09/2004-03/2009 上海交通大学自动化系攻读博士学位(硕博连读)
09/1989-07/1993 上海交通大学自动控制系攻读学士学位
04/2011 至今 上海交通大学自动化系副研究员
05/2011-12/2011 香港科技大学化学与分子工程系助理研究员
04/2009-04/2011 上海交通大学仪器科学工程系博士后
09/2002-06/2004 四川德阳杰特工程公司工程师
05/1999-09/2002 四川鼎天电子产业有限公司软件工程师
06/1998-05/1999 新加坡星域控制工程公司成都分公司销售工程师
10/1995-06/1998 中国第二重型机械集团公司设计研究院电气工程师
07/1993-10/1995 汕头海洋集团公司助理工程师
1. 预测控制嵌入式高效算法及实现策略的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目
2. 随机系统输出反馈预测控制理论及算法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目
3. 城市排水管网系统的建模、优化运行与控制方法及应用, 国家自然科学基金重点项目
4. 大数据环境下的复杂城市交通系统预测与控制,国家自然科学基金重点项目
5. 大型造船多分段全自主焊接双臂机器人的关键技术与装备, 国家863项目
6. 城市交通路网协同优化控制原型系统研究, 上海市科技创新计划
1. Chengjue Yuan, Xiangxiang Yu, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. Overall Traffic Mode Prediction by VOMM Approach and AR Mining Algorithm with Large Scale Data, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions, to appear. (SCI, EI)
2. Jianbo Lu, Yugeng Xi, Dewei Li*. Stochastic model predictive control for probabilistically constrained Markovian jump linear systems with additive disturbance, International Journal of Nonlinear and Robust control(SCI, EI).
3. Qiu Wu, Yugeng Xi, Zoltan Nagy, Dewei Li*. A real-time optimization framework for the time-varying economic environment, Computers & Chemical Engineering, to appear. (SCI, EI)
4. Lulu Pan, Haibin Shao, Mehran Mesbahi, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. Structural Balance of Multiplex Signed Networks: A Distributed Data-driven Approach, Physical A, to appear. (SCI, EI)
5. Yunwen Xu; Dewei Li*; Yugeng Xi. Stochastic traffic modeling and decentralized signal control based on a state transition probability model. IET Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions to appear. (SCI, EI)
6. Yunwen Xu; Dewei Li*; Yugeng Xi; Jian Lan; Tengfei Jiang Improved Predictive Controller on FPGA by Hardware Matrix Inversion IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018,65(9):7395-7405 (SCI, EI)
7. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. Output-feedback model predictive control for stochastic systems with multiplicative and additive uncertainty, International Journal of Nonlinear and Robust control, 2018, 28(1): 86-102 (SCI, EI).
8. Jianbo Lu, Yugeng Xi, Dewei Li*. Model predictive control synthesis for constrained Markovian jump linear systems with bounded disturbance , IET Control Theory & Applications, 2017,11(18):3288-3296 (SCI, EI).
9. Jianbo Lu, Yugeng Xi, Dewei Li*. Model predictive control design for polytopic uncertain systems by synthesizing multi-step prediction scenarios, International Journal of System Science, 2018, 49(2): 344-357 (SCI, EI).
10. Yuangqiang Zhou, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. Asynchronous Distributed Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Networked Systems with Constrained Weakly Interconnected Dynamics, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2018, 12(4): 504-514 (SCI, EI).
11. Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi, Jingyi Lu, Furong Gao. Synthesis of real-time-feedback-based 2D ILC-MPC for constrained batch processes with unknown input nonlinearity, I&ECR, 2016, 55(51): 13074-13084 (SCI, EI).
12. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. H-\infty predictive control with probabilistic constraints for linear stochastic systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2017, 11(4): 557-566 (SCI, EI).
13. Haibin Shao, Mehran Mesbahi, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. Inferring Centrality from Network Snapshots, Scientific Reports, 2017,7: 40642 (SCI, EI).
14. KIL HOIL, Li Dewei*, Xi Yugeng, Jiwei Li. Model predictive control with on-line model identification for anaerobic digestion processes, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 128: 63-75 (SCI, EI).
15. Dewei Li*, Jiwei Li, Yugeng Xi, Furong Gao. The synthesis of mixed H2/H∞ robust model predictive control with separated performance formulations and its ISpS analysis, International Journal of control, 2017,90(12):2721-2733 (SCI, EI).
16. KIL HOIL,Xi Yugeng, Li Dewei*. A new waste characterization methodology for anaerobic digestion based on ADM1, Chemical Engineering Communications, 2017, 204(12): 1428-1444 (SCI, EI).
17. Yuanyuan Zou, James Lam, Yugang Niu, Dewei Li. Constrained Predictive Control Synthesis for Quantized Systems with Markovian Data Loss, Automatica, 2015,55:217-225 (SCI, EI).
18. Zhou Bin,Li Dewei,Lin Zongli. Control of Discrete-Time Periodic Linear Systems with Input Saturation via Multi-Step Periodic Invariant Set, International journal of robust and nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(1):103-124 (SCI, EI).
19. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi, Jianbo Lu. Improved Robust Model Predictive Control with guaranteed H2/H∞ performance for Polytopic Systems. Transactions of the institute of Measurment and Control, 2015,37(7): 892-899 (SCI, EI).
20. Lihui Cen, Yugeng Xi, Dewei Li*, Yigang Cen. Boundary Feedback Control of Open Canals with a Riemann Invariants Approach. Transactions of the institute of Measurement and Control, 2015,37(7): 900-908 (SCI, EI).
21. He Huang, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi. Mixed H_2/H_\infty Robust Model Predictive Control with Saturated Inputs, International journal of systems science, 2014,45(12):2565-2575 (SCI, EI).
22. Kai Li, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi, Debin Yin. Model Predictive Control with Feedforward Strategy for Gas Collectors of Coke Ovens, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22(7): 769-773 (SCI, EI).
23. Dewei Li*, Furong Gao, Yugeng Xi. Separated Design of Robust Model Predictive Control of LPV Systems with Periodic Disturbances, Journal of Process Control, 2014,24(1):250-260 (SCI, EI).
24. Yang Lu, Dewei Li*, Zhuhua Xu, Yugeng Xi. Convergence Analysis and DSP Implementation of A Discrete-Time RNN - MPC With Application to ASU System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014,61(12):7035-7045 (SCI, EI).
25. Jiwei Li, Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi . Multi-Step probabilistic sets in model predictive control for stochastic systems with multiplicative uncertainty, IET control theory & applications, 2014,8(16):1698 – 1706(SCI, EI).
26. Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi, Furong Gao. Synthesis of Dynamic Output Feedback Robust Model Predictive Control with Saturated inputs. Automatica, 2013, 49(4): 949-954 (SCI, EI).
27. Lu jianbo, Li Dewei*, Xi Yugeng. Constrained Model Predictive Control Synthesis for Uncertain Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Linear Systems. IET control theory and applications, 2013, 7(5): 707--719 (SCI, EI).
28. Dewei Li*, Yugeng Xi, Zongli Lin. An improved design of aggregation-based model predictive control, Systems & Control Letters, 2013,62(11): 1082-1089 (SCI, EI).
29. Pengyuan Zheng, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi, and Jun Zhang. Improved model prediction and RMPC design for LPV systems with bounded parameter changes. Automatica, 2013, 49(12):3695–3699 (SCI, EI).
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
相关话题/上海交通大学 自动化系
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王贺升职称:教授研究方向:视觉伺服、机器人控制、服务机器人办公地址:电信群楼2-509办公电话:电子邮箱:wanghesheng@sjtu.edu.cn实验室主页:http://robotics.sjtu.edu.cn/ ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-卢俊国
卢俊国职称:教授,博导研究方向:智能机器人及其系统,视觉测量与图像图形处理,人工智能(智能对抗等),分数阶控制系统,混沌与复杂网络研究办公地址:电信群楼2-533办公电话:电子邮箱:jglu@sjtu.edu.cn实验室主页:http://robotics.sjtu.edu.cn/欢迎2021级研究 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-王利生
王利生职称:教授办公地址:电信群楼2号楼439房间办公电话:,**电子邮箱:lswang@sjtu.edu.cn科研方向研究领域包括:三维医学图像的分析与可视化及其临床应用、计算机辅助的智能影像诊断及其临床应用、计算机辅助的手术规划及其临床应用、图像图形处理、机器视觉及其工业应用、非线性系统分析等。 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-王易因
王易因职称:研究员研究方向:无线网络的信号处理、无线传感器网络的定位与跟踪、无线宽带通信。目前专注水下网络系统,可以招收博士生。办公地址:电信群楼2-528电子邮箱:yiyinwang@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页:https://yiyinwang.github.io/中心网站:http://i ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-王琳
王琳职称:教授研究方向:多自主体系统、复杂网络办公地址:电信群楼2-543办公电话:电子邮箱:wanglin@sjtu.edu.cn实验室网页:http://cnc.sjtu.edu.cn/ ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学自动化系导师教师师资介绍简介-杨博
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赵群飞职称:教授研究方向:智能机电控制系统设计理论与方法、视觉伺服与工业测控系统、数码图像处理技术办公地址:电信群楼2-441办公电话:电子邮箱:zhaoqf@sjtu.edu.cn ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01