职 称: 教授
职 位:
研究兴趣: 公司金融
1、“Setting Standards for Credible Compliance and Law Enforcement
(Co-authored with M. Boyle and T. Lewis)
Canadian Journal of Economics 33,2000, 319-340.
2、“Motivating and Compensating Investment Advisors”
(Single author)
Journal of Business 78, 2005, 2317-2349.
3、“Post-Takeover Restructuring and the Sources of Gains in Foreign Takeovers: Evidence from the U.S. Targets”
(Co-authored with Jun-Koo Kang, Jinmo Kim, and Sangho Yi)
Journal of Business 79, 2006, 2503–2537.
4、“Is Universal Banking Justified? Evidence from Bank Underwriting of Corporate Bonds in Japan”
(Co-authored with Jun-Koo Kang)
Journal of Financial Economics 84, 2007, 142-186.
5、“Bank Incentives and Suboptimal Lending Decisions:Evidence from the Valuation Effect of Bank Loan Announcements in Japan
(Co-authored with Jun-Koo Kang)
Journal of Banking and Finance 32, 2008, 915-929.
6、“Do Controlling Shareholders’ Expropriation Incentives Imply a Link Between Corporate Governance and Firm Value? Theory and Evidence”
(Co-authored with Kee-Hong Bae, Jae-SeungBaek, and Jun-Koo Kang)
Journal of Financial Economics105, 2012, 412–435
7、“Monitoring role of customer firms in suppliers and its effect on supplier value: Evidence of block acquisition of suppliers by customer firms”
(Co-authored with Jun-Koo Kang, Sangho Yi, and Le Zhang)
Journal of Financial Intermediation24, 2015, 537-563
8、“Friendly Boards and Innovation”
(Co-authored with Jun-Koo Kang, Angie Low, and Le Zhang)
Journal of Empirical Finance 45, 2018, 1-25. (Lead Article)
Aug. 1993 – Aug. 1997 Ph.D., Finance,
Sept. 1991 – Aug. 1994 Enrolled in the Ph.D. program in physics, University of Florida
Sept. 1989 – Sept. 1991 M.S., Physics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Sept.1989 B.S., Physics,