读书简历:2000.9 -- 2003.6 复旦大学数学所攻读博士
1996.9 -- 1999.6 湘潭大学数学系攻读硕士
1991.9—1994.6 湖南益阳师范专科学校读专科
工作经历:1999.8 –2000.6 浙江师范大学数学系任教
2004.4 –2006.6 上海交通大学数学系博士后
2003.6-- 上海财经大学应用数学系任教
1994.8 – 1996.6 湖南几首市第四中学任教
学术交流经历:2006.9 – 2007.3 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学数学系访问****
行政工作经历:2007.10-----2008.6 以中央第五批援疆干部任新疆财经大学应用数学学院副院长
2009.4----- 兼上海财经大学应用数学系计算教研室主任
1. 主持上海市博士后基金:约束优化中鞍点问题的新型算法, 05R213141, 上海市博士后基金,2005.9-2007.9.
1.Lijing Lin, Yimin Wei, Ching-Wah Woo, and Jieyong Zhou, On the convergence of splittings for semidefinite linear systems, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 429(2008),2555-2566
2. Zhou, Jieyong and Wei, Yimin, A two-Step algorithm for solving singular linear systems with index one, Appl. Math. Comput, 175(2006),pp.472-486.
3. Zhou, Jieyong and Wei, Yimin, The analysis of restart DGMRES for solving singular linear systems, Appl. Math. Comput, 176(2006), pp.293-301,.
4. Huang, Jian-guo and Zhou jie-yong, A direct proof and a generalization for a Kantorovich type inequality, Linear Algebra and its Applications 397(2005) 185-192.
5.Zhou, Jieyong and Wei, Yimin, DFOM algorithm and error analysis for projection methods for solving singular linear system, Appl. Math. Comput. 157(2004), No. 2, 313-329.
6. Zhou, Jieyong and Wei, Yimin, Stagnation analysis of DGMRES, Appl. Math. Comput. 151(2004), No 1, 27-39.
7. Zhou, Jieyong and Wei, Yimin, Perturbation analysis of singular linear systems with arbitrary index. Appl. Math. Comput, 145(2003) 297-305
8.Huang, Jian-guo, Mu, Jian-fei and Zhou, Jie-yong, On the volume-preserving procrustes problem, J. Shanghai Univ (2004) 8.