
SIBS Seminar: Immunology on Nature Communications: what we look for, how we process, and whom we wis

上海生命科学研究院 免费考研网/2018-05-05

Title:Immunology on Nature Communications: what we look for, how we process, and whom we wish to be

Speaker:Dr. Ching-yu Huang, Associate editor, Nature Communications, Nature Research

Time:June 8, 2017, Thursday, 10:30 am

Venue:Room 300, 3rdFloor, SIBS Main Building, 320 Yueyang Road

Host:Prof. Youcun Qian,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences


At Nature Communications, we publish primary research articles in the field of biology, physics, chemistry and earth science.All articles are currently published under a CC BY license as open access with article processing fees charged to the authors, and are indexed in DOAJ, MEDLINE, Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. The suitability of the manuscripts for publication in Nature Communicationsis assessed on multiple aspects, including novelty, significance, relevance and innovation. For immunology-related manuscripts, we welcome submissions of a wide spectrum of works, ranging from basic researches such as fundamental immunobiology and immune cell development, extension researches such as disease model development and immune response modulation, to translational researches such as advance in vaccine design and immune therapy. The submitted manuscript will first be evaluated by in-house editors for the feasibility of external review and, once deemed positive, will be assessed by 2-4 experts in the field for validity, clarity and suitability. An editorial decision will then be drafted and concurred among multiple editors before being processed to the authors. Despite the enormous expansion of our publication volume since 2010, we have strived to maintain the bar for publishing high-quality, high-impact articles on immunology in Nature Communications. As a continuously-burgeoning field, we expect immunology to ride on the trend of integrating recent advances in system biology, genetic editing, nanotechnology and biomedical engineering to further evolve and expand.

All are welcome!


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