最后学位:美国明尼苏达大学 博士 1987
公共职务:上海财经大学经济学院 院长
电 话:65904909
个人主页:中文、英文(Home Page at TAMU)
地址:上海市国定路777号 上海财经大学经济学院
湖北省公安县人,1956年生。1974--1977下乡插队务农;1977-1982在华中理工大学数学系就读、任教;1982年获数学硕士学位。1983-1987年在美国明尼苏达大学经济系攻读博士学位,并获明尼苏达大学经济学博士学位,博士论文获全美斯隆博士论文奖;1987-1990为美国德洲A&M大学经济系助教授(Assistant Professor);1991年破格提前提升为付教授并获得终生任期教授资格(tenure),并为德国康思藤斯(Konstanz)大学客座教授;1995年被提前提升为终身任期正教授,1998年被美国德州A&M大学授予杰出人才奖。现为德州A&M大学经济系教授、民营企业研究中心高级研究员、上海财经大学经济学院院长、****讲座教授、中国国务院发展研究中心国际技术与经济研究所顾问,同时也是华中科技大学、西北大学等大学的兼职教授,曾任清华大学特聘教授。在对1990-2000年全球著名1000名经济学家的出版物与被引用次数进行中分别第282位与第504位,在华人经济学家中排名分别为第4位与第6位。列入2003年由英国Edward Elgar出版社出版、英国著名经济学术史专家Mark Blaug 和 Howard Vane根据社会科学文献引证索引所收录的全世界最有影响的700多名经济学家经济家名人录(Who is Who in Economics) 。
田国强曾任中国留美经济学会会长(1991-1992),中国旅美社会科学教授协会首届主席(1995-1997)。于1992年6月在中国留美经济学会年会上被选为首批学会资深研究员(Fellow)。曾任德洲A&M大学中国学生学者联谊会顾问(1988-1998),国际英文学术期刊经济与金融年报和中国经济评论共同主编、中国研究评论,及中文学术期刊经济学(季刊)、经济学报等的编委。主编的市场经济学普及丛书(十四册)由上海人民出版社和香港智慧出版有限公司于93年10月联合在大陆出版,并获94年度四个大奖:国家级图书专业大奖---"中国图书奖"; 由共青团中央、文化部、广播电影电视部及新闻出版署四个中央级单位联合组织评发的国家级大奖---"首届中国青年优秀图书奖";"华东地区优秀政治理论图书一等奖"及"上海市优秀图书(1991-1993.10)一等奖。
1. Listed in Who"s Who in Economics, a biographical dictionary of over 700 most frequently cited economists throughout the world, 4th edition, edited by Mark Blaug and Howard R. Vane, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003
2. Holder of the Lewis Faculty Fellowship in College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, 1996-present.
3. Research Fellowship, Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University, 1995-present.
4. 2001 Zhu Ke Zhen Lectureship, Zhe Jiang University, China.
5. 1996 Tamkang University Lectureship, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
6. Lewis Faculty Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, 1996-present.
7. Who"s Who in the South and Southwest, 24th edition, 1995.
8. 1994 National Chinese Book Award, A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China.
9. Elected Honorary member of Chinese Economists Society, 1993-present.
10. Elected Fellow of Chinese Economists Society, 1992 - present.
11. Nominee of Presidential Young Investigator Awards in 1989, 1990.
12. Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1986 - 1987.
A. Economic Mechanism Design: Implementation and Informational Efficiency
" The Unique Informational Efficiency of the Competitive Mechanism in Economies with Production," Social Choice and Welfare, forthcoming. pdf.
" Implementation in Production Economies with Increasing Returns," Mathematical Social Sciences, 49 (2005), 309-325. pdf.
" A Unique Informationally Efficient Allocation Mechanism in Economies with Consumption Externalities," Inernational Economic Review, 45 (2004), 79-111. pdf.
"A Solution to the Problem of Consumption Externalities," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 39 (2003), 831-837. pdf.
"Economic Mechanism Theory: Informational Efficiency and Incentive Mechanism Design," China Economic Quarterly, 2(2003) pp 271-308 (in Chinese).pdf.
"Mechanism Theory: Informational Efficiency and Incentive Mechanism Design," Advances in Economics and Finance,ed. by G. Tian, the Commercial Press, Beijing, China, 2002, pp 331-385 (in Chinese).pdf.
"Incentive Mechanism Design for Production Economies with Both Private and Public Ownership," Games and Economic Behavior, 33 (2000), 294-320.pdf.
"Implementation of Balanced Linear Cost Share Equilibrium Solution in Nash and Strong Nash Equilibria," Journal of Public Economics, 76 (2000), 239-261.pdf.
"Double Implementation of Lindahl Allocations by a Pure Mechanism," Social Choice and Welfare, 17 (2000), 125-141. pdf.
"Double Implementation of Linear Cost Share Equilibrium Allocations," Mathematical Social Sciences, 40 (2000), 175-189. pdf.
"Feasible and Continuous Double Implementation of Constrained Walrasian Allocations," Annals of Economics and Finance, 1 (2000), 19-32.pdf.
"Double Implementation in Economies with Production Technologies Unknown to the Designer," Economic Theory, 13 (1999), 689-707.pdf.
"Bayesian Implementation in Exchange Economies with State Dependent Preferences and Feasible Sets," Social Choice and Welfare, 16 (1999), 99-119. pdf.
"A Characterization of Optimal Dominant Strategy Mechanisms (with Liqun Liu); Review of Economic Design, 4 (1999), 205-218. pdf.
"Characterizations of Virtual Implementation in Incomplete Information Environments with General Sets of Alternatives and Types,"" ,"Journal of Mathematical Economics, 28 (1997), 313-339. pdf.
"Continuous and Feasible Implementation of Rational Expectation Lindahl Allocations,"Games and Economic Behavior, 16 (1996), 135-151.pdf.
"On the Existence of Optimal Truth-Dominant Mechanisms" Economics Letters, 53 (1996), 17-24. pdf.
"Nash Implementation of the Lindahl Correspondence with Decreasing Returns to Scale Technology," (with Qi Li and S. Nakamura), International Economic Review, 36 (1995), 37-52.pdf.
"On Nash-Implementation in the Presence of Withholding," (with Qi Li), Games and Economic Behavior, 9 (1995), 222-233.pdf.
"Ratio-Lindahl Equilibria and an Informationally Efficient and Implementable Mixed-Ownership System," (with Qi Li), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 26 (1995),391-411.pdf.
"Economic Mechanism Design and Information Economics", in Modern Economics and China"s Economic Reform, ed. by G. Yi, Shanghai People Press, 1995, 313-358 (In Chinese).pdf.
"Implementation of Linear Cost Share Equilibrium Allocations," Journal of Economic Theory, 64 (1994), 568-584.pdf.
"An Implementable and Informationally Efficient State-Ownership System with Variable Returns," (with Qi Li), Journal of Economic Theory, 64 (1994), 286-297. pdf.
"Ratio-Lindahl and Ratio Equilibria with Many Goods," (with Qi Li), Games and Economic Behavior, 7 (1994), 441-460. pdf.
"On Informational Efficiency and Incentive Aspects of Generalized Ratio Equilibria," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 23 (1994), 323-337.pdf.
"Implementing Lindahl Allocations by a Withholding Mechanism," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 22 (1993), 169-179.pdf.
"Implementation of the Walrasian Correspondence without Continuous, Convex, and Ordered Preferences," Social Choice and Welfare, 9 (1992), pp. 117-130. pdf.
"Implementation of Lindahl Allocations with Nontotal-Nontransitive Preferences," Journal of Public Economics, 46 (1991), pp. 247-259.pdf.
"Completely Feasible and Continuous Implementation of the Lindahl Correspondence with Any Number of Goods," (With Qi Li), Mathematical Social Sciences, 21 (1991), pp. 67-79. pdf.
"Completely Feasible and Continuous Implementation of the Lindahl Correspondence with a Message Space of Minimal Dimension," Journal of Economic Theory, 51 (1990), pp. 443-452. pdf.
"Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with a Non-Compact Infinite Dimensional Strategy Space, an Infinite Number of Agents and without Order Preferences," Economics Letters, 33 (1990), pp. 203-206. pdf.
"Implementation of the Lindahl Correspondence by a Single-Valued, Feasible and Continuous Mechanism," Review of Economic Studies, 56 (1989), pp. 613-621.pdf.
"Incentive, Information, and the Theory of Economic Mechanism Design," The Frontiers of Modern Economics, Vol. I, eds by M. Tand and Y. Mao, Shanwu Press, Beijing, 1989, 31-60 (in Chinese). pdf.
"On the Constrained Walrasian and Lindahl Correspondences," Economics Letters, 26 (1988), pp. 299-303. pdf.
B. General Equilibrium, Game Theory, Optimization, and Fixed Point Theorems
"Transfer Continuities, Generalizations of the Weierstrass Theorem and Maximum Theorem-A Full Characterization," (with J. Zhou), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 24 (1995), 281-303.pdf.
"Ratio-Lindahl and Ratio Equilibria with Many Goods," Games and Economic Behavior, 7 (1994), 441-460.pdf.
"Generalized KKM Theorem and Minimax Inequalities and Their Applications," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 83 (1994), 375-389.pdf.
"Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Maximization of a Class of Preference Relations," Review of Economic Studies, 60 (1993), 949-958.pdf.
"Characterizations of the Existence of Equilibria in Games with Discontinuous and Nonquasiconcave Payoffs," (with Michael R. Baye and Jianxin Zhou), Review of Economic Studies, 60 (1993), 935-948. pdf.
"Generalized Quasi-Variational-Like Inequality Problem," Mathematics of Operations Research, 18 (1993), 752-764. pdf.
"Minimax Inequality Equivalent to the Fan-Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Theorem," (with J. Lin), Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 28 (1993), 173-179. pdf.
"Quasi-Variational Inequalities without Concavity Assumptions," (with J. Zhou), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 172 (1993), 289-299. pdf.
"Closed-Form Solution of General Intertemporal Consumption Maximization Models," (with John S. Chipman), Mathematical Modeling in Economics, eds. by W. Erwin Diewert, Klaus Spremann, and Frank Stehling, Springer, 1993, 95-109.pdf.
"Generalizations of the FKKM Theorem and Ky-Fan Minimax Inequality, with Applications to Maximal Elements, Price Equilibrium, and Complementarity," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 170 (1992), pp. 457-471.pdf.
"A General-Equilibrium Intertemporal Model of an Open Economy," (with John S. Chipman), Economic Theory, 2 (1992), pp. 215-246.pdf.
"Existence of Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with Discontinuous Payoffs and Non-Compact Choice Spaces," Journal of Mathematical Economics, 21 (1992), pp. 379-388. pdf.
"Transfer Method for Characterizing the Existence of Maximal Elements of Binary Relations on Compact or Noncompact Sets," (with Jianxin Zhou), SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2 (1992), pp. 360-375.pdf.
"On the Existence of Equilibria in Generalized Games," International Journal of Game Theory, 20 (1992), pp.247-254. pdf.
"The Maximum Theorem and the Existence of Nash Equilibrium of (Generalized) Games without Lower Semicontinuities," (with J. Zhou), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 166 (1992), pp. 351-364.pdf.
"Fixed Points Theorems for Mappings with Non-Compact and Non-Convex Domains," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 158 (1991), pp. 161-167.pdf.
"Quasi-Variational Inequalities with Non-Compact Sets," (with J. Zhou), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 160 (1991), pp. 583-595.pdf.
"Equilibrium in Abstract Economies with a Non-Compact Infinite Dimensional Strategy Space, an Infinite Number of Agents and without Order Preferences," Economics Letters, 33 (1990), pp. 203-206. pdf.
"Matrixes Satisfying Siljak"s Conjecture," Science Exploration, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1982), pp. 69-76.pdf.
C. Economics of Transition and Chinese Economy
"The Basic Analytical Framework and Methodologies in Modern Economics" Economic Research Journal, 2 (2005), 113-125. doc.
"Foreign Banks and Joint-Stock Reforms in China"s State-Owned Commercial Banks,""(with Yijiang Wang) " Economics Dynamics, 11 (2004), 45-48. pdf.
"Resolving Non-Perform Asserts, Joint-Stock Reconstruction and the Strategy of Introducing Foreign Capital,(with Yijiang Wang)" Economic Research Journal, 11 (2004). pdf.
"Chinese Bank Sector: Dilemma of Reforms and Role of Foreign Banks,? (with Yijiang Wang)" Comparative Studies, 10 (2003), 157-176. pdf.
"Perspective of Development of China"s Privately-Owned Exterprises,? (with Wei Cui)" Studies in International Technology and Economy, (2003), 157-176. htm.
"Economic Globalization, Marketization Reform and Economic Development in China,"(with Y. Yuan and X. Zhou, American Review of China Studies, 3 (2002), 1-16.pdf.
"A Theory of Ownership Arrangements and Smooth Transition To A Free Market Economy," Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 157 (2001), 380-412.pdf. (The Chinese version published in China Economic Quarterly, 1 (2001), 45-70.)pdf.
"Globalization and Marketization Reform in China," (with X. Zhou); WTO and China: Development through Economic Globalization, WTO and China: Development through Economic Globalization}, Eds. by J. Wen, H. Hai, X. Wang, and X. Zuo, Renmin University Press, 67-81, 2001 (in Chinese).pdf.
"Property Rights and the Nature of Chinese Collective Enterprises; Journal of Comparative Economics, 28 (2000), 247-268. pdf.
"China"s Reforms: Past, Present, and Future; American Review of China Studies, 1 (2000), 1-8.pdf.
"Dilemmas, Causalities, and Solution to China"s Economic Depression; in the Proceedings of Symposium on the 21st Century China and the Challenge of Sustainable Development, China"s Youth Press, 2000, pp. 139-149 (in Chinese).pdf.
"Why Did Not China"s Macroeconomic Polices Reach their Expected Objectives?; Guo Ji Jing Ji Ping Ren( International Economic Review) , 24 (1999), (in Chinese).
"Comparative Studies of Pension Systems and China"s Options; Social Security Reform in China, ed. By D. Xu, Z. Yin, and Y. Zheng, Economic Science Press, 1999, pp. 103-117 (in Chinese).pdf.
"What Kind of Privatization?," Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin"s China, ed by A. Nathan, Z. Hong, and S. Smith, Renner Publishers, 1999, 114-134.pdf.
"Stock-Sharing Reforms of State-Owned Enterprises and Smooth Institutional Transition in ChinaThe Trend of China"s Political and Economic Reforms at the Turn of the Century, ed by X. Cheng, Mordern China Publishers, Princeton, 1999, 272-285 (in Chinese).pdf.
"On the Main Patterns of Pension Systems in the World" Economic Research Journal, Supplement 8 (1998), 25-27(in Chinese). pdf.
"On State-Owned Enterprises Reform in China" Modern China Studies, 61 (1998), 73-86 (in Chinese). htm.
"Ownership Theory of Intra-Property Rights and Smooth Transformation of Economics System in China" Economics Research Journal, 343 (November, 1996), 11-20 (in Chinese).pdf.** pdg.
"Property Ownership Theory for a Transitional Economy and Smooth Switch of Economic System" Modern China Studies, 54 (1996), 64-87 (in Chinese). htm.
"State-Owned Enterprise Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition in China -- A Three-Stage Economic Reform Method," The Reformability of China"s State Sector, ed by G. J. Wen and D. Xu, World Scientific, 1996, 220-240.pdf.
"China"s Economic Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition," In Search of A Chinese Road Towards Modernization, ed by J. Hu, Z. Hong, and E. Stavrou, The Edwin Mellen Press (Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter), 1996, 22-46.pdf.
"On the Pattern and Steps of China"s SOE Reform and Smooth Transition of Economic System," Reform of State Owned Enterprises in China, ed by T. Xu and J. Wen, China Economic Publishing House, 1996, 123-151 (in Chinese).pdf.
"A Response to Zhiyuan Cui"s Article on American Corporation Law Reform" Modern China Studies, 5 (1996), 95-106 (in Chinese). htm.
"On Central-Local Relationship and Decentralized Decision-Making in China"s Economic Transition" Modern China Studies, 46 (1995), 60-83 (in Chinese). htm.
"The Property Right Structure of Chinese Township-Village Enterprises and Its Reform," in Chinese Township-Village Enterprises: Experience, Nature, and Reforms,eds. by Y. Wang and W. Hai, China Industry and commerce Associated Press, 1995 (in Chinese).
"Comparison of Privatization in Russia and China"s Economic Reform," in Russian Economy in Transition, ed. by Wen Hai, China Industry and Commerce Associated Press, 1995 (in Chinese).
"Property Rights Structure and Reform on China"s Rural and Township Enterprises" Economic Research Journal, 323 (March, 1995), 35-39 (in Chinese).pdf.**pdg.
"The Perspectives and Problems of China"s Economic Reform," Modern China Studies, 40 (1994), 09-23 (in Chinese). htm.
"Privatization of Government-Run Enterprises in Taiwan and the Ownership Reform in Mainland," in Taiwan Experiences and the Economic Reform in China, ed. by G. Yi, 1994, 67-83 (in Chinese).pdf.
"China"s State-Owned Enterprises Reform and the Pattern and Steps of Smooth Transition of Economic System -- A Three-Stage Economic Reform" Economic Research Journal, 323 (November, 1994), 3-9 (in Chinese). pdf.** pdg.
D. Econometrics
"Estimating Price Responses of German Imports and Exports," (with John S. Chipman, Angelika Eymann, and Gerd Ronning), in European Integration in the World Economy, ed. by Hans-Jurgen Vosgerau, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 574-637.pdf.
"Stochastic Specification and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System," (with John S. Chipman), in Advances in Econometrics and Modeling, ed. by Baldev Raj, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics Vol. 15 (1989), pp. 131-142.pdf.
"A Class of Dynamic Demand Systems," (with John S. Chipman), in Advances in Econometrics and Modeling, ed. by Baldev Raj, Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics Vol. 15 (1989), pp. 93-116.pdf.
"Studies on the Identification Problem of the Simultaneous Economic Models From View Point of Unique Determination of Parameters (III)," Science Exploration, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1984).
"Studies on the Identification Problem of the Simultaneous Economic Models From Viewpoint of Unique Determination of Parameters (II)," Science Exploration, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1984), pp. 89-98.pdf.
"Studies on the Identification Problem of the Simultaneous Economic Models From Viewpoint of Unique Determination of Parameters (I)," Science Exploration, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1983), pp. 13-24.pdf.
"The Identification of the Simultaneous Economic Models From Unique Determination of Parameters," Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3 (1983).
"Look at Relation of Identification and Multicollinearity From Viewpoint of Unique Determination of Parameters," Quantitative & Technical Economics, Chinese Academy Social Science, No. 4 (1983), pp. 50-54. (in Chinese).pdf.
"The Identification of the Simultaneous Economic Models From Viewpoint of Unique Determination of Parameters," Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2 (1982), pp.7-12. (in Chinese).pdf.
A、Books Published
"Incentive-Compatibility, Informational Efficiency, and Economic Mechanism Design; in Advanced Studies in Economics and Finance, ed. by Heng-fu Zou, Peking University Press, 2000.
"Characterizations of Fixed Point Theorems, Optimization, and General Equilibria; Advanced Studies in Economics and Finance, ed. by Heng-fu Zou, Peking University Press, 2000.
"Market Economics for the Masses, with Fan Zhang; A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China, Vol. 1, ed. by Guoqiang Tian, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
B、Volume Edited
“Advances in Economics and Finances,” (contributors include: James Heckman, Daniel McFdden,Jean-Jacques Laffont, Shoyong Shi, Guofu Tan, Chun Ai, Xiaokai Yang, ect), Ed. by Tian, the Commercial Press, Beijing, China, 2002.
C、Books Edited
"Market Economics for the Masses," by G. Tian and F. Zhang, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 1, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Introduction to Macroeconomics," by M. Ouyang, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 2, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Structure and Evolution of Modern Industrial Enterprises," by Z. Shi, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 3, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Modern Family Economics," by J. Xiao, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 4, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Introduction to Money and Banking," by G. Yi and D. Bei, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 5, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Introduction of Financial Security and Future Markets," by H. Yang and Y. Wang, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 6, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Introduction of Financial Security and Future Markets," by by W. Hai, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 7, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"International Technological Transfer and Price Negotiation," by Z. Yin, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 8, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"The Modern Theory of Foreign Currency and its Applications," by K. Bi, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 9, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Foreign Direct Investment," by Q. Yang and X. Duan, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 10, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Visible Hands: The Role of Government in Market Economy," by D. Lu, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 11, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Introduction to Economics of Public Choice," by X. Wang and N. Qian, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 12, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Elementary Economic Statistics and Econometrics," S. K. Lin and C. Li, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 13, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
"Economics in Daily Life -- Observations of the American Society," by Y. Mao, in A Series of Popular Economics Books for Institutional Transition in China Vol. 14, Shanghai People"s Publishing House and Hong Kong"s Intelligent Book Ltd, 1993 (in Chinese).
世界排名( Ranks in the Top 500 Economists in the World )
Rank: 282, Overall Ranking (the average rank on 11 publication ranking methods) of Top 1,000 Economists in years 1990-2000.
Rank: 504, Top 1000 most frequently cited economists in years 1990-2000.
Rank: 115, Ranking of Top 500 Economists in years 1990-2000 using Bauwens" Method
Rank: 185, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by number of articles
Rank: 217, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 using Laband-Piette Adjusted Article Count
Rank: 220, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by number of pages
Rank: 430, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 using Laband-Piette Article Count
Rank: 460, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1990-2000 by impact factor
Rank: 247, Overall Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1989-1993
Rank: 421, Overall Ranking of Top 1,000 Economists 1994-1998
Rank: 363, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Laband-Piette Adjusted /# articles
Rank: 436, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Bauwens" Method
Rank: 457, Ranking of Top 500 Economistsin years 1994-1998 using Laband-Piette Adjusted /# pages
研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28
朱 保 华 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:日本九州大学 博士岗位 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院胡永刚老师介绍
胡 永 刚 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:上海财经大学 硕士岗位 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院伍山林老师介绍
伍 山 林 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:上海财经大学 博士岗位 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院范翠红老师介绍
范 翠 红 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:德国柏林洪堡大学 博士 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院陈庆池老师介绍
陈 庆 池 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:美国加州大学伯克利分校 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院陈庆池老师介绍
陈 庆 池 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:美国加州大学伯克利分校 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院张尧庭老师介绍
张 尧 庭 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:北京大学 学士岗位职称 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院夏纪军老师介绍
夏 纪 军 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:北京大学光华管理学院 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院朱平芳老师介绍
朱 平 芳 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:上海财经大学 硕士岗位 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28上海财经大学经济学院朱平芳老师介绍
朱 平 芳 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后学位:上海财经大学 硕士岗位 ...上海财经大学通知公告 研究生院 免费考研网 2006-09-28