
PICB Seminar:The MiAge Calculator: a DNA methylation-based mitotic age calculator of Human tissue ty

上海生命科学研究院 免费考研网/2018-05-05

Title:The MiAge Calculator: a DNA methylation-based mitotic age calculator of Human tissue types

Speaker:Dr. Shuang Wang (Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University, USA)

Time :25th July 2017 ,2pm,(Tuesday)

Venue:Room 315,SIBSMainBuilding,YueyangRoad320

Host:Prof. Andrew Teschendorff


Cell division is important in human aging and cancer. To estimate the number of cell divisions (mitotic age) of a given tissue type between individuals is of great interest as that not only allows to study biological aging using a new molecular aging target but also allows the stratification of prospective cancer risk. Here we introduce the MiAge Calculator, a mitotic age calculator based on a novel statistical framework, the MiAge model. MiAge is designed to quantitatively estimatemitoticage(total number of lifetime cell divisions) of a tissue using the stochastic replication errors accumulated in the epigenetic inheritance process during cell divisions. With the MiAge model, theMiAge Calculator was built using the training data of DNA methylation measures of 4,020 tumor and adjacent normal tissue samples from eight TCGA cancer types and was tested using the testing data of DNA methylation measures of 2,221 tumor and adjacent normal tissue samples of five other TCGA cancer types. We showed that within each of the thirteen cancer types studied, the estimated mitotic age is universally accelerated in tumor tissues than in adjacent normal tissues. Across the thirteen cancer types, we showed that worse cancer survival is associated with a more accelerated mitotic age in tumor tissues. Importantly, we demonstrated the utility of mitotic age by showing that the integration of mitotic age and clinical information leads to an improved survival prediction in six out of the thirteen cancer types studied. The MiAge Calculator is available athttps://www.mailman.columbia.edu/people/our-faculty/sw2206

Everyone is welcome! If you'd like to have a 1-1 meeting with the speaker,please feel free to contact with Dr.Andrew Teschendorff(andrew@picb.ac.cn)


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