

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

姓名: 崔万云
最后学位: 博士
职称: 助理教授/讲师
办公室: 306
电话: **
Email: cui.wanyun at sufe.edu.cn


Wanyun Cui is an assistant professor in the school of information management and engeering at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He lead the AI&Finance research group here. He is also the director of Xiaocui Robot (Wechat: 小Cui问答) and KBQA(demo). He received his PhD's degree in the school of computer science at Fudan University in 2017. His PhD thesis <Research of Key Technologies for Question Answering over Knowledge Bases> won the "2017 ACM China Excellent Doctoral Thesis" nomination (top 4 in China), and "2017 ACM Shanghai Excellent Doctoral Thesis award" (top 2 in Shanghai).His research interests include question answering and knowledge graphs. He has been working on QA systems at Microsoft Research Asia, Baidu, and Xiaoi Robot since 2012. He has published related papers as the first author in VLDB, IJCAI, AAAI, and SIGMOD. He received his bachelor's degree from Fudan University in 2013. He is also the winner of Fudan academic star award andShanghai outstanding graduate award.
崔万云是上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院的助理教授,智能金融课题组负责人,小Cui问答(微信公众号)和KBQA(demo)项目负责人。他仅以4年时间就获得了复旦大学5年制博士学位,同时获得了复旦大学最高博士荣誉“复旦学术之星”(计算机方向唯一)。其博士论文《基于知识图谱的问答系统关键技术研究》被授予了“2017ACM中国优秀博士生论文提名奖”,和“2017ACM上海优秀博士生论文奖”(top 2 in 上海)。和他的研究兴趣包括自然语言问答和知识图谱。自2012年起,他分别在微软亚洲研究院、百度深度问答小组和小i机器人等公司从事问答系统、知识图谱相关研究。他已经在ICLR,PVLDB,SIGMOD,AAAI,IJCAI等顶级人工智能、数据库会议上发表多篇第一作者论文。他还曾获得复旦大学毕业生之星、上海市优秀毕业生等奖项。

One long paper accepted by EMNLP 2020 (oral).
One paper accepted by ICLR 2019.






两会舆情分析: 负责13年两会微博热点词汇分析,工作被新民晚报及解放日报报导。
AffineSWOptimization:作为主要负责人使用CPU级的SSE2技术加速Smith-Waterman算法,在Topcoder的marathon match中排名第八。
Question Answering Systems:

KBQA:Main ContributorProject in Microsoft Research Asia. A QA system over knowledge bases. Its precision on QALD-3 is 76%, which beats other state-of-the-art competitors.NewsSupporting Chinese QA now.
Deep QA: in charge offactoid question answeringProject in Baidu Inc. (Chinese largest search engine company) The precision increases from 81% to 85% on the Chinese YiZhanDaoDi dataset.
Xiaoi Robot: in charge ofqa system reconstructionProject in Xiaoi Robot Inc. Reconstructing its qa system framework from traditional information retrieval techniques to deep learning and knowledge graph techniques.
Other Projects:

Chinese mention2entity:Main ContributorProviding 3.68 million mention2entity facts from web knowledge extraction and deep learning.
Iron Man Project in Shanghai Zhongpin Inc. & Fudan Career Project in Fudan Univeersity:Main ContributorRank and sort millions of resume descriptions and job descriptions with nlp techniques.
Public Sentiment Analysis for the Chinese National Sessions: in charge ofhot keyword analysisThe result has been published in two Chinese well-known newspapers: Xinmin Evening News, and Liberation Daily.
AffineSWOptimization:Main ContributorUsing CPU leveled instructions, SSE2, to accelerate the Smith-Waterman algorithm. Rank 8th in the Topcoder marathon match.



Jul 2014 - Nov 2014: Deep QA project, Baidu Inc. (Chinese largest search engine company)
Jan 2012 - Nov 2012: Microsoft Research Asia, working on the construction of QA system over large scale knowledgebase, with Dr.Haixun Wang


Wanyun Cui, Guangyu Zheng, Wei Wang,Unsupervised Natural Language Inference via Decoupled Multimodal Contrastive Learning, EMNLP 2020 (oral)
Wanyun Cui, Guangyu Zheng, Zhiqiang Shen, Sihang Jiang, Wei Wang,Transfer Learning for Sequences via Learning to Collocate, ICLR 2019
Wanyun Cui, Yanghua Xiao, Haixun Wang, Yangqiu Song, Seung-won Hwang, Wei Wang, KBQA: Learning Question Answering over QA Corpora and Knowledge Bases, (PVLDB 2017),CCF Rank A Conference
Bo Xu, Yong Xu, Jiaqing Liang, Chenhao Xie, Bin Liang,Wanyun Cui, Yanghua Xiao, CN-DBpedia: A Never-Ending Chinese Knowledge Extraction System, (IEA/AIE 2017)
Wanyun Cui, Yanghua Xiao, Wei Wang, KBQA: An Online Template Based Question Answering System over Freebase, (IJCAI 2016),CCF Rank A Conference,demo
Wanyun Cui, Xiyou Zhou, Hangyu Lin, Yanghua Xiao, Haixun Wang, Seung-won Hwang, Wei Wang, Verb Pattern: A Probabilistic Semantic Representation on Verbs, (AAAI 2016),CCF Rank A ConferencePDFinterface
Wanyun Cui, Yanghua Xiao, Haixun Wang, Wei Wang, Local Search of Communities in Large Graphs, (SIGMOD 2014),CCF Rank A ConferencePDFPPT
Wanyun Cui, Yanghua Xiao, Haixun Wang, Yiqi Lu, and Wei Wang. "Online Search of Overlapping Communities.", (SIGMOD 2013),CCF Rank A ConferencePDF,PPT
Deqing Yang, Yanghua Xiao, Hanghang Tong,Wanyun Cui, Wei Wang, Towards Topic Following in Heterogeneous Information Networks, (ASONAM 2015)
Hui Wang,Wanyun Cui, Yanghua Xiao, Hanghang Tong, Robust Network Construction against Intentional Attack, (BigComp 2015),Invited Paper
Yaoliang Chen, Ji Hong,Wanyun Cui, Jacques Zaneveld, Wei Wang, Richard Gibbs, Yanghua Xiao and Rui Chen, CGAP-align: A High Performance DNA Short Read Alignment Tool,Plos One, 2013, 8(4): e61033,SCI, IF=4PDF
Yanghua xiao, Ji Hong,Wanyun Cui, Zhenying He, Wei Wang, Guodong Feng, Branch Code: An Efficient Labeling Scheme for Query Answering on Trees, IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE 2012)CCF Rank A Conference.



ACM上海优秀博士生论文奖,top 2 in Shanghai
2017 复旦大学研究生学术之星 复旦博士生最高学术荣誉
2016 复旦大学博士优秀毕业生
2016 EMC优秀奖学金
2014 "微软****"奖学金提名奖
2014 复旦大学董氏奖学金
2013 光华自立奖学金学术科研奖(理科),复旦由学生评选的最高奖项
2013 SIGMOD Student Travel Award
2013 上海市优秀毕业生
2013 勒卡斯杯数据挖掘竞赛 第二名
2009 百度之星程序设计竞赛决赛(全国前50)

"2017 ACM China Excellent Doctoral Thesis" nomination (top 4 in China)
"2017 ACM Shanghai Excellent Doctoral Thesis award" (top 2 in Shanghai)
Fudan Academic Star (top 10 PhD students in Fudan. I'm the only one from the computer science field).
Fudan excellent gradudate student
2016 EMC outstanding scholarship
2014 Microsoft Fellowship Nomination
2013 Fudan Outstanding Undergraduate Awardtop honor for Fudan undergraduates. 10 students win this award each year.
2013 Guanghua Self-Reliance Scholarship for Academic (science), top student-organized scholarship in Fudan University
2013 SIGMOD Student Travel Award
2013 Shanghai Outstanding Graduate Award
2013 second place in LECAST data mining competition
2012 Google Excellence Scholarship, for having demonstrated superior academic achievement
2011, 2009ACM/ICPCBeijing/Shanghai Region Invitation Contestdouble gold medals
2009 BAIDU ASTAR Programming ContestTop 50

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