

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01

肖瑶 副教授

教育背景 2009.09-2014.09 西安交通大学 核能科学与工程 博士
2012.09-2013.09 麻省理工学院 核能科学与工程 联培博士
2004.09-2008.07 西安交通大学 核工程与核技术 学士

工作经历 2019.01-至今 上海交通大学 核科学与工程学院 副教授,博士生导师
2014.10-2018.12 上海交通大学 核科学与工程学院 讲师,博士生导师

出访及挂职经历 2012.09-2013.09 麻省理工学院 核能科学与工程 联培博士

研究方向 核反应堆热工水力与安全,流动沸腾传热,先进燃料组件

科研项目 2021-2024 国家自然科学基金,带绕丝稠密栅棒束通道内混合对流与周向非均匀传热特性研究,负责人
2021-2023 中广核集团,狭小空间内棒束偏离泡核沸腾及交混机理研究,负责人
2020-2022 国家重点研发计划,卸压箱原理样机性能验证试验,负责人
2020-2022 国家科技重大专项,CHF试验用5×5格架压降及传热试验,负责人
2020-2022 国家重点研发计划,新型海洋静默式热管核反应堆技术研究,子任务负责人
2020-2021 中广核集团,传热管复杂流动水力特性研究,负责人
2019-2020 国家核电,管系流致声共振水力试验台架改造设计和试验支持,负责人
2019-2020 国家科技重大专项,基于5×5棒束试验和19棒束试验的子通道分析软件评估基准题开发,负责人
2019-2020 国家重点研发计划,卸压箱研制及试验研究项目,负责人
2019-2020 国家科技重大专项,小型一体化核动力装置中间回路换热性能试验,负责人
2019-2021 国家自然科学基金,稠密栅内气液两相流动相界面输运模型研究,负责人
2018-2020 核能开发科研项目,环形燃料组件水力学试验验证,负责人
2017-2019 国家科技重大专项,三门核电站噪声测试方法可靠性验证试验和现场噪声测量支持,负责人
2016-2017 中广核集团,燃料组件试制件考验试验研究,负责人
2016-2019 上海市扬帆计划,紧密栅内两相流流型及相界面浓度分布特性实验与理论研究,负责人
2015-2017 国家科技重大专项,自主化定型组件零部件水力试验,负责人
2015-2017 国家科技重大专项,干燥器声共振分析方法工程适用性验证试验,负责人
2014-2015 中广核集团,波形板干燥器流场CFD分析,负责人
2014-2016 启动基金,近临界压力流动传热特性实验与理论研究,负责人

代表性论文专著 [1] H.W. Zhang, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, A new method to determine conductivity distribution based on wire-mesh sensor by iteration, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 143 (2020).
[2] H. Zhang, Y. Xiao, H. Gu, D. Liu, Study on bubbly and cap-bubbly flow in a square channel using dual wire-mesh sensors, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 133 (2020).
[3] Y. Xiao, C.Z. Zhang, H.Y. Gu, Investigation of thermosyphon characteristics in a vertical narrow annulus closed at top with external forced convection cooling, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 138 (2020).
[4] Y. Xiao, J.L. Li, J. Deng, X.L. Gao, H.Y. Gu, J.S. Pan, Study of spacer effects on deteriorated heat transfer of supercritical fluid flow in an annulus, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 123 (2020).
[5] Y. Xiao, C. Huang, J. Li, H. Zhang, H. Gu, Flow-induced acoustic resonances in closed tandem side branches with large diameter, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 149 (2020).
[6] M.L. Wang, M.G. Zheng, J.Q. Yan, S.X. Lin, Y. Xiao, Experimental and numerical studies on two-phase flow instability behavior of a parallel helically coiled system, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 144 (2020).
[7] S. Chen, H.Y. Gu, M.L. Liu, Y. Xiao, D.W. Cui, Experimental investigation on heat transfer to supercritical water in a three rod bundle with spacer grids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 164 (2020) 114466.
[8] H.W. Zhang, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, Numerical investigations of the accuracy of conductivity wire-mesh sensors, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 345 (2019) 148-156.
[9] S. Chen, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, Experimental study on boiling heat transfer in a three-rod bundle at near-critical pressure, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 131 (2019) 196-209.
[10] S. Chen, D. Liu, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, Experimental study on onset of nucleate boiling and flow boiling heat transfer in a 5 x 5 rod bundle at low flow rate, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 137 (2019) 727-739.
[11] S. Chen, D. Liu, M.L. Liu, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, Numerical simulation and analysis of flow and heat transfer in a 5 x 5 vertical rod bundle with buoyancy effects, Applied Thermal Engineering, 163 (2019) 114221.
[12] J. Chen, Z.Q. Xiong, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, Experimental study on the grid-enhanced heat transfer at supercritical Pressures in rod bundle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 156 (2019) 299-309.
[13] Y. Xiao, W. Zhao, H.Y. Gu, X.L. Gao, Effects of branch length and chamfer on flow-induced acoustic resonance in closed side branches, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 121 (2018) 186-193.
[14] Y. Xiao, J.S. Pan, H.Y. Gu, Numerical investigation of spacer effects on heat transfer of supercritical fluid flow in an annular channel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 121 (2018) 343-353.
[15] Y. Xiao, Z.X. Hu, S. Chen, H.Y. Gu, Experimental investigation and prediction of post-dryout heat transfer for steam-water flow in helical coils, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127 (2018) 515-525.
[16] Y. Xiao, Z.X. Hu, S. Chen, H.Y. Gu, Experimental study on dryout characteristics of steam-water flow in vertical helical coils with small coil diameters, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 335 (2018) 303-313.
[17] Y. Xiao, Z.X. Hu, S. Chen, H.Y. Gu, Experimental investigation of boiling heat transfer in helically coiled tubes at high pressure, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 113 (2018) 409-419.
[18] Y. Xiao, Z.X. Hu, S. Chen, H.Y. Gu, Experimental study of two-phase frictional pressure drop of steam-water in helically coiled tubes with small coil diameters at high pressure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 132 (2018) 18-29.
[19] Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, X.L. Gao, H. Zhang, W. Zhao, Flow visualization study of flow-induced acoustic resonance in closed side branches, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 120 (2018) 559-568.
[20] S. Chen, Z.X. Hu, Y. Xiao, H.Y. Gu, Experimental investigation of subcooled flow boiling heat transfer in helical coils, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 327 (2018) 187-197.
[21] J. Ge, C.L. Wang, Y. Xiao, W.X. Tian, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, D.L. Zhang, Y.W. Wu, Thermal-hydraulic analysis of a fluoride-salt-cooled pebble-bed reactor with CFD methodology, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 91 (2016) 83-96.
[22] D.L. Zhang, A. Rineiski, C.L. Wang, Z.P. Guo, Y. Xiao, S.Z. Qiu, Development of a kinetic model for safety studies of liquid-fuel reactors, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 81 (2015) 104-112.
[23] Y. Xiao, L.W. Hu, S.Z. Qiu, D.L. Zhang, G.H. Su, W.X. Tian, Development of a Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Code and Transient Analysis for a Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Test Reactor, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 1 (2015) 7.
[24] H.Y. Gu, Z.X. Hu, D. Liu, Y. Xiao, X. Cheng, Experimental studies on heat transfer to supercritical water in 2 x 2 rod bundle with two channels, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 291 (2015) 212-223.
[25] Y. Xiao, L.W. Hu, C. Forsberg, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, K. Chen, N.X. Wang, Analysis of the Limiting Safety System Settings of a Fluoride Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Test Reactor, Nuclear Technology, 187 (2014) 221-234.
[26] C.L. Wang, Y. Xiao, J.J. Zhou, D.L. Zhang, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, X.Z. Cai, N.X. Wang, W. Guo, Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a Fluoride Salt-Cooled Pebble-Bed Test Reactor, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 178 (2014) 86-102.
[27] Y. Xiao, Y.W. Wu, W.X. Tian, S.Z. Qiu, G.H. Su, Development of VTSAS 1.0 and application to an IPWR, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 261 (2013) 20-32.
[28] Z.P. Guo, D.L. Zhang, Y. Xiao, W.X. Tian, G.H. Su, S.Z. Qiu, Simulations of unprotected loss of heat sink and combination of events accidents for a molten salt reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 53 (2013) 309-319.
[29] Y. Xiao, D.L. Zhang, Z.P. Guo, Y.W. Wu, W.X. Tian, G.H. Su, S.Z. Qiu, Numerical analysis for a molten salt reactor in the presence of localized perturbations, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 60 (2012) 61-72.

教学工作 先进反应堆数值模拟,研究生,48学时

软件版权登记及专利 一种氟盐冷却高温堆非能动余热排出系统自然循环特性模化方法,ZL2.0

荣誉奖励 2019 中国核能行业协会科技进步二等奖(排名第2)
2019 上海交通大学晨星优秀青年****(B类)
2019 国家核电上海核工院奖教金
2018 上海交通大学本科招生工作先进个人
2018 上海交通大学优秀班主任
2016 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划
2013 教育部博士研究生国家奖学金

相关话题/机械 上海交通大学