

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

郭相龙 副教授

教育背景 2004.09-2008.06 华东理工大学 金属材料与工程 学士
2008.09-2013.06 上海交通大学 材料学 博士

工作经历 2013.07-2016.03 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院 思政教师
2016.04-2019.03 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 助理研究员
2019.04-2020.03 瑞士保罗谢尔国家研究所(PSI) 研究员(Scientist)
2020.04-今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 副教授

研究方向 1. 压水堆核结构及包壳材料的腐蚀相关行为(均匀腐蚀,应力腐蚀及微动磨损腐蚀)研究。
2. 事故容错材料的3D打印制备及应力腐蚀性能研究。
3. 压水堆及沸水堆水化学。
4. 第四代先进反应堆(超临界水冷堆,铅铋冷却堆,超临界二氧化碳冷却堆)包壳材料的研发及腐蚀相关性能研究。

科研项目 瑞士:
1. 瑞士联邦核安监局(ENSI)基金,注锌对反应堆结构材料的应力腐蚀开裂行为影响机理研究,2019/10-2022/09,项目撰写人及主要研究人员。
2. 瑞士联邦核安监局(ENSI)基金,沸水堆贵金属的沉积行为研究,2016/06-2019/09,参与。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,超临界水氧化环境下 800H 合金的应力腐蚀开裂机理研究,2018/01 - 2020/12,主持。
2. 科技部重点研发计划子课题,燃料棒包壳磨蚀机理研究,2019/01 - 2022/12,主持。
3. 国防科工局重点实验室稳定支持计划,溶解氧对密封面堆焊层材料在高温水中的腐蚀性能影响规律研究,2018/06 - 2020/06,主持。
4. 装备预研重点实验室基金,低温离子渗氮 17-4PH 不锈钢在高温水中磨损及腐蚀失效机理,2019/01 - 2020/12,主持。
5. 国防科技工业核动力技术创新中心基金,超临界二氧化碳反应堆候选包壳材料的应力腐蚀开裂研究,2019/01 - 2019/12,主持。
6. 大型先进压水堆核电站国家重大科技专项,控制棒包壳管镀铬层长期磨损试验(外协),2017/06 - 2017/12,主持

代表性论文专著 第一作者论文
1. Xianglong Guo, Yi Fan, Wenhua Gao, Rui Tang, Kai Chen, Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*. Corrosion resistance of candidate cladding materials for supercritical water reactor. Annuals of nuclear energy, 2019, 127: 351-363.
2. Xianglong Guo, Kai Chen, Wenhua Gao, Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*. Corrosion behavior of alumina-forming and oxide dispersion strengthened austenitic 316 stainless steel in supercritical water. Corrosion Science, 2018, 138: 297-306.
3. Xianglong Guo, Wenhua Gao, Kai Chen, Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*. Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of 347H stainless steel in supercritical water. Corrosion, 2018, 74(1): 227-236.
4. Xianglong Guo, Ping Lai, Lichen Tang, Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang. Time-dependent wear behavior of alloy 690 tubes fretted against 405 stainless steel in high-temperature argon and water. Wear, 2018, 414-415: 194-201.
5. Xianglong Guo, Ping Lai, Lichen Tang, Junqiang Lu, Jiamei Wang, Lefu Zhang*. Fretting wear of alloy 690 tube mated with different materials in high temperature water. Wear, 2018, 400-401:119-126.
6. Xianglong Guo, Kai Chen, Wenhua Gao, Zhao Shen, Ping Lai, Lefu Zhang*. A research on the corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of 316L stainless steel exposed to supercritical water. Corrosion Science, 2017, 127:157-167.
7. Xianglong Guo, Ping Lai, Lichen Tang, Jiamei Wang, Lefu Zhang*. Effects of sliding amplitude and normal load on the fretting wear behavior of alloy 690 tube exposed to high temperature water . Tribology International, 2017, 116:155-163.
8. Xianglong Guo*, Weijie Lu, Liqiang Wang, Jining Qin. A research on the creep properties of titanium matrix composites rolled with different deformation degrees. Materials and Design, 2014,63:50-55
9. Xianglong Guo, Liqiang Wang, Jining Qin, Weijie Lu*, Di Zhang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of (TiB+La2O3)/Ti composites heat treated at different temperatures, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2014, 24:1737-1743
10. Xianglong Guo, Liqiang Wang, Minmin Wang, Jining Qin, Di Zhang, Weijie Lu*. Effects of degree of deformation on the microstructure, mechanical properties and texture of hybrid-reinforced titanium matrix composites, Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(6-7): 2656-2667.
11. Xianglong Guo, Liqiang Wang, Minmin Wang, Jining Qin, Di Zhang, Weijie Lu*.Texture evolution of hot-rolled near-α based titanium matrix composites. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012, 43(9): 3257-3263
1. Ping Lai, Hao Zhang, Lefu Zhang, Qifeng Zeng, Junqiang Lu, Xianglong Guo*. Effect of micro-arc oxidation on fretting wear behavior of zirconium alloy exposed to high temperature water. Wear, 2019, 424-425: 53-61.
2. Ping Lai, Xiaochuan Gao, Lichen Tang, Xianglong Guo*, Lefu Zhang. Effect of temperature on fretting wear behavior and mechanism of alloy 690 in water. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 327: 51-60.
3. Lefu Zhang, Ping Lai, Qingdong Liu, Qifeng Zeng, Junqiang Lu, Xianglong Guo*. Fretting wear behavior of zirconium alloy in B-Li water at 300℃. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, 499: 401-409.
4. Lefu Zhang, Kai Chen, Donghai Du, Wenhua Gao, Peter L. Andresen, Xianglong Guo*. Characterizing the effect of creep on stress corrosion cracking of cold worked Alloy 690 in supercritical water environment. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2017, 492:32-40.
5. Huang G. F., Han Y. F., Guo X. L*., Qiu D., Wang L. Q., Lu W. J., Zhang D. Effects of extrusion ratio on microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of in situ synthesized Ti-6A1-4V composites, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2017, 688: 155-163.
6. Wenhua Gao, Kai Chen, Xianglong Guo*, Lefu Zhang. Fracture toughness of type 316LN stainless steel welded joints, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017,685 :107-114.
7. Xujuan Qin, Xianglong Guo*, Junqiang Lu, Liangyu Chen, Jining Qin, Weijie Lu.Erosion-wear and intergranular corrosion resistance properties of AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel after low temperature plasma nitriding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 698:1094-1101.
8. Wenhua Gao, Xianglong Guo*, Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*. Corrosion behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels in supercritical water . Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2017, 486:1-10.
9. Weijie Lu, Xianglong Guo*, Jialin Meng, Fangqiu Wang, Liqiang Wang, Di Zhang.Analysis of the coupling effects of TiB whiskers and TiC particles on the fracture toughness of (TiB+TiC)/TC4 composites: experiment and modeling. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2015, 46A: 3490-3501.
10. Xi Shao, Xianglong Guo*, Yuanfei Han, Weijie Lu, Jining Qin, Di Zhang. Characterization of the diffusion bonding behavior of pure Ti and Ni with different surface roughness during hot pressing, Materials and Design, 2015, 65:1001-1010

教学工作 材料分析与测试技术 本科生

软件版权登记及专利 1. 郭相龙 , 张乐福 , 赖平 。 微动磨损试验装置与系统 。 发明 专利号 :CN2.1
2. 钱浩,卢俊强,唐力晨,朱丽兵,谢永诚,张乐福,郭相龙,赖平,李晨,刘畅。一种多试样磨损试验装置 。发明专利号:CN6.7
3. 张乐福,郭相龙,赖平,董强,张旭东,兼元大,寺田尚平。气蚀预测方法、气蚀预测设备和气蚀预测实验装置。发明专利号:CN1.3
4. 吕维洁,李九霄,郭相龙,王立强,覃继宁,张荻。TiC 短纤维增强钛基复合材料及其制备方法。发明专利号:CN6.5

学术兼职 中国腐蚀学会会员

荣誉奖励 2013 上海市优秀毕业生
2016 上海交通大学“晨星青年****”
2016 上海市真空协会科技进步特等奖
2020 入选上海市“海外高层次人才计划”
2020 入选上海市“浦江****”人才计划

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学