本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
职 称: 教授;博导
职 位: 副院长
研究兴趣: 证券投资、固定收益证券、货币政策
1.Bond Return Predictability and Macroeconomy: The International Link (with Guofu Zhou)
2.Information Quality and Asset Pricing: The Implications of Heterogeneous Learning. (with Zhenjiang Qin and Jie Zhu)
3.Model Uncertainty and Term Structure Anomalies. (with Ting Wu)
4.Investing for the Long Run under Economic Constraints (with Yong Li, Narayan Paresh, and Lijie Zhang)
5.Currency and Bond Risk Premia (with Rui Chen and Ke Du)
19. Multi-Factor Volatility and Stock Returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 61, December, 2015, S132-149 (with Zhongzhi Lawrance He, Jie Zhu).
18. Dynamic Factors and Asset Pricing: International and Further U.S. Evidence. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, April 2015, 32, 21-39. (with Zhongzhi Lawrance He, Jie Zhu).
17. A Regime-Switching Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model of the Macroeconomy. Journal of Macroeconomics, June 2015, 44, 1-17. (with Shahidur Rahman)
16. Tug-of-War: Time-Varying Predictability of Stock Returns and Dividend Growth. Review of Finance, October 2015, 19(6), 2359-2399.
15. Out-of-sample Bond Risk Premium Predictions: A Global Common Factor. Journal of International Money and Finance, March 2015, 51, 155-173.
14. European Business Cycles and Stock Return Predictability. Finance Research Letters, December 2014, 11, 446-453. (with Yanjian Zhu).
13. Capital Gains and Trading. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, September 2014, 32, 167-183. (with Xiaoyan Lei, Yuegang Zhou).
12. Intraday Asymmetric Liquidity and Asymmetric Volatility in FTSE-100 Futures Market. Journal of Empirical Finance January 2014, 25, 134-148. (with Ju Xiang)
11. Yield Factors, the Expectations Hypothesis and Regime Shifts. Annals of Economics and Finance, November 2014, 15-2, 415-434. (with Rui Cao, and Shahidur Rahman)
10. Peso Problems and Term Structure Anomalies of Repo Rates. Review of Finance, July 2014, 18, 1183-1215.
9. Predicting Stock Returns: A Regime-Switching Combination Approach and Economic Links. Journal of Banking and Finance, November 2013, 37, 4120-4133. (with Jie Zhu)
8. Perpetual Learning and Stock Return Predictability. Economics Letters, October 2013, 121, 19-22.
7. Capital gains, Illiquidity, and Stock Returns. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, November 2013, 25, 273-293. (With Xiaoyan Lei, and Yuegang Zhou)
6. The Reaction of International Stock Markets to Federal Reserve Policy. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, March 2013, 27, 1-27. (With Jing Wang)
5. A Regime-Switching Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model and Interest Rate Forecasts. Journal of Financial Econometrics, July 2013, 11(3), 522-555. (with Ju Xiang)
4. Credit Spread Changes and Monetary Policy Surprises: The Evidence from the Fed Funds Futures Market. Journal of Futures Markets, February 2013, 33, 103-128.
3. Impact of the Share Structure Reform on the Role of Operating Related Party Transactions in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade November 2012, 48, 73-94. (with Yanjian Zhu)
2. A Note on the Predictability of Excess Bond Returns and Regime Shifts. Finance Research Letters June 2011, 8, 101-109.
1. Revisiting the Expectations Hypothesis: Regime Shifts and the Japanese Term Structure. Journal of Economics and Business May 2011, 63, 237-249.
Economic Modelling副主编、客座主编
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目号**) “基于多重预期与不确定性的货币政策和金融市场非线性关系研究” (2015年1月—2018年12月)
2.教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(项目号10YJCZH251) “利率期限结构与宏观经济变量的动态相依性——机制转换模型及实证”(2011年1月—2013年12月)
3.上海市浦江人才计划(社会科学类)课题(项目号11PJC040) “基于利率期限结构的通胀风险及风险溢价研究”(2012年1月—2013年12月)
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付时鸣职 称:副教授职 位:研究兴趣:Corporatefinance;Dynamiccontracting教授课程科研成果DynamicFinancialContractingwithPersistentPrivateInformation,withR.VijayKrishna,2018,RA ...上海财经大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16上海财经大学金融学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李科
李科职 称:硕士生导师;博士生导师;教授职 位:研究兴趣:公司治理、实证公司金融教授课程公司金融、行为公司金融科研成果1.卖空限制与股票错误定价,《经济研究》,2014年第10期,第165-178页。2.融资渠道、债务能力与公司业绩,《经济研究》,2011年第5期,第61-73页。3.资本结构、 ...上海财经大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16上海财经大学金融学院导师教师师资介绍简介-何韧
何韧职 称:副教授;博导职 位:研究兴趣:公司金融、商业银行管理教授课程财务报表分析、公司金融、风险管理科研成果在《金融研究》、《国际金融研究》等发表论文若干研究领域公司金融、商业银行管理奖励、荣誉称号获得校先进、中振奖、教材奖若干主要研究项目完成国家社科及其他项目若干教育背景2003年南京大学 ...上海财经大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16上海财经大学金融学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘方舟
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李曜职 称:教授;博士生导师职 位:金融学院副院长(2014—2018)金融学院公司金融系主任(2009-2014)担任美国《FINANCIALANALYSTJOURNAL》、《财经研究》、《南开管理评论》、《上海财经大学学报》、《浙江大学学报》等期刊外部评审专家研究兴趣:主要研究方向为公司治理 ...上海财经大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16