
上海交通大学医学院研究生导师简介 周薇

上海交通大学 免费考研网/2013-01-09

导师姓名: 周薇 专业代码: 100706
性别: 专业名称: 药理学
培养单位: 基础医学院 三级学科/
导师类型: 硕士生导师 专业学位导师:
联系方式: sweetzw@hotmail.com 上海交通大学医学院药理教研室;200025;63846590-778014
研究方向 (点击浏览详细信息)
81273519G蛋白偶联受体M1 mAChR的SUMO修饰新方式及其对受体功能调控的研究国家自然科学基金2013-01~~2016-1270万元课题负责人
学术论文 (#为通讯作者,*为共同第一作者)

1、Yang L, Tan P, Zhou W#, Zhu X, Cui Y, Zhu L, Feng X, Qi H, Zheng J, Gu P, Fan X, Chen H. N-Acetylcysteine Protects Against Hypoxia Mimetic-Induced Autophagy by Targeting the HIF-1α Pathway in Retinal Ganglion Cells.. Cell Mol Neurobiol,2012;32(8)):1275-1285
2、Zheng J, Feng X, Hou L, Cui Y, Zhu L, Ma J, Xia Z, Zhou W#, Chen H. Latanoprost promotes neurite outgrowth in differentiated RGC-5 cells via the PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling pathway. Cell Mol Neurobiol,2011;31(4):597-604
3、Zhu X, Zhou W*, Cui Y, Zhu L, Li J, Feng X, Shao B, Qi H, Zheng J, Wang H, Chen H. Pilocarpine protects Cobalt Chloride-induced apoptosis of RGC-5 Cells: involvement of muscarinic receptor and HIF-1α pathway. Cell Mol Neurobiol,2010;30(3):427-435
4、Zhu X, Zhou W*, Cui Y, Zhu L, Li J, Xia Z, Shao B, Wang H, Chen H. Muscarinic activation attenuates abnormal processing of beta-amyloid precursor protein induced by cobalt chloride-mimetic hypoxia in retinal ganglion cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2009;384(1):110-113
5、Li J, Hu J, Shao B, Zhou W, Cui Y, Dong C, Ezoulin JM, Zhu X, Ding W, Heymans F, Chen H. Protection of PMS777, a new AChE inhibitor with PAF antagonism, against amyloid-beta-Induced neuronal apoptosis and neuroinflammation. Cell Mol Neurobiol,2009;29(4):589-595
6、Xie Q, Wang H, Xia Z, Lu MY, Zhang WW, Wang XH, Fu Wei, Tang Y, Sheng W, Li W, Zhou W, Zhu X, Qiu ZB, Chen HZ. Bis-(-)-nor-meptazinols as novel nanomolar cholinesterase inhibitors with high inhibitory potency on Amyloid-β aggregation. J Med Chem,2008;51(7):2027-2036
7、Zhou W, Zhu X, Zhu L, Cui YY, Wang H, Qi H, Ren QS, Chen HZ. Neuroprotection of muscarinic receptor agonist pilocarpine against glutamate-induced apoptosis in retinal neurons. Cell Mol Neurobiol,2008;28(2):263-275
8、Liu Y, Wang Y, Jiang Z, Wan C, Zhou W, Wang Z. The extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway is involved in the modulation of morphine-induced reward by mPer1. Neuroscience,2007;146(1):265-271
9、Zhou W, Wang Y, Liu Y, Peng W, Xiao J, Zhu B, Wang Z. Deoxyribozymes inhibit the expression of period1 in vitro. Sci China C Life Sci.,2005;48(3):195-201
10、Liu Y, Wang Y, Wan C, Zhou W, Peng T, Liu Y, Wang Z, Li G, Cornelisson G, Halberg F.. The role of mPer1 in morphine dependence in mice. Neuroscience,2005;130(2):383-8

版权所有 ? 2009 上海交通大学研究生院医学院分院上海市重庆南路227号 邮编:200025
电子邮件:yjsy@shsmu.edu.cn 总机:63846590
相关话题/导师 医学