
学术报告:Present and Future studies of the Chiral Magnetic Effect at RHIC and the LHC_上海应用物理研究所

上海应用物理研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06

报告题目:Present and Future studies of the Chiral Magnetic Effect at RHIC and the LHC

报 告 人:Aihong Tang(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)




The Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) is the generation of electric current induced by local chirality- imbalance in the presence of magnetic field. The heavy ion collisions provide an ideal environment for CME — as a hot quark-gluon plasma is created with chirality imbalance from gluons topologic fluctuations, and strong magnetic fields is generated in non head-on collisions. In this talk, I will review the current progress of experimental studies of CME and its related phenomena at both RHIC and the LHC. I will also discuss future plans and possibilities.


2002 PhD. from Kent State University, 2002-2005 as postdoc at BNL, promoted to scientific staff in 2005, and scientist since 2009. Driving force behind a few highlight STAR publication, including two Nature papers and one PRL editor’s suggestion. Currently leading the effort of STAR High Level Trigger, and serving as a co-covenor of STAR tracking focus group.

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