本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
依平 船舶与海洋工程系
个人简历 研究方向 科研项目 代表性论文及专著
09/2011 ~ 12/2016 大连理工大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士
09/2015 ~ 09/2016 美国普渡大学 航空航天推进工程 访问****
09/2014 ~ 03/2015 日本东京工业大学 流体动力工程 访问****
09/2007 ~ 06/2011 大连理工大学 热能与动力工程 本科
05/2019 ~ 至今 上海交通大学 船建学院 助理教授
01/2019 ~ 05/2019 美国明尼苏达大学-双城 Mechanical Engineering Department 博士后
06/2017 ~ 12/2018 IFP Energies Nouvelles Engine Modeling Department 博士后
01/2017 ~ 05/2017 大连理工大学 动力工程及工程热物理 助理研究员
European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (06/2017 – 12/2018)
低速二冲程双燃料船用主机气缸油自燃引发爆燃机理研究,国家自然科学基金 (09/2015 – 12/2017)
基于燃料多组分蒸发和反应动力学模型的控制压燃发动机研究,国家自然科学基金 (09/2012 – 12/2016)
低温燃烧模式下生物柴油发动机氮氧化物和碳烟排放生成机理,国家自然科学基金 (09/2013 – 12/2015)
大功率柴油机高效燃烧系统的开发研究 (GF项目) (09/2011 – 12/2015)
1.Ping Yi, S. Yang, C. Habchi, et al., A multicomponent real-fluid fully compressible four-equation model for two-phase flow with phase change. Physics of Fluids, 31, 026102, 2019
2.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia et al., An enhanced multi-component evaporation model for biodiesel fuels under high temperature and pressure conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (May 2018, revised, SCI).
3.Ping Yi, W. Long, L. Feng, et al., Investigation of Evaporation and Auto-ignition of Isolated Lubricating Oil Droplets in Natural Gas Engine In-cylinder Condition. Fuel, 235: 1172-1183, 2019. (SCI).
4.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, An analogical multi-component vaporization model for single diesel droplets. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 127: 158-172, 2018. (SCI)
5.Ping Yi, M. Jia, W. Long, et al., Evaporation of pure and blended droplets of diesel and alcohols (C2 – C9) under diesel engine conditions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 71:311-326, 2017. (SCI)
6.Ping Yi, W. Long, L. Feng, et al., An experimental and numerical study of the evaporation and pyrolysis characteristics of lubricating oil droplets in the natural gas engine conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103: 646-660, 2016. (SCI)
7.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, et al., Development of a quasi-dimensional vaporization model for multi-component fuels focusing on forced convection and high temperature conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97: 130-145, 2016. (SCI)
8.W. Long, Ping Yi, M. Jia, et al., An enhanced multi-component vaporization model for high temperature and pressure conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90: 857-871, 2015. (SCI)
9.Ping Yi, W. Long, M. Jia, et al., Development of an improved hybrid multi-component vaporization model for realistic multi-component fuels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 77:173-184, 2014. (SCI)
10.Ping Yi, L. Feng, M. Jia, et al., Development of an improved multi-component vaporization model for application in Oxygen-Enrich and EGR conditions. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 66:904-927, 2014. (SCI)
11.Y. Zhang, M. Jia, Ping Yi, et al., An efficient liquid film vaporization model for multi-component fuels considering thermal and mass diffusions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 112: 534-548, 2016. (SCI)
12.Y. Zhang, M. Jia, P. Wang, Ping Yi, et al., Construction of a decoupling physical-chemical surrogate for practical diesel fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 149: 536-547, 2019. (SCI)
13.W. Yuan, S. He, J. Tian, Ping Yi, et al., Simulation of NOx emission characteristics of high-power mid-speed miller cycle diesel engine. Journal of Central South University, 45:84-90, 2014. (EI)
1.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Ming Jia, et al., An enhanced evaporation model for practical fuel droplets under diesel in-cylinder conditions. Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, Shanghai, 2016.
2.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Liyan Feng, et al., A Numerical Investigation of the Vaporization Process of Lubricating Oil Droplets under Gas Engine Conditions. 2015 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, SAE 2015-01-1949, 2015.
3.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Ming Jia, et al., Development of an improved hybrid multi-component vaporization model for practical fuels. 2014 The 28th Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
4.Ping Yi, Wuqiang Long, Ming Jia, et al., Vaporization characteristics of practical fuel droplets. Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, Sichuan, 2014.
5.Zixin Wang, Liyan Feng, Ping Yi, Numerical Study on Evaporation of Lubricating Oil Droplets in natural gas engine conditions. Proceedings of ASME 2018 Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, San Diego, USA, 2018.
6.Weixin Gong, Ping Yi, Zixin Wang, et al., Numerical Study on the Evaporation and Ignition Characteristics of Lubricating Oil Droplet in Gas Engine In-Cylinder Condition. The 24th National Academic Conference on Engineering Thermophysics in Colleges and Universities, Hebei, China, 2018.
7.Songzhi Yang, Chawki Habchi, Ping Yi, et al., Cavitation modelling using real-fluid equation of state. CAV, Washington, America, 2018.
8.Songzhi Yang, Chawki Habchi, Ping Yi, et al., Towards a multicomponent real-fluid fully compressible two-phase flow model. 14th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, 2018.
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