
Building the Next Generation Batteries_上海硅酸盐研究所

上海硅酸盐研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-05

The State Key Lab of
High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  中 国 科 学 院 上 海 硅 酸 盐 研 究 所 高 性 能 陶 瓷 和 超 微 结 构 国 家 重 点 实 验 室

  Building the Next Generation Batteries

  刘 俊

  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99354, USA






  Li-ion batteries play a critical rule in modern day technologies, but their energy density is rapidly approaching the maximum practically achievable value based on the known cathode and anode materials. Developing the next generation lithium batteries with an energy density significantly higher than 300 Wh/kg, and costs less than $100/kWh, is a significant challenge for the scientific community. This seminar will discusses the requirements and practical technical approaches we identified to address this grand challenge. In particular, we will discuss the detailed cell level requirements and parameters to reach 500 Wh/kg, and the scientific challenges and approaches, including, enabling direct utilization of lithium metal anode with high efficiency, dendrite free lithium metal deposition, high utilization of the cathode materials with high active materials loading and minimum waste, and cell level optimization of validation of the materials properties and control of interfaces reactions across the whole cells. New concepts in emerging multifunctional materials and electrolytes will also be discussed.


  刘俊博士,美国西太平洋国家实验室巴特尔特聘资深研究员,国家实验室特聘资深研究员,美国能源部电池五百联盟主席,世界材料、化学、工程三领域高引科学家,纳米能源杂志副主编。发表论文400余篇,60多篇高引论文,三万多次他引,Web of Science影响因子90。他是美国西太平洋国家实验室杰出发明家,国家实验室巴特尔杰出发明家。曾任太平洋国家实验室材料能源院院长,美国能源部储能研究中心基础学科首席科学家,桑地亚国家实验室纳米材料和化学系主仼,美国联合纳米科学中心材料部主任,贝尔实验室资深研究员,美国材料学会大会主席。


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