
自组装多肽是指能够在一定条件下, 通过π-π堆积、静电相互作用等分子间作用力, 形成组装体的多肽类材料. 此类材料具有良好的生物相容性和可控性, 能够形成颗粒、纤维和凝胶等纳米结构, 发挥特定的形貌学功能, 广泛应用在生物医学等领域. 为了满足药物递送、疾病诊疗等需求, 需要在多肽上进行修饰. 由于多肽的组装特性及其自身的生物功能, 修饰后的组装肽在组装能力和生物医学应用方面更具有优势, 所以如何进行自组装肽的功能化修饰一直是研究热点. 多肽修饰位点一般在两端的羧基和氨基, 以及氨基酸侧链上的活性基团. 为了降低修饰难度或避免影响目标分子的生物活性, 可以通过连接单元来修饰某些功能基团. 因此根据修饰方法可以分为直接修饰和间接修饰. 综述了近期自组装多肽的功能化修饰方法及相关应用.
关键词: 多肽修饰, 自组装, 合成方法, 生物应用
Self-assembly peptide is a kind of peptide material that can form assembly under certain conditions due to the intermolecular forces such as π-π stacking and electrostatic interaction. This class of material exhibits good biocompatibility and controllability, and can form nanostructures such as granules, fibers and gels, which play a specific morphologic function and are widely used in biomedicine and other fields. In order to meet the needs of drug delivery, disease diagnosis and regulation of hydrophilic hydrophobic balance of peptides, it is necessary to perform modification for peptides. Due to the assembly characteristics of peptides and their biological functions, modified peptides have more advantages than the unmodified ones. Thus, functional modification for self-assembly peptides has been investigated intensively in recent years. The modification sites in peptide are usually the carboxyl and amino groups at both ends, as well as the active groups on the amino acid side chain. However, it is difficult for some molecules to react with peptides directly. Accordingly, two modification methods, i.e. direct and indirect modifications, have been developed in research. In this paper, the recent functionalization methods of self-assembly peptides and relevant applications are reviewed.
Key words: peptide modification, self-assembly, synthetic method, biological application