

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

吴静怡 教授
电子邮件 jywu@sjtu.edu.cn

教育背景 1996.9-2000.5上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程专业博士
1986.9-1989.1上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程专业硕士
1982.9-1986.7上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程专业学士

工作经历 1989.1-1992.5,上海交通大学 动力机械工程系, 助教
1992.6-1994.12,上海交通大学 动力机械工程系, 讲师
1994.12-2000.12,上海交通大学 动力与能源工程学院, 副教授
2000.12-至今,上海交通大学 动力与能源工程学院,教授
2007.6-2012.12 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,副院长
2012.12-2014.6 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,党委书记
2014.6-至今 上海交通大学 副教务长、教务处处长

研究方向 航天热环境模拟系统及其控制

科研项目 1.2020/01-2024/12,国家自然科学基金重点项目,低温推进剂在轨状态的热力学机理研究,负责人

代表性论文专著 【著作】
1. 王如竹,吴静怡,代彦军等著,《吸附式制冷》,北京,机械工业出版社,2002年
2. 王如竹,王丽伟,吴静怡等著,《吸附式制冷理论与应用》,北京,机械工业出版社,2008年
3. 陈芝久,吴静怡主编,《制冷装置自动化》,北京,机械工业出版社,2010年
1.Yang, G., Chu, X., Vaikuntanathan, V., Wang, S., Wu, J., Weigand, B., & Terzis, A. (2020). Droplet mobilization at the walls of a microfluidic channel. Physics of Fluids, 32(1), 012004.
2.程鑫, 黄永华, 吴静怡, 张国庆, 耑锐, 张亮卜, 劭华.(2020). 基于磁补偿的液氧悬浮可视化验证实验研究. 真空与低温.
3.Huang, Y. Y., Yang, G., & Wu, J. Y. (2019). Large eddy simulation and experimental study of turbulent mixed convection inside a cavity with large Rayleigh number: Effect of buoyancy. Building and Environment, 151, 268-279.
4.Yang, K., Wu, J., Li, C., Xiang, Y., & Yang, G. (2019). Efficient method to obtain the force field for CO2 adsorption on zeolite 13X: Understanding the host–guest interaction mechanisms of low-pressure adsorption. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(1), 544-556.
5.Li, C. Y. , Shen, Y. , Wu, J. Y. , Dai, Y. J. , & Wang, C. H. . (2019). Experimental and modeling investigation of an integrated biomass gasifier-engine-generator system for power generation and waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 199C.
6.吕蓉蓉, 吴静怡, 陈康, 蔡爱峰. (2019). 热环境试验温度均匀度对精密光学测量的影响. 工程热物理学报(8).
7.洪星, 吴静怡, 王珊珊. (2019). 液氮直接蒸发制冷系统模糊PID控制方法的数值模拟与实验研究. 制冷学报.
8.汪彬, 李江道, 黄永华, 吴静怡, 王天祥, 雷刚. (2019). 节流参数对液氮贮箱热力排气系统运行特性的影响. 化工学报(S2).
9.刘张鹏, 王珊珊, 张婉雨, 吴静怡. (2019). 航天器热循环试验低温负载工况补偿方法. 制冷技术, 039(002), 7-11.
10.Zhang, L., Huang, Y., Wu, J., Liu, Z., & Yang, G. (2018). Evaporation of water film in a three-dimensional vertical rectangular channel by laminar mixed convection. Applied Thermal Engineering, 130, 242-253.
11.Li, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Chavasint, C., Sampattagul, S., Kiatsiriroat, T., & Wang, R. Z. (2018). Multi-criteria optimization for a biomass gasification-integrated combined cooling, heating, and power system based on life-cycle assessment. Energy Conversion and Management, 178, 383-399.
12.Zhang, L., Huang, Y., Yang, G., & Wu, J. (2018). Numerical simulation of conjugate turbulent mixed convection in an open cavity: Evaluation of different wall heat conduction models. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 74(5), 1244-1264.
13.Li, C. Y., Deethayat, T., Wu, J. Y., Kiatsiriroat, T., & Wang, R. Z. (2018). Simulation and evaluation of a biomass gasification-based combined cooling, heating, and power system integrated with an organic Rankine cycle. Energy, 158, 238-255.
14.Zhang, L., Liu, Z., Wu, J., Yang, G., & Bao, M. (2018). Computational investigation on nitrogen displacement process in a thermal environment simulation chamber. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 24(4), 343-355.
15.Huang, Y. Y., Zhang, L. J., Yang, G., & Wu, J. Y. (2018). Secondary flow and entropy generation of laminar mixed convection in the entrance region of a horizontal square duct. Journal of Heat Transfer, 140(3).
16.Li, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Shen, Y., Kan, X., Dai, Y. J., & Wang, C. H. (2018). Evaluation of a combined cooling, heating, and power system based on biomass gasification in different climate zones in the US. Energy, 144, 326-340.
17.Yang, G., Zhang, L., Wu, J., Huang, Y., & Cai, A. (2018). Analysis of transient temperature field characteristics inside a large-scale thermal cycling test cavity for spacecraft. Heat Transfer Research, 49(3), 255-273.
18.张晋晋, 吴静怡,蔡爱峰. (2018). 横向补偿平板型环路热管重力辅助下的系统性能研究. 制冷技术.
19.陈国珍, 吴静怡, 杨光, 黄一也. (2018). 耦合传热下低温柱体温度均匀性的优化分析. 低温与超导(8), 6-11.
20.汪彬, 黄永华, 吴静怡, 王天祥, 雷刚. (2018). 充注率及氦气增压对低温贮箱热分层特性影响. 工程热物理学报, v.39(08), 16-20.
21.Li, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Zheng, C. Y., & Wang, R. Z. (2017). Effect of LPG addition on a CCHP system based on different biomass-derived gases in cooling and power mode. Applied Thermal Engineering, 115, 315-325.
22.Wang, B., Huang, Y. H., Chen, Z. C., Wu, J. Y., Li, P., & Sun, P. J. (2017, February). LH2 tank pressure control by thermodynamic vent system (TVS) at zero gravity. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 171, No. 1, p. 012046). IOP Publishing.
23.Yang, G., Huang, Y., Wu, J., Zhang, L., Chen, G., Lv, R., & Cai, A. (2017). Experimental study and numerical models assessment of turbulent mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical open cavity. Building and Environment, 115, 91-103.
24.Zheng, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Zhai, X. Q., & Wang, R. Z. (2017). A novel thermal storage strategy for CCHP system based on energy demands and state of storage tank. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 85, 117-129.
25.Huang, Y., Wang, B., Zhou, S., Wu, J., Lei, G., Li, P., & Sun, P. (2017). Modeling and experimental study on combination of foam and variable density multilayer insulation for cryogen storage. Energy, 123, 487-498.
26.Wang, B., Huang, Y., Chen, Z., Wu, J., Wang, T., & Lei, G. (2017). Performance of thermodynamic vent system for cryogenic propellant storage using different control strategies. Applied Thermal Engineering, 126, 100-107.
27.Wang, B., Huang, Y., Wu, J., Wang, T., & Lei, G. (2017). Experimental study on pressure control of liquid nitrogen tank by thermodynamic vent system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 125, 1037-1046.
28.赖凯, 吴静怡, 李春煜. (2017). 基于生物质的冷、热、电联供系统全工况特性研究. 可再生能源(12), 1744-1750.
29.赵同乐, 吴静怡, 张晋晋, 蔡爱峰. (2017). 充注量对水冷式环路热管性能影响的实验研究. 制冷技术(1).
30.徐君, 吴静怡. (2017). 基于气液换热器出口过热度的热环境试验降温过程的控制规律研究. 制冷技术(3).
31.张良俊, 李晓慈, 吴静怡, 蔡爱峰. (2017). 大型空间展开机构微重力环境模拟悬吊装置热结构耦合分析. 上海交通大学学报(8).
32.徐君, 吴静怡. (2017). 基于气液换热器出口过热度的热环境试验降温过程的控制规律研究. 制冷技术.
33.韩毅, 吴静怡. (2017). 大功率CO2压缩机运行效率的实验研究. 制冷学报(3).
34.Zheng, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Zhai, X. Q., & Wang, R. Z. (2016). Impacts of feed-in tariff policies on design and performance of CCHP system in different climate zones. Applied Energy, 175, 168-179.
35.Zheng, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., Zhai, X. Q., Yang, G., & Wang, R. Z. (2016). Experimental and modeling investigation of an ICE (internal combustion engine) based micro-cogeneration device considering overheat protection controls. Energy, 101, 447-461.
36.Huang, Y. Y., Yang, G., & Wu, J. Y. (2016, November). Mixed convection characteristic inside a thermal cycling chamber with nonuniform perforated plate. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (Vol. 50626, p. V008T10A037). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
37.Huang, Y., Wang, B., Cheng, L., Wu, J., & Wang, R. (2016). Cooling performance measurement of the reverse application of a coaxial free-piston Stirling engine. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 22(5), 556-564.
38.Yang, G., & Wu, J. Y. (2016). Effects of natural convection, wall thermal conduction, and thermal radiation on heat transfer uniformity at a heated plate located at the bottom of a three-dimensional rectangular enclosure. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 69(6), 589-606.
39.Wang, B., Huang, Y. H., Li, P., Sun, P. J., Chen, Z. C., & Wu, J. Y. (2016). Optimization of variable density multilayer insulation for cryogenic application and experimental validation. Cryogenics, 80, 154-163.
40.张良俊, 吴静怡, 黄永华, 徐世超, 刘祎石, 徐烈. (2016). 大型空间展开机构常压高低温环境模拟试验系统研制. 航天器环境工程, 33(004), 428-433.
41.张良俊, 吴静怡. (2016). 板翅式换热器研究进展. 真空与低温(3), 138-142.
42.赵同乐, 吴静怡, 张晋晋, 蔡爱峰. (2017). 充注量对水冷式环路热管性能影响的实验研究. 制冷技术(1).
43.汪彬, 王天祥, 黄永华, 吴静怡, 雷刚. (2016). 液氢贮箱热力学排气系统建模及控压特性. 化工学报, 67(0z2), 20-25.
44.张良俊, 吴静怡. (2016). 气体置换技术研究进展. 化工进展(z2).
45.张金锐, 吴静怡, EIKEVIK Trygve Magne. (2016). 二氧化碳喷射器运行效率的实验研究. 制冷学报(37), 74-80.
46.韩毅, 黄永华, 董巨辉, 吴静怡. (2016). 绝缘性流体管内流动时静电电荷密度计算. 制冷技术(2), 1-6.
47.Wang, J. , & Wu, J. . (2015). Investigation of a mixed effect absorption chiller powered by jacket water and exhaust gas waste heat of internal combustion engine. International Journal of Refrigeration, 50, 193-206.
48.Yang, G. , & Wu, J. Y. . (2015). Entropy generation in a rectangular channel of buoyancy opposed mixed convection. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 86(jul.), 809-819.
49.Yang, G., & Wu, J. Y. (2015). Conjugate mixed convection in the entrance region of a symmetrically heated vertical channel with thick walls. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 98, 245-254.
50.张良俊, 吴静怡. (2015). 气凝胶在空间探测中的应用. 低温与超导, 43(1), 33-40.
51.颜露, 黄永华, 吴静怡, 王天祥. (2015). 低温推进剂在轨储存热力学排气系统tvs研究进展. 低温与超导(2), 5-13.
52.王加龙, 吴静怡. (2015). 双源混效吸收式制冷机的热力学特性. 工程热物理学报, V36(11), 2334-2338.
53.Wang, J., Wu, J., & Zheng, C. (2014). Analysis of tri-generation system in combined cooling and heating mode. Energy and buildings, 72, 353-360.
54.Wu, J. Y., Wang, J. L., Li, S., & Wang, R. Z. (2014). Experimental and simulative investigation of a micro-CCHP (micro combined cooling, heating and power) system with thermal management controller. Energy, 68, 444-453.
55.Sun, X., Wu, J., Dai, Y., & Wang, R. (2014). Experimental study on roll-bond collector/evaporator with optimized-channel used in direct expansion solar assisted heat pump water heating system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 66(1-2), 571-579.
56.Zheng, C. Y., Wu, J. Y., & Zhai, X. Q. (2014). A novel operation strategy for CCHP systems based on minimum distance. Applied Energy, 128, 325-335.
57.Yang, G., & Wu, J. Y. (2014). Effect of aspect ratio and assisted buoyancy on flow reversal for mixed convection with imposed flow rate in a vertical three dimensional rectangular duct. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 77, 335-343.
58.Wang, J. L., Wu, J. Y., & Zheng, C. Y. (2014). Simulation and evaluation of a CCHP system with exhaust gas deep-recovery and thermoelectric generator. Energy Conversion and Management, 86, 992-1000.
59.Yang, G., Wu, J. Y., He, Y. W., & Yan, L. (2014, November). Investigation of temperature uniformity in an open cavity of buoyancy assisted mixed convection heat transfer with multiple discrete inlet and outlet ports. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (Vol. 46552, p. V08AT10A037). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
60.杨光, 吴静怡. (2014). 三维动态混合对流过程中的温度均匀性分析及实验验证. 工程热物理学报(04), 730-734.
61.杨光, 吴静怡. (2014). 基于小波变换和多元回归的航天器热循环试验系统温度均匀性分析. 上海交通大学学报, 48(009), 1346-1350.
62.孙鹏, 吴静怡, 江明旒. (2014). 两级冷凝热泵热水系统建模及其在室内泳池中的应用分析. 制冷技术(01), 6-11.
63.刘睿盈, 吴静怡, 孙晓琳. (2014). 直膨式太阳能热泵热水器集热/蒸发器流道结构分析与实验. 制冷技术, 34(002), 1-6.
64.杨光, 吴静怡, 何奕为, 张晋晋. (2014). 混合对流竖直腔体内的温度均匀度研究. 中国工程热物理学会论文.
65.鲁双, 吴静怡. (2014). 变容量家庭能源中心单独制热水模式的实验研究. 热科学与技术, 13(004), 310-315.
66.鲁双, 吴静怡. (2014). 变容量家庭能源中心制冷兼制热水模式性能实验研究. 制冷学报(4), 1-7.
67.Sun, X. , Wu, J. , & Wang, R. . (2013). Exergy analysis and comparison of multi-functional heat pump and conventional heat pump systems. Energy Conversion & Management, 73(sep.), 51-56.
68.Yang, G. , Wu, J. Y. , & Yan, L. . (2013). Flow reversal and entropy generation due to buoyancy assisted mixed convection in the entrance region of a three dimensional vertical rectangular duct. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 67, 741-751.
69.Yang, G. , & Wu, J. . (2013). Effect of side ratio and aiding/opposing buoyancy on the aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics around a rectangular cylinder at low reynolds numbers. Numerical Heat Transfer Applications, 64(12), 1016-1037.
70.Yang, G. , Wu, J. , & Zhang, L. . (2013). Design and simulation of a novel accelerated thermal cycling test system for space application. Cryogenics and Refrigeration Proceedings of ICCR' 2013.
71.李冬冬, 吴静怡. (2013). 基于对接试验系统高低温送风工况的温场和流场分析. 低温工程(04), 23-28.
72.杨偲婵, 承磊, 颜露, 黄永华, 吴静怡. (2013). 非真空条件下柔性多层材料高低温绝热性能实验测量. 低温工程(04), 1-5.
73.王波, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2013). 夏热冬冷地区的节能住宅能耗分析. 电力与能源, 34(002), 124-127.
74.郑春元, 吴静怡, 翟晓强. (2013). 基于聚类与判别分析的冷热电联产后评估建模方法. 上海交通大学学报, 47(11), 1728-1732.
75.王加龙, 吴静怡, 徐震原. (2013). 溴化锂吸收制冷机驱动温度下限分析. 工程热物理学报, 34(011), 2020-2024.
承磊, 黄永华, 吴静怡, 许煜雄, 陆紫生, 刘冠军, et al. (2013). 以液氮为冷源的氦气强制对流高低温箱实验研究. 低温与超导, 41(12), 19-24.
76.Wu, J. Y. , Wang, J. L. , & Li, S. . (2012). Multi-objective optimal operation strategy study of micro-cchp system. Energy, 48(1), 472-483.
77.王加龙, 吴静怡. (2012). 烟气余热深度回收方案及成本最优模型分析. 化工学报(05), 1529-1535.
78.唐超隽, 吴静怡, 黄永华, 徐烈, 许煜雄, 李素玲等. (2012). 低温环境模拟舱室门封构件的热设计与优化. 低温与超导(02), 6-10.
79.王珊珊, 黄永华, 张良俊, 吴静怡, 李素玲, 许煜雄等. (2012). 氦气氛高低温环境模拟系统及初调实验. 低温工程(05), 28-33.
80.王珊珊, 黄永华, 张良俊, 吴静怡, 许煜雄, 李素玲. (2012). -196—+100℃高低温摄像装置低温性能实验研究. 低温工程.
81.朱浩唯, 黄永华, 李骏, 吴静怡, 李鹏. (2012). 真空多层绝热性能测试装置及初步实验验证. 低温工程.
82.涂方亮, 吴静怡. (2012). Anfis实现依据人数变化来预测建筑负荷. 土木建筑与环境工程(S2), 99-102.
83.Jiang, M. L. , Wu, J. Y. , & Wang, R. Z. . (2011). Research on refrigerant flow characteristics and performance of a multi-functional heat pump system. Energy Conversion & Management, 52(6), 2323-2328.
84.Li, S. L. , Wu, J. Y. , Xia, Z. Z. , & Wang, R. Z. . (2011). Study on the adsorption isosteres of the composite adsorbent cacl2 and expanded graphite. Energy Conversion & Management, 52(2), 1501-1506.
85.Guo, J. , Wu, J. Y. , Wang, R. Z. , & Li, S. . (2011). Experimental research and operation optimization of an air-source heat pump water heater. Applied Energy, 88(11), 4128-4138.
86.Guo, J. J. , Wu, J. Y. , & Wang, R. Z. . (2011). A new approach to energy consumption prediction of domestic heat pump water heater based on grey system theory. Energy & Buildings, 43(6), 1273-1279.
87.Wang, R. Z. , Xia, Z. Z. , Wang, L. , Lu, Z. S. , Li, S. L. , & Li, T. X. , et al. (2011). Heat transfer design in adsorption refrigeration systems for efficient use of low-grade thermal energy. Energy, 36(9), 5425-5439.
88.杨天, 吴静怡, 盐地纯夫, 王如竹. (2011). Energyplus中变频多联空调系统蒸发温度控制能耗仿真模块的开发与实验验证. 制冷学报, 32(005), 25-30.
89.江明旒, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 许煜雄. (2011). 多功能热泵机组的能效评价指标研究. 制冷学报(05), 6-11.
90.朱浩唯, 黄永华, 许奕辉, 吴静怡, 李鹏. (2011). 变密度多层绝热的理论分析, 低温工程, 184(6): 44-48.
91.李越铭, 吴静怡, 盐地纯夫. (2011). 水冷(热)变频多联空调系统的全年能耗模拟和分析. 太阳能学报, 32(007), 1040-1045.
92.Lu, S., & Wu, J. Y. (2010). Optimal selection among different domestic energy consumption patterns based on energy and exergy analysis. Energy conversion and management, 51(7), 1398-1406.
93.Li, Y. M., Wu, J. Y., & Shiochi, S. (2010). Experimental validation of the simulation module of the water-cooled variable refrigerant flow system under cooling operation. Applied Energy, 87(5), 1513-1521.
94.Li, Y. M., & Wu, J. Y. (2010). Energy simulation and analysis of the heat recovery variable refrigerant flow system in winter. Energy and Buildings, 42(7), 1093-1099.
95.Li, S. L., Xia, Z. Z., Wu, J. Y., Li, J., Wang, R. Z., & Wang, L. W. (2010). Experimental study of a novel CaCl2/expanded graphite-NH3 adsorption refrigerator. International Journal of refrigeration, 33(1), 61-69.
96.Li, S. L., Wu, J. Y., Xia, Z. Z., & Wang, R. Z. (2011). Study on the adsorption isosteres of the composite adsorbent CaCl2 and expanded graphite. Energy conversion and management, 52(2), 1501-1506.
97.Jiang, M. L., Wu, J. Y., Xu, Y. X., & Wang, R. Z. (2010). Transient characteristics and performance analysis of a vapor compression air conditioning system with condensing heat recovery. Energy and Buildings, 42(11), 2251-2257.
98. Zhai, H., Dai, Y. J., Wu, J. Y., Wang, R. Z., & Zhang, L. Y. (2010). Experimental investigation and analysis on a concentrating solar collector using linear Fresnel lens. Energy Conversion and Management, 51(1), 48-55.
99. 江明旒, 吴静怡, 孙鹏, 王如竹, 许煜雄. (2010). 两级冷凝热泵热水系统的实验研究. 制冷学报(01), 6-10.
100. 陈恒, 吴静怡, 李廷贤, 王如竹. (2010). 氯化锶-膨胀石墨吸附制冰系统固化复合吸附剂性能. 工程热物理学报(04), 561-564.
101.郭孝峰, 夏再忠, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 孟毓. (2010). 埋地电力隧道温度预测与优化设计分析. 工程热物理学报(05), 827-830.
102.郭孝峰, 夏再忠, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2010). 埋地管道温度特性数值模拟与相似性实验研究. 太阳能学报(06), 71-75.
103.李胜, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 狄杰. (2010). 吸附制冷机组错相群组运行特性研究. 工程热物理学报(09), 1453-1456.
104.胡燕飞, 吴静怡, 李胜. (2010). 冷热电联供系统的优化运行分析. 华北电力大学学报, 37(001), 5-9.
105.Wu, J. Y., & Li, S. (2009). Study on cyclic characteristics of silica gel–water adsorption cooling system driven by variable heat source. Energy, 34(11), 1955-1962.
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107.Sun, P. J., & Wu, J. Y. (2009). Numerical and experimental studies of temperature field characteristic inside an irregularly-shaped cavity of a space environment simulator system. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 33(5), 912-921.
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109.Li, S., & Wu, J. Y. (2009). Theoretical research of a silica gel–water adsorption chiller in a micro combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system. Applied Energy, 86(6), 958-967.
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113.吴静怡, 江明旒, 王如竹, 许煜雄, 孙鹏. (2009). 空气源热泵热水机组全年综合能效评定. 制冷学报, 30(005), 14-18.
114.江明旒, 吴静怡, 孙鹏, 王如竹, 许煜雄. (2010). 两级冷凝热泵热水系统的实验研究. 制冷学报(01), 6-10.
115.李胜, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2009). 自保护控温回路重力热管的特性研究. 工程热物理学报(06), 1012-1014.
116.陈恒, 李廷贤, 王丽伟, 吴静怡, 王如竹, Oliveira R G. (2009). 太阳能吸附式空调固化复合吸附剂性能. 化工学报, 60(005), 1097-1103.
117.孙培杰, 吴静怡, 江明旒, 张良俊, 徐烈. (2009). 空间对接综合试验台温度环境模拟系统及其温场特性. 上海交通大学学报(05), 750-754.
118.王凯, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2009). 氯化钙/膨胀石墨混合吸附剂的吸附特性. 上海交通大学学报(2), 271-274.
119.李嘉, 李素玲, 吴静怡. (2009). 10kw吸附冷冻机组基本工作特性试验分析. 能源技术.
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126.李胜, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 夏再忠, 邓建. (2008). 热管理器的优化分析与设计. 工程热物理学报, 29(9), 1581-1584.
127.李素玲, 吴静怡, 陈传涓, 王如竹. (2008). 块状氯化钙和膨胀石墨复合吸附剂的热物性试验研究. 工程热物理学报(11), 1937-1940.
128.周宴平, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2008). 全热交换器在不同室内外空气参数下能量回收性能的比较分析. 太阳能学报, Vol.29(2),p198-203.
129.孙培杰, 吴静怡, 张鹏, 徐烈. (2008). 层间稀薄气体传热对多层绝热材料性能的影响分析. 低温与超导(09), 11-16.魏会东; 皇甫艺; 吴静怡,一种可用于热管理的控温热管实验研究 ,太阳能学报,2008,Vol.29(4),p440-442
130.王凯, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2008). 氯化钙/膨胀石墨混合吸附剂导热性能测试. 上海交通大学学报, 42(001), 106-109.
131.李素玲, 夏再忠, 吴静怡. (2008). 小质量复合吸附剂氯化钙和膨胀石墨吸附性能试验. 上海交通大学学报, 42(008), 1381-1386.
132.邓建, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 李胜, 韩固勇, 雷金果. (2008). 基于热经济学结构理论的微型冷热电联供系统性能评价. 工程热物理学报, 029(005), 731-736.
133.周宴平,吴静怡,王如竹. (2008). 两种部分负荷比PLR的定义辨析. 制冷与空调(1), 24-26.
134.周宴平, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2008). 变频空调制热工况仿真模块的开发与实验研究. 制冷与空调(04), 39-43.
135.富海, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2008). 可移动式微型冷热电联产系统热电运行分析. 电力与能源, 29(2), 79-82.
136.Zhou, Y. , Wu, J. , & Wang, R. . (2008). Performance comparison of energy recovery ventilator with different indoor and outdoor air parameters. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 29(2), 198-203.
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138.Li, S. , Wu, J. Y. , Wang, R. Z. , & Huangfu, Y. . (2007). Study of heat and mass transfer in integrated thermal management controller (itmc) employed in waste heat recovery application. Energy Conversion & Management, 48(12), 3074-3083.
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141.Huangfu, Y. , Wu, J. Y. , Wang, R. Z. , & Xia, Z. Z. . (2007). Experimental investigation of adsorption chiller for micro-scale BCHP system application. Energy & Buildings, 39(2), 120-127.
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143.Zhang, J. , Wang, R. Z. , & Wu, J. Y. . (2007). System optimization and experimental research on air source heat pump water heater. Applied Thermal Engineering, 27(5-6), 1029-1035.
144.Li, Y. W. , Wang, R. Z. , Wu, J. Y. , & Xu, Y. X. . (2007). Experimental performance analysis on a direct-expansion solar-assisted heat pump water heater. Applied Thermal Engineering, 27(17-18), 2858-2868.
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148.Zhai, X. Q., Wang, R. Z., Dai, Y. J., Wu, J. Y., Xu, Y. X., & Ma, Q. (2007). Solar integrated energy system for a green building. Energy and buildings, 39(8), 985-993.
149.周宴平, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2007). EnergyPlus中变频多联空调的模块开发和能耗仿真分析. 系统仿真学报, 019(020), 4808-4811.
150.周宴平, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2007). 变频多联空调能量特性的建模和仿真. 太阳能学报, 28(8), 886-891.
151.皇甫艺, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 夏再忠. (2007). 内燃发电机组冷热电联供系统集成式热管理器的设计. 中国电机工程学报(08), 64-69.
152.皇甫艺, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 夏再忠. (2007). 一种控温热管理器的实验研究. 工程热物理学报(03), 361-364.
153.郭俊杰, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 张洁, 许煜雄. (2007).空气源热泵热水器节流特性实验与分析,太阳能学报, Vol.28(9), p1017-1021.
154.李胜, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 皇甫艺. (2007). 一种控温热管理器的传热传质分析. 工程热物理学报(04), 144-146.
155.翟辉, 代彦军, 吴静怡. (2006). 基于菲聂尔透镜的聚焦太阳能PV/T系统热电性能研究. 2006年中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术研讨会.
156.魏会东, 吴静怡, 王如竹. (2007). 楼宇级冷热电联产系统的应用分析. 建筑科学(02), 34-39.
157.徐优优, 吴静怡, 李郁武, 王如竹. (2007). 直膨式太阳能热泵热水器过热度控制的单片机设计. 电力与能源(2).
158.付剑波, 吴静怡, 代彦军. (2007). 太阳能制冷与供暖系统的设计与比较. 电力与能源, 28(3), 148-151.
159.张洁, 张良俊, 王如竹, 吴静怡. (2007). 空气源热泵热水器系统优化计算及实验研究. 太阳能学报(03), 286-290.
160.李郁武, 王如竹, 王泰华, 吴静怡, 许煜雄. (2007). 直膨式太阳能热泵热水器热力性能分析及优化设计. 太阳能学报, 28(5), 464-471.
161.李郁武, 王如竹, 王泰华, 吴静怡, 许煜雄. (2007). 直膨式太阳能热泵热水器过热度PI控制的实现. 工程热物理学报, 28(S1), 49-52.

软件版权登记及专利 1.黄永华, 蒋文兵, 王如竹, 吴静怡, 耑锐, 程光平, 张亮, 蒋赞,抑制热声振荡的地面试验用可拆式超临界氦贮存容器,专利授权号:CN 9.1,授权日: 2019.07.05,国家发明专利授权
2.杨光, 蔡爱峰, 黄一也, 吴静怡, 吕蓉蓉, 陈国珍,一种湍流混合对流传热实验装置,专利授权号:CN 5.2,授权日2019.03.12,国家发明专利授权
3.张良俊, 吴静怡, 翟晓强, 徐世超, 刘祎石 李威, 倪波,可在常压大空间内实现低露点的环境模拟方法及系统,专利授权号:CN0.X,授权日: 2018.01.12,国家发明专利授权
4.许煜雄, 吴静怡, 黄永华, 颜露,一种耐高低温的摄像热控装置,专利授权号:CN3.3,授权日: 2017.12.29,国家发明专利授权
5.李冬冬; 吴静怡; 黄永华,可实现温场均匀分配的孔板与风道,专利授权号:CNA, 授权日: 2017.03.08,国家发明专利授权
6.徐烈, 黄永华, 杨偲婵, 吴静怡, 许煜雄, 承磊,一种非真空型多层柔性绝热被及其制备方法, 专利授权号: CN1.3,授权日: 2016.08.23,国家发明专利授权
7.王加龙, 吴静怡, 郑春元,基于热机的冷热联供系统,专利授权号:CN 8.6,授权日: 2016.06.01,国家发明专利授权
8.黄永华,吴静怡,承磊,许煜雄,一种拆卸式高温或低温管道保温装置,专利授权号:CN3.2,授权日: 2016.04.06,国家发明专利授权
9.张良俊, 吴静怡, 李素玲, 黄永华, 许煜雄, 徐烈, 刘祎石, 倪波,一种空间环境模拟试验系统,专利授权号: CN9.5,授权日: 2016.03.31,国家发明专利授权
10.吴静怡, 李雪元, 许煜雄, 黄永华, 张良俊, 胡燕飞, 陆紫生, 徐烈, 蔡爱峰,一种大型高低温环境模拟试验室箱内舱体结构,专利授权号: CN0.2,授权日: 2016.02.04,国家发明专利授权
11.吴静怡, 许煜雄, 黄永华, 张良俊, 陆紫生, 胡燕飞,用于高低温环境模拟试验箱的保温结构, 专利授权号: CN4.5,授权日: 2016.02.03,国家发明专利授权
12.黄永华,承磊,吴静怡,许煜雄,李晓慈,带温控补偿的真空玻璃高低温观察窗装置,专利授权号:CN3.6,授权日: 2015.11.25,国家发明专利授权
13.吴静怡,许煜雄,黄永华,张良俊,胡燕飞,杨光,陆紫生,徐烈,一种大型高低温保温箱体,专利授权号:ZL 1, 授权日: 2015.10.14,国家发明专利授权
14.黄永华, 吴静怡, 许煜雄, 李雪元, 承磊, 王珊珊,空间环境模拟用液氮冷氦双介质耦合热沉,专利授权号:CN1.8 , 授权日: 2015.10.14,国家发明专利授权
15.吴静怡, 黄永华, 王珊珊, 许煜雄, 李素玲, 张良俊, 徐烈,一种高变温速率的高低温空间环境模拟容器,专利授权号:CN5.7,授权日: 2015.9.30,国家发明专利授权
16.吴静怡, 许煜雄, 张良俊, 李雪元, 胡燕飞, 杨光,用于大型高低温环境试验箱的外门启闭结构,专利授权号:CN5.4 , 授权日2015.09.23,国家发明专利授权
17.吴静怡, 胡燕飞, 张良俊, 许煜雄,一种用于高低温试验箱的内外转接框架,专利授权号:CN 9.4, 授权日: 2015.07.15,国家发明专利授权
18.许煜雄,吴静怡,胡燕飞,李雪元,张良俊,蔡爱峰,一种高低温环境试验箱的外门门扇,专利授权号:ZL 1, 授权日: 2015.08.12,国家发明专利授权
19.黄永华,杨偲婵,承磊,吴静怡,一种受控柔性腔体高低温环境模拟系统,专利授权号:ZL0, 授权日: 2015.08.12,国家发明专利授权
20.孙晓琳, 代彦军, 王如竹, 孙鹏, 吴静怡, 陈金峰,太阳能直膨式热泵热水器用吹胀式复合通道蒸发器,专利授权号:CN 2.0, 授权日: 2015.05.20,国家发明专利授权
21.黄永华,王珊珊,吴静怡,许煜雄,耐高低温的摄像监视装置,专利授权号:ZL 9, 授权日: 2015.01.14,国家发明专利授权
22.吴静怡, 黄永华, 许煜雄, 李素玲, 杨光, 徐烈,一种高低温常压热循环试验装置,专利授权号:CN9.9, 授权日: 2015.01.14,国家发明专利授权
23.张良俊,吴静怡,李素玲,黄永华,许煜雄,徐烈,刘祎石; 倪波,高低温环境模拟实验系统,专利授权号:ZL 8, 授权日: 2014.12.17,国家发明专利授权
24.张颖,王加龙,殷玫婕,曹先常,朱亚军,陈忠平,吴静怡,烟气余热热电回收装置,专利授权号:CN3.1, 授权日: 2014.11.26,国家发明专利授权
25.张敏,王加龙,邱煜,张颖,倪伟平,夏惠军,吴静怡,带有太阳能蒸汽再发生装置的蒸汽输送管道,专利授权号:CN3.4, 授权日: 2014.09.17,国家发明专利授权
26.吴静怡, 江明旒, 许煜雄, 王如竹, 孙鹏, 能得到高温热水的热泵热水供应方法及系统, 专利授权号:ZL2.1, 授权日: 2011.7.20,国家发明专利授权
27.吴静怡, 鲁双, 王如竹, 许煜雄, 梯级能量利用的可调容量的家庭能源系统, 专利授权号: ZL0.3, 授权日: 2010.6.2,国家发明专利授权
28.郭孝峰,吴静怡,夏再忠,王如竹,采用冷热抵消方法获取瞬态温度液体的控制方法,专利授权号:ZL2.3,授权日:2010.7.28, 国家发明专利授权
29.陈恒, 吴静怡,李廷贤,王如竹,二级双重化学吸附制冷循环系统,专利授权号:ZL7.6,授权日:2010.6.23, 国家发明专利授权
30.王如竹,孙振华,吴静怡,翟晓强,基于自适应控制的建筑一体化太阳能热泵供热系统,专利授权号:ZL7.4,授权日:2010.9.29, 国家发明专利授权
31.郭孝峰,夏再忠,吴静怡,王如竹,郭俊杰,快速可调的高低温平面温度场的获取装置,专利授权号:ZL1.9,授权日:2010.7.21, 国家发明专利授权
32.郭俊杰, 吴静怡, 夏再忠, 许煜雄, 王如竹, 热泵热水器用的过热平衡器, 专利授权号: ZL3X, 授权日: 2009.6.10,国家发明专利授权
33.吴静怡, 陈振豪, 智能型热泵热水器, 专利授权号: ZL1.8, 授权日: 2008.7.16国家发明专利授权
34.陈传涓,王如竹,夏再忠,吴静怡,硅胶复合吸附剂的制备方法,专利授权号:CN6.9, 授权日: 2009.02.04,国家发明专利授权
35.陈传涓,王如竹,夏再忠,吴静怡,硅胶与吸附床换热器的固化方法,专利授权号:CN7.3, 授权日: 2009.01.28,国家发明专利授权
36.许煜雄, 郭俊杰, 吴静怡, 王如竹, 利用瞬态COP值调控热泵热水系统的方法, 专利授权号: ZL2.4, 授权日: 2008.11.19国家发明专利授权

学术兼职 中国工程热物理学会,理事,工程热力学与能源利用专业委员会委员

荣誉奖励 1.2018年国家级教学成果奖,面向制造强国的建设战略,培养创新型机械工程人才,第一完成人
11.2008年上海市教学成果一等奖,深化机械大类实践教学改革,加强学生主动实践能力培养 ,第三完成人

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