

上海生命科学研究院 免费考研网/2018-05-05

9月24日,由中科院 (CAS) 、英国约翰·英纳斯中心 (JIC)联合筹建的植物和微生物科学联合研究中心 (CEPAMS)在上海正式揭牌。中科院上海生科院植物生理生态研究所所长韩斌院士主持揭牌仪式,英国大学、科研与创新国务大臣乔·约翰逊 (Jo Johnson)、中科院国际合作局副局长曹殿文、CEPAMS中心中方执行主任曹晓风院士、英方执行主任Ray Dixon、中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所所长杨维才研究员、英国约翰·英纳斯中心主任Dale Sanders、中科院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心主任朱建康院士出席了揭牌仪式。

  2014年7月11日,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所(IGDB)、中科院上海生科院植物生理生态研究所与英国约翰·英纳斯中心(JIC)三方在英国皇家学会Kohn Center共同签署了中国科学院-英国约翰?英纳斯中心植物和微生物科学联合研究中心(CAS-JIC Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science, CEPAMS)战略合作协议。


  两年来,中英双方科学家在作物改良和育种理论及应用研究、植物天然产物的代谢机理及应用研发等领域积极开展合作研究。2015年,CEPAMS中心启动了第一批12项由中科院、英国生物技术和生物科学研究理事会(Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, 简称BBSRC)和牛顿基金共同资助的双边合作项目。






  Letter of Congratulation

  Dear Minister Jo Johnson

  Distinguished Colleagues and Friends from both China and UK

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  On the occasion of the Opening Ceremony of the CAS-JIC Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science (CEPAMS) being held in Shanghai, I want to take the pleasure of extending my warmest congratulations to this partnership on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

  I had the pleasure to witness the birth of this joint Centre when the cooperative agreement for the establishment of the partnership was signed between the Shanghai institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, and the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS and the John Innes Centre, UK back in July 2014. Since then, CEPAMS has made significant progress in different aspects concerned including the organization construction, the recruitment of researchers, the initiation of concrete cooperation activities, and progress in research and international recognition. All this has been achieved with enthusiastic and dedicated efforts form both sides.

Clearly, CEPAMS is on the right track to becoming an international center of excellence for plant and microbial science as designed and hoped for. Here I want to give my compliments to all the individuals involved in making this partnership a reality and having contributing to the success. I particularly want to thank the Government of UK, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Newton Foundation and the John Innes Center for your strong support to this partnership and hope that you will continue your strong support to it.

  CAS attaches much significance to this Joint Center. The fact that CAS management approved it to use the name of CAS is a clear indication. In the past two years, we have also rendered our strong support to it.

  We believe this joint center is not only of much significance to the advances of plant science but global agricultural sustainability. It will prove to be a good example to demonstrate what China and UK can jointly do together for our interests and for the benefits of the rest of the world.

  Mankind must grow 50% more food on less land, with less water and with more extreme weather conditions in the general context of global climate change by 2030. To address a challenge of such magnitude, we must rely on science and innovations; we must carry out effective international cooperation. This is what CEPAMS is all about. I am sure that our scientists, from both China and UK, will also use the platform to bring in other international talent as needed to address this very pressing global challenge. On this note, I wish our scientists a continuous success in their scientific endeavor.

  As close partners, China and UK face lots of similar challenges and have lots of common interests. I am so happy to see a closing and tightening collaborative relation in science and innovation has been on the rapid rise between our two countries along with the flourishing of trade and business.

  As a big and comprehensive national scientific organization in China with major roles in science and innovation, higher education and strategic advice, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is very keen to strengthening cooperation and partnerships with UK in many areas of common interests. I personally wish to promote this increasing ties and cooperation between us with you-Minister, your teams and various scientific organizations in UK.

  Once again what a pleasure to jointly promote CEPAMS with you, a partnership I believe of a bright and great expectation. I wish CEPAMS a big success.

  I wish you and your team an enjoyable stay at CAS institutes and in Shanghai.



  Prof. Dr. Chun-Li Bai


  Chinese Academy of Sciences

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