Cai, Paul K. Chu. A flexiblecurvilinear electromagnetic filter for direct current cathodic arc source. Reviewof Scientific Instruments, 78 (2007)095103.
49. PulinNie, Yao Shen*, Xun Cai, Qiulong Chen. Influence of Residual stresses onthe interfacial toughness measurement by Cross-Sectional Nanoindentation, Key Engineering Materials, 353 (2007)400-403.
50. Yao Shen*, PeterM. Anderson. Research Note: a 2D Peierls Model for Screw DislocationTransmission across a Coherent Interface, TMSLetters, 1 (2004) 17-18
51. LuminGeng, Yao Shen, Robert H. Wagoner*. Anisotropic hardening equationsderived from reverse-bend testing, InternationalJournal of Plasticity. 18 (2002) 743-767.*通讯作者

毕业博士生数 8
毕业硕士生数 15
参加学术团体、任何职务 中国材料研究学会计算材料学分会委员、中物院冲击波物理与爆轰物理国防重点实验室学术委员会委员、《高压学报》编委
申请专利 作为第一发明人,授权专利15项,申请中专利2项
荣誉和奖励 上海市科学技术奖二等奖2008年;上海交通大学优秀班主任
相关话题/上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院