

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

办公室:电院 2-337

n 主要研究方向: 面向纳米网络的分子通信技术、数字全息三维成像与测量。
n 作为项目第二负责人参与国家重点研发计划课题一项、主持国家自然科学基金一项、上海市自然科学基金一项、上海交大科研启动基金一项,参与2项国家自然科学基金项目,作为第一合作者参与上交医工交叉基金项目多项等。n 共发表论文30余篇,其中作为第一作者和唯一通讯作者发表中科院二区以上+IEEE Transactions文章10篇,包括Optics Letters、Optics Express、IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience等。n 指导本科学生获得2017年上海交通大学优异学士学位论文(top 1%)。n 参与国际学术交流和国际会议的组织:n 担任通信领域旗舰会议2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC):分子通信分会技术委员会委员;担任国际会议2018 icOPEN (International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering)委员会委员;n 2018年受邀在国际会议icOPEN (International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering)做邀请报告。2017年受邀在国际应用光学与光子学技术交流会(AOPC)做邀请报告。
n Ph.D 2012 Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Engineering
n 硕士 2007 天津大学,电子信息学院,通信工程
n 本科 2005 天津大学,电子信息学院,通信工程
n 副教授 2019.01-至今 上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院
n 讲师 2013.08-至今 上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院
n 访问**** 2014.09-2015.03 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学,电子信息系

n 研究方向:u 纳米网络中基于分子扩散的新通信机制研究。u 基于干涉的形貌形变测量:数字全息技术、散斑干涉技术。n 科研项目:• 2019-2022,上海市自然科学基金,课题名称:基于纳米机器构建纳米网络分子通信实验平台与相关理论研究,负责人。
• 2016-2020,国家重点研发计划课题,课题名称:散斑数字比较全息测量系统(项目批准号:2016YFF**),220项目第二负责人。
• 2015-2017, 国家自然科学基金,项目名称:多CCD和多照明角并用提高数字全息三维成像性能的新孔径合成方法(项目批准号:**),25万元,负责人
• 2013-2016, 上海交通大学科研启动基金,项目名称:数字全息三维成像方法中深度误差的研究,10万元,负责人。
• 2018-2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称:婴幼儿指纹识别若干关键问题研究(项目批准号:**),65万元,参与。
• 2016-2018,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目名称:无力传感器策略和可逆向驱动机构并用提高手术机器人触觉感知性能的新方法研究(项目批准号:**),23万元,参与。
• 2016-2018,上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金面上项目, 项目名称:亲和性微/纳米纤维膜重建盆底功能的研究,20万,第一合作者。
n 代表性论文(*代表通讯作者):
• Zhongke Ma, Hao Yan* and Lin Lin , “Electric Field Assisted Molecular Communication for High Data Rate Transmission”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Under Review, 2019. (SCI, 本科生一作)
Hao Yan, Chiyue Liu, Jun long, Ping Cai, Qian Kemao, Anand Asundi, “Investigation of the Axial Error Caused by the Space Variant Effect in Digital Holography”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.112: pp: 16-25, 2019. (SCI, IF3.388,中科院二区)
• L. Lin, Q. Wu, M. Ma, H. Yan*, “Concentration-Based Demodulation Scheme for Mobile Receiver in Molecular Communication”, Nano Communication Networks, vol. 20, 2019. (SCI, IF:2.070)
• L. Lin, Z. Luo, Q. Wu, H. Yan*, “High-Accuracy Distance Estimation for Molecular Communication Systems via Diffusion”, Nano Communication Networks, vol. 19, 2019, 47-53. (SCI, IF:2.070)
• Ge Chang, Lin L, Hao Yan*. “Adaptive Detection and ISI Mitigation for Mobile Molecular Communication”, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience,Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 21-35, 2018. (SCI, IF:2.158, 分子通信领域顶级期刊). (本科生一作)
Hao Yan, G. Chang, Z. Ma, L. Lin, “Derivative Based Signal Detection for High Data Rate Molecular Communication System”, IEEE Communications Letters,22(9) 1782-1785, 2018. (SCI, IF = 2.723, JCR Q2)
• Lin Lin, Qian Wu, Fuqiang Liu, and Hao Yan*, "Mutual Information and Maximum Achievable Rate for Mobile Molecular Communication Systems", IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp.507-517, 2018. (SCI, IF:2.158, 分子通信领域顶级期刊).
• Z. Luo, L. Lin, W. Guo, S. Wang, F. Liu, H. Yan, “One Symbol Blind Synchronization in SIMO Molecular Communication Systems”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp: 530-533, 2018. (SCI, IF = 3.096, 中科院二区).
• S. Huang, L. Lin, H. Yan, J. Xu, F. Liu, “Mean and Variance of Received Signal in Diffusion-Based Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE GLOBECOM(通信领域旗舰会议), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2018, accepted.
• Stijn Bettens, Hao Yan*, David Blinder, Heidi Ottevaere, Colas Schretter, Peter Schelkens. "Studies on the sparsifying operator in compressive digital holography", Optics Express, Vol. 25, Issue 16, pp. 18656-18676, 2017. (SCI, IF3.356,中科院二区)
• Xinye Fu, Chao Zuo, Hao Yan*, “Multimodal Quantitative Phase and Fluorescence Imaging of Cell Apoptosis”, In:Fifth International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering. International Society for Optics and Photonics, p. 1044-6, 2017.
• Wenxiu Hou, Fangfang Xia, Gabriel Alfranca, Hao Yan, Xiao Zhi, Yanlei Liu, Chen Peng, Chunlei Zhang, Jesus Martinez de la Fuente, Daxiang Cui, Nanoparticles for multi-modality cancer diagnosis: Simple protocol for self-assembly of gold nanoclusters mediated by gadolinium ions, Biomaterials, Volume 120, Pages 103-114, 2017.( SCI IF = 8.806, 中科院一区)
• Lin L, Li F, Ma M, Hao Yan*. “Oscillation of Nanomachines Based on Molecular Diffusion with Noises”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(11): 3559-3567, 2017. (SCI, IF = 2. 617, JCR Q2)
• Lin L, Zhang J, Ma M, Hao Yan*. "Time synchronization for molecular communication with drift.", IEEE Communications Letters,21(3) 476-479, 2017. (SCI, IF = 2.723, JCR Q2)
• Q. Wu, L. Lin, Z. Luo, M. Ma, F. Liu, H. Yan, “Achievable Rate for A Mobile Molecular Communication System”, International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2017), Xiamen, China, November 6-9, 2017, pp. 838-843 (Invited paper).
• Facai Yan, Hao Yan*,Yingjie Yu,Wenjing Zhou,Anand Asundi. "The suppression of phase error by applying window functions to digital holography.",Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.86: pp: 206-215, 2016. (SCI, IF3.388,中科院二区)
Yan Hao*, Chang Ge, Sun Tianhao, Xu Yingzhan, Ma Zhongke, Zhou Tao. “Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks”.Nano Biomedicine and Engineering”,Vol.8, Issue 4, pp. 274-287, 2016.
• Lin, Lin, C Yang, M Ma, Hao Yan*. "A clock synchronization method for molecular nanomachines in bionanosensor networks.",IEEE Sensors Journal,16(19): 7194-7203, 2016. (SCI, IF = 2.617, JCR Q2)
• L. Lin, F. Li, M. Ma, H. Yan, “Synchronization of Bio-Nanomachines Based on Molecular Diffusion”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 19, pp. 7267-7277, 2016. (SCI IF = 2.617, JCR Q2).
Hao Yan, Bing Pan, “Three-dimensional displacement measurement based on the combination of digital holography and digital image correlation”, Optics Letters, Vol. 39 Iss. 17, pp. 5166-5169, 2014. (SCI, IF3. 589, 中科院二区)
Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Impact of charge-coupled device size on axial measurement error in digital holographic system”, Optics Letters, Vol. 38, Iss. 8, pp. 1194–1196 (2013). (SCI, IF3.589, 中科院二区)
Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Studies on aperture synthesis in digital Fresnel holography”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 50, Iss. 4, pp. 556–562 (2012). (SCI, IF3.388, 中科院二区)
Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Resolution analysis of a digital holography system”, Applied Optics, Vol.50,Iss.2,pp.183–193(2011). (SCI, IF:1.748, JCR Q2)
• Yongfu Wen, Weijuan Qu, Haobo Cheng, Hao Yan, and A. Asundi , “Further investigation on the phase stitching and system errors in digital holography”, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 266-276 (SCI, 2015).
Hao Yan, David Blinder, Stijn Bettens, Heidi Ottevaere, Adrian Munteanu and Peter Schelkens, “CDF 9/7 Wavelets as Sparsifying Operator in Compressive Holography”, The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2015.
• Facai Yan, Hao Yan*, and Anand Asundi, “The Phase Error Reduction Using Window Functions in Digital Holography”, Proc. SPIE9449, The International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2014), 94490O (February 20, 2015).
Hao Yan, Chao Ping Chen, Yikai Su, "Influence of Space Variant Effect on Axial Error in Digital Holography,"inProc. Society for Information Display, 2014, 46.4.
Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, "Resolution Analysis of In-line Digital Holography" in OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), CWB4.
Hao Yan*, Ailing Tian, Anand Asundi, “ChallengesofDigitalHolographyinMicro-optical Measurement”, ProceedingsofSPIE,Vol.7522,2010.
Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Comparison of Digital Holographic Microscope and Confocal Microscope methods for characterization of micro-optical diffractive components”, ProceedingsofSPIE,Vol.7155,Pages:B1550-B1550,2008.
Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Calibration of Pizeo Rotation Nanopositioning Stage by Digital Holographic System”, Physics Procedia 19, 169-172 (2011).
n 教学
n 学生培养:
n Stijn Bettens, 课题:数字全息,比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学,2014-2017,与Prof. Peter Schelkens合作指导
n 隆军,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2017-至今,与蔡萍教授合作指导
n 郑瑞丰,课题:分子通信,上海交通大学,2018-至今,独立指导
n 母小冬,课题:分子通信,上海交通大学,2018-至今;独立指导
n 张悦萌,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2018-至今,与蔡萍教授合作指导
n 刘持越,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2017-至今,与蔡萍教授合作指导
n 李鹏飞,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2016-至今,与蔡萍教授合作指导
n 王婷婷,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2016-2017,与蔡萍教授合作指导
n 颜发才,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2013-2015,与赵辉教授合作指导
n 常歌,课题:分子通信,上海交通大学,2016-2017.07,独立指导。获得2017年上海交通大学优异学士论文,赴美国UCSD大学读硕士。
n 游讴韩,课题:数字全息,上海交通大学,2016-2017.07,独立指导。获得2017年上海交通大学电信学院优秀学士论文,赴美国杜克大学读硕士。
n 马钟柯,课题:分子通信,上海交通大学,2016-2018.09,赴美国UCSD大学读硕士。

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