

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-23

2006.9 – 2010.6 中国药科大学,基础药学理科基地班,学士
2010.9 – 2015.6 复旦大学,高分子科学系,高分子化学与物理,博士
2015.7-2018.7 中国药科大学,药学院,药剂系,讲师
2018.7-2020.8 中国药科大学,药学院,药剂系,副教授
2018.11-2019.11 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,生物医学工程系,博士后
2020.9至今 上海中医药大学,中药学院,药剂教研室,副教授
1. Dinglengge Cao, Xingxian Zhang, M.D. Akabar, Yuan Luo, Hao Wu, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Liposomal doxorubicin loaded PLGA-PEG-PLGA based thermogel for sustained local drug delivery for the treatment of breast cancer, Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology, 2019, 47, 181-191
2. Haifeng Sun, Dinglingge Cao, Yanhong Liu, Hui Wang, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Low molecular weight heparin-based reduction-sensitive nanoparticles for antitumor and anti-metastasis of orthotopic breast cancer. Biomaterials Science, 2018, 6, 2172-2188.
3. Haifeng Sun, Dinglingge Cao, Hao Wu, Huan Liu, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Development of low molecular weight heparin based nanoparticles for metastatic breast cancer therapy.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 112: 343-355
4.Tianyuan Ci, Luo Yuan, Xiaoyan Bao, Yuting Hou, Hao Wu, Haifeng Sun, Dinglingge Cao, Xue Ke *, Development and anti-Candida evaluation of the vaginal delivery system of amphotericin B nanosuspension-loaded thermogel, Journal of Drug Targeting, 2018, 26, 829-839
5. Yi Chen, Haohuan Li, Yueyang Deng, Haifeng Sun, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Near-infrared light triggered drug delivery system for higher efficacy of combined chemo-photothermal treatment, Acta Biomaterialia, 2017, 51, 374-392
6. Tianyuan Ci, Yuning Shen, Shuquan Cui, Ruili Liu, Lin Yu, Jiandong Ding*, Achieving high drug loading and sustained release of hydrophobic drugs in hydrogels through in situ crystallization, Macromolecular Bioscience, 2017, 17, **
7. Yulong Xia, Meng Yuan, Yueyang Deng, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Different effects of silica added internal or external on in vitro dissolution of indomethacin hot-melt extrudates, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2017, 534, 272–278.
8. Haohuan Li, Yi Chen, Yueyang Deng, Yue Wang, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Effects of surface charge of low molecular weight heparin-modified cationic liposomes on drug efficacy and toxicity, Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 2017, 43, 1163-1172
9. Danrong Hu, Omar Mezghrani, Lei Zhang, Yi Chen, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*,GE11 peptide modified and reduction-responsive hyaluronic acid-based nanoparticles induced higher efficacy of doxorubicin for breast carcinoma therapy, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016, 11, 5125-5147.
10 Jilai Tian, Miaomiao Han, Yue Wang, Kang Qian, Xue Ke*, Tianyuan Ci*, Reduction-responsive modification-induced higher efficiency for attenuation of tumor metastasis of low molecular weight heparin functionalized liposomes,Rsc Advances, 2016, 6, 49250-49262.
11. Tianyuan Ci, Chen Liang, Lin Yu, Jiandong Ding*, Tumor regression achieved by encapsulating a moderately soluble drug into a polymeric thermogel, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 5473.
12.Tianyuan Ci, Ting Li, Guangtao Chang, Lin Yu, Jiandong Ding*, Simply mixing with poly(ethylene glycol) enhances the fraction of the active chemical form of antitumor drugs of camptothecin family, Journal of Controlled Release, 2013, 169, 329–335.
13. Tianyuan Ci, Ting Li, Liang Chen, Guangtao Chang, Lin Yu, Jiandong Ding*, Effects of “mature micelle” formation of Pluronic P123 on equilibrium between lactone and carboxylate forms of 10-hydrocamptothecin in water, Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 4, 3245-3255.
14. Tianyuan Ci, Chen Liang, Ting Li, Lin Yu, Jiandong Ding*, Effects of amphiphilic block copolymers on the equilibrium lactone fractions of camptothecin analogues at different pHs, Biomaterials Science, 2013, 1, 1235–1243.

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