学 术 报 告
Ancient Ceramic Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Spectroscopy for the studies of structural problems in art and archaeology: use of micro and macro spectroscopic techniques for the glasses, ceramics and porcelains
Emeritus Prof. Sylvia TURRELL
Laboratoire Spectroscopies Infrared and Raman (LASIR)
Université Lille
Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
地点: 4 号楼 8楼会议室
联系人: 李伟东研究员(3003)
Name : Sylvia TURRELL, Emeritus Professor
Laboratoire Spectroscopies Infrared and Raman (LASIR)
Université Lille
Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Direction of research: Since 1978 I have directed 21 theses on subjects related to the use of spectroscopic techniques to study structural variations in diverse media. My last research group consisted of 13 permanent researchers working on the theme Micro et Nanostructure for photonics and electronics.
Areas of research :
Use of IR and Raman Spectroscopies and Force field calculations for study of crystalline systems
Detection and characterisation of Alzheimer’s Disease
Development of sol-gel materials/densification of sol-gel// effect of doping ions of densification processes
Planar wave guides
Alteration of glasses : Application to materials in art and archeology
Création and growth of semiconductor nanoparticles (NP) for applications in photonics and photovoltaics
Controlled photo growth and optical properties of semi conductor nano-objects in glass matrices
Publications: Author of 95 publications, over a hundred oral presentations and over 50 invited conferences in congresses, conferences or in universities.
Awards and recognition
Grand Prize Léonard Danel, Given by the Industrielle Sociéty of the North of France for work in collaboration with Industries of the North (January 2004)
Bibliography “Who’s Who in the World” (since 2009)
Bibliography in “American Men and Women of Science” (since 1982)
Emeritus Professor 2012 - 2017
Spectroscopy for the studies of structural problems in art and archaeology: u..._上海硅酸盐研究所
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