本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
颜志淼 工程力学系
个人简历 研究方向 学术兼职 科研项目 代表性论文及专著 教学工作 软件版权登记及专利 荣誉和奖励
2020年8月-至今,上海交通大学,长聘教轨副教授(Associate Professor),博导
2018年11月-2020年7月,上海交通大学,长聘教轨助理教授(Assistant Professor)
2015年1月-2016年3月,美国Virginia Tech,博士后
2012年1月-2014年12月,美国Virginia Tech,工程力学,博士
SCI期刊审稿人,包括Smart Materials and Structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, International Journal of Mechanical Science, Energy, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Energy Engineering, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Energy Conversions and Management, IEEE Access, Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, Journal of Engineering Mechanics等。
[1]2020.1-2022.12 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于尾流驰振的低速水流压电能量采集器分岔机理及性能研究,25万
[2] 2019.7.1-2022.6.30 主持上海市自然科学基金面上项目,压电自参数吸振器目标能量转移机理和非线性振动控制研究,20万
[3] 2019-2021长聘教轨助理教授科研启动项目,折纸超材料力学性能分析, 20万
[4] 2018.6-2019.6,主持上海交通大学船舰设备噪声与振动控制技术国防重点学科基金,船舶设备被动/半主动压电自参数吸振器理论与实验研究,10万
[5] 2018.6-2018.12,主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2018T110283,驰振压电能量采集系统机电解耦及优化设计研究,15万
[6] 2017.6-2018.12,主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等),2017M610202,舞动压电风能采集器外接交流与直流电路系统建模与优化,8万
[7] 2017.1-2018.12,主持哈尔滨工业大学国防重点实验室基金,HIT.KLOF.2016.072,高超音速飞行器颤振分析与被动控制, 5万
[8] 2009.08-2016.12,参与美国空军实验室与弗吉尼亚理工合作研究基金项目,Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design of Future Aerospace Vehicles,$3,283,735
(* represents corresponding author)
38.Piezoelectric galloping energy harvesting enhanced by topological equivalent aerodynamic design,
Zhao D.L., Hu X.Y., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Zhang W.M.,Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 222: 113260.
37. Nonlinear characterization and performance optimization for broadband bistable energy harvester.
Tan T., Yan Z.M., Ma K.J., Liu F.R., Zhao L.C., Zhang W.M.*, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2020
36. Ultra broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting via bistable multi-hardening and multi-softening.
Yan Z.M., Sun W.P., Hajj M.R., Zhang W.M., Tan T.*. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020: 100, 1057-1077 (SCI, Q1).
35. Ultra-wideband piezoelectric energy harvester based on stockbridge damper and its application in smart grid
Nie X.C., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Yan Z.T.*, Zhang W.M.. Applied Energy, 2020: 267, 114898.
34. Energy harvesting from iced-conductor inspired wake galloping
Yan Z.M., Wang L.Z., Hajj M.R., Yan Z.T., Sun Y., Tan T.*. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020, 35: 100633 (SCI, Q1)
33. Piezoelectromagnetic synergy design and performance analysis for wind galloping energy harvester.
Tan T., Hu X.Y., Yan Z.M.*, Zou Y.J., Zhang W.M.. Sensors and Actuators A, 2020, 302: 111813. (SCI, Q2)
32. Enhanced low-velocity wind energy harvesting from transverse galloping with super capacitor.
Tan T., Hu X.Y., Yan Z.M.*, Zhang W.M.. Energy, 2019, 187: 115915. (SCI, Q1)
31. Renewable energy harvesting and absorbing via multi-scale metamaterial systems for Internet of things
Tan T., Yan Z.M., Zou H.X., Ma K.J., Liu F.R., Zhao L.C., Peng Z.K., Zhang W.M.*. Applied Energy, 2019, 254: 113717. (SCI, Q1)
30. Integration of tapered beam and four direct-current circuits for enhanced energy harvesting from transverse galloping
Wang L.Z., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Li D.Z., Zhang B., Yan Z.T.*, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, 24(5): 2248-2260. (SCI, Q1)
29. Tapered galloping energy harvester for power enhancement and vibration reduction
Wang L.Z., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Yan Z.T.*, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2019, 30(18-19): 2853-2869. (SCI, Q2)
28. Broadband and high-efficient L-shaped piezoelectric energy harvester based on internal resonance
Nie X.C., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Yan Z.T.*, Hajj M.R., International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 159, 287–305 (SCI, Q1)
27. Low velocity water flow energy harvesting using vortex induced vibration and galloping
Sun W.P., Zhao D.L., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Guo P.C., Luo X.Q.,Applied Energy, 2019, 251, 113392 (SCI, Q1)
26. Optimal dual-functional design for a piezoelectric autoparametric vibration absorber
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Zou Y.J., Zhang W.M., Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 123: 513–532(SCI, Q1)
25. Nonlinear analysis of galloping piezoelectric energy harvesters with inductive-resistive circuits for boundaries of analytical solutions
Yan Z.M.*, Sun W.P., Tan T., Huang W.H., Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018, 62:90-116 (SCI, Q1)
24. Nonlinear characterization of the rotor-bearing system with the oil-film and unbalance forces considering the effect of the oil-temperature
Sun W.P., Yan Z.M.*, Tan T., Zhao D.L., Luo X.Q., Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 10.1007/s11071-018-4113-5 (SCI, Q1)
23. Nonlinear analysis for dual-frequency concurrent energy harvesting,
Yan Z.M.*, Lei H., Tan T., Sun W.P., Huang W.H., Mechanical Systems and Singal Processing, 2018, 104: 514-535 (SCI, Q1)
22. Passive control of transonic flutter with a nonlinear energy sink
Yan Z.M., Ragab S., Hajj M.R.*, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 91(1):577-590 (SCI, Q1)
21. Energy harvesting from water flow in open channel with macro fiber composite
Sun W.P., Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Sun W.P., Zhao D.L., Luo X.Q., Huang W.H., AIP advances, 2018, 8, 095107 (SCI, Q3)
20. Broadband design of hybrid piezoelectric energy harvester
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Huang W.H., International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 131-132: 516-526, 2017 (SCI, Q1)
19. Optimization and performance comparison for galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesters with alternating-current and direct-current interface circuits
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Lei H., Smart Materials and Structures 26(7): 075007, 2017 (SCI, Q1)
18. Optimization study on inductive-resistive circuit for broadband piezoelectric energy harvesters
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, AIP advances 7 (3), 035318, 2017 (SCI, Q3)
17. Geometric Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Model for Cantilever-beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters and Structural Dimension Analysis for Galloping Mode
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Lei H., Sun W.P., Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, DOI: 10.1177/**X**, 2017 (SCI, Q2)
16. Electromechanical decoupled model for cantilever-beam piezoelectric energy harvesters with inductive-resistive circuits and its application in galloping mode
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Smart Materials and Structures 26(3):035062, 2017 (SCI, Q1)
15. Nonlinear characteristics of an autoparametric vibration system
Yan Z.M.*, Taha H.E., Tan T., Journal of Sound andVibration 390, 1-22, 2017 (SCI, Q1)
14. Nonlinear performances of an autoparametric vibration-based piezoelastic energy harvester
Yan Z.M.*, Hajj M.R., Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 28(2), 254-271, 2017 (SCI, Q2)
13. Analytical solution and optimal design for galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesters
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Applied Physics Letters, 109 (25), 2016 (SCI, Q1)
12. Electromechanical decoupled model for cantilever-beam piezoelectric energy harvesters
Tan T., Yan Z.M.*, Hajj M.R., Applied Physics Letters 109(10):101908, 2016 (SCI, Q1)
11. Vibration of a Rectangular Plate Carrying a Massive Machine with Elastic Supports
Wang L.Z., Yan Z.T.*, Li Z.L., Yan Z.M., International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 16 (10), ** , 2016 (SCI, Q2)
10. Energy Harvesting from an autoparametric vibration absorber
Yan Z.M.*, Hajj M.R., Smart Materials and Structures 24 (11), 2015 (SCI, Q1)
9. Effects of Aerodynamics Modeling on Optimum Wing Kinematics of Hovering MAVs
Yan Z.M.*, Taha H.E., Hajj M.R., Aerospace Science and Technology, 45, 39-49, 2015 (SCI, Q1)
8. Geometrically-exact unsteady model for airfoils undergoing large amplitude maneuvers
Yan Z.M.*, Taha H.E., Hajj M.R., Aerospace Science and Technology, 39, 293-306, 2014 (SCI, Q1)
7. Nonlinear characterization of concurrent energy harvesting from galloping and base excitations
Yan Z.M., Abdelkefi A.*, Nonlinear dynamics, 77 (4), 1171-1189, 2014 (SCI, Q1)
6. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from hybrid vibrations
Yan Z.M., Abdelkefi A.*, Hajj M.R., Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2), 025026, 2014 (SCI, Q1)
5. Performance analysis of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters with different cross-section geometries
Abdelkefi A.*, Yan Z.M., Hajj M.R., Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures 25 (2), 246-256, 2014 (SCI, Q2)
4. Nonlinear dynamics of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters
Abdelkefi A.*, Yan Z.M., Hajj M.R., The European Physical Journal Special Topic 222 (7), 1483-1501, 2013 (SCI, Q2)
3. Temperature impact on the performance of galloping-based piezoeroelastic energy harvesters
Abdelkefi A.*, Yan Z.M., Hajj M.R., Smart Materials and Structures 22 (5), 055026, 2013 (SCI, Q1)
2. Modeling and nonlinear analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting from transverse galloping
Abdelkefi A.*, Yan Z.M., Hajj M.R., Smart Materials and Structures 22 (2), 025016, 2013 (SCI, Q1)
1. Nonlinear galloping of internally resonant iced transmission lines considering eccentricity
Yan Z.M., Yan Z.T.*, Li Z.L., Tan T., Journal of sound and vibration 331 (15), 3599-3616, 2012 (SCI, Q1)
1. 一种基于自参数动力吸振器的压电能收集器测试装置,中国,ZL8.7,2020.06.09,排序1
2. 一种利用机械振动转换成电能的装置,中国,ZL3.7,2020.07.04,排序1
3. 一种基于动力吸振器的压电能量收集器测试装置,中国,ZL7.9,2020.07.07,排序1
4. 一种压电能收集器测试装置及测试方法,中国,ZL5.1,2020.07.03,排序1
5. 基于风致振动的串错列压电采集器测试装置和测试方法,中国,ZL**-139.9,2020.07.14,排序1
6. 基于内共振原理的宽频俘能防振锤装置,中国,CN6.8,2020.07.23,排序1
7. 尾流激振的覆冰形能量采集器,中国,CN4.5,2020.07.29, 排序1
8. 基于声子晶体的可调频声能采集装置,中国,CN2.7,2020.08.13,排序1
2018 国际先进材料协会科学家奖章
2012-2015 中国留学基金委政府奖学金
2015 弗吉尼亚理工大学Liviu Librescu Memorial Scholarship奖学金
2008-2011 优秀研究生、优秀毕业生
2006年,2007年 国家奖学金(两次)
2004-2008 优秀毕业生,重庆市力学竞赛一等奖,科研创新先进个人
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叶冠林土木工程系办公电话:传真:电子邮件:ygl@sjtu.edu.cn通讯地址:木兰船建大楼A303室个人简历研究方向学术兼职科研项目代表性论文及专著教学工作软件版权登记及专利荣誉和奖励1994-1998上海交通大学建筑工程系本科1998-2001同济大学地下建筑与工程系结构工程专业硕士2001- ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨槱
杨槱船舶与海洋工程系 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01