本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
罗丹 (Luo, Dan)
职 称: Associate Professor (with tenure)
职 位: 院长助理
研究兴趣: Asset Pricing Theory and Empirics, Network Science
Asset pricing theory, investments, quantitative methods
A journals:1. Tail Risk and Robust Portfolio Decisions, with Xing Jin and Xudong Zeng, 2020, Management Science, forthcoming.
2. The Pricing of Jump Propagation: Evidence from Spot and Options Markets, with Du Du, 2019, Management Science 65(5), 2360-2387.
3. Dynamic Asset Allocation with Uncertain Jump Risks: A Pathwise Optimization Approach, with Xing Jin and Xudong Zeng, 2018, Mathematics of Operations Research 43(2), 347-376. (Lead Article).
B journals:
1. Pricing and Integration of Credit Default Swap Index Tranches, with Andrew Carverhill, 2019, Journal of Futures Markets, forthcoming.
2. Model Specification and Collateralized Debt Obligation (Mis)Pricing, with Dragon Yongjun Tang and Sarah Qian Wang, 2018, Journal of Futures Markets 38(11), 1284-1312. (Lead Article).
1. 罗丹,李志骞。经济政策不确定性对企业融资影响的实证研究。《统计与决策》, 2019年第9期。
2. 罗丹,李志骞。投资者实地调研能降低上市公司违规吗?《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2019年第2期。
1. “Up” and “Down” Levy Jumps and the Risk Premia in Options and Returns, with Andrew Carverhill, 2020.
2. Belief Dispersion and Rare Events in the Option Market, with Zhentao Zou, 2020.
3. Inside Debt and Nondiversifiable Risk, with Zhentao Zou, 2017.
4. Collaboration and Power Laws for Financial Research Institutions, with Hui Dong, Xudong Zeng, and Zhentao Zou, 2020, submitted.
5. Fundamental Volatility and Informative Trading Volume in a Rational Expectations Equilibrium, with Yipeng Mao, 2020, submitted.
6. A Bayesian Analysis of Time-Varying Jump Risk in S&P500 Returns and Options, with Andrew Carverhill, 2018, submitted.
Asset Pricing Theory and Empirics, Network Science, Corporate Theory
1. 2016 2nd Prize for Outstanding Papers for Tail Risk, Robust Portfolio choice, and Asset Prices”, China Finance Annual Meeting in Dalian, China
2. 2016 Outstanding Reviewer of 2016, by Emerald for China Finance Review International
3. 2014 GTA Best Paper Award for “Jump Propagation and Dynamic Derivative Investment”, China Finance Review International Annual Conference by Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
4. 2010 Ph.D. Student Travel Grant, American Finance Association Annual Conference in Atlanta, U.S.
5. 2009 Best Paper Award in Risk Management for “Model Specification, Data History, and CDO (Mis)Pricing”, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting in Reno, U.S.
6. 2009 University Travel Grant, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
7. 2009 Travel Grant, International Symposium on Risk Management and Derivatives by Xiamen University, China
8. 2009 Travel Grant, 19th Annual Derivative Securities and Risk Management Conference at Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Washington, U.S.
1. 2019 Grant No. **, National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program (PI)
2. 2017 Research Startup Fund for Young Scholars, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China (PI)
3. 2015 Investments selected for the English Model Class Development Project for Foreign Students, Shanghai, China (PI)
4. 2013 Grant No. **, National Natural Science Foundation of China, for Young Scholars (PI)
5. 2013 Shanghai Pujiang Program, Shanghai, China (PI)
6. 2013 Research Startup Fund for Young Scholars, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China (PI)
09/2007 - 11/2012 Ph.D. in Finance, School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
09/2005 - 07/2007 M.Sc. in Economics, HSBC School of Business, Peking University, China
09/1999 - 07/2003 B.Sc. in Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, China
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