

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

丁浩员 院长助理 讲席副教授

主要研究方向 公司金融、国际金融、中国经济


电子邮箱 ding.haoyuan@mail.shufe.edu.cn

个人简介 丁浩员,香港中文大学经济学博士,国家教育部浦山学术研究奖获得者,上海市晨光****。现任上海财经大学商学院院副教授、博士生导师,院长助理分管国际化工作。发表国际顶级刊物如Journal of International Economics、Journal of Comparative Economics、Journal of International Money and Finance等文章10余篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目及省部级项目3项。

学历 2011年8月-2014年6月 香港中文大学 经济系 博士生
2009年9月-2011年6月 上海财经大学 世界经济系 研究生
2005年9月-2009年6月 上海财经大学 工商管理 本科生
2005年9月-2009年6月 上海财经大学 会计学(双专业) 本科生

工作经历 副教授、博士生导师,上海财经大学商学院,2017年7月-至今

人才计划 上海市晨光****

科研奖项 “浦山奖”被国家教育部纳入每年的科技统计年报项目,为中国世界经济、国际金融领域最高奖项。丁浩员(31岁)获2018年度浦山学术研究奖(双年评,本年共2篇获奖论文) ,成为该奖历史上最年轻的获奖者之一。

发表论文 (1) H. Ding, Y. Jin Z. Liu, and W. Xie, “The Nexus between International Trade and Capital Flows: a Network Perspective”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 91, 1-11, 2019.
(2) H. Ding, C. Qin, and K. Shi, “Who benefit from government-led microfinance projects? Evidence from rural China”, Journal of Comparative Economics, forcoming.
(3) H. Ding, C. Qin, and K. Shi, “Development through electrification: Evidence from rural China”, China Economic Review, 50, 313-328, 2018.
(4) H. Ding, H. Fan, and S. Lin, “Connect to Trade”, Journal of International Economics, 110, 50-62, 2018.
(5) H. Ding, K. Liu, F. Xie and W. Xie, “Diminishing Effect of Political Tie on Firm Performance: A Quantile Regression Perspective”, Journal of East Asian Studies, 17, 331-341, 2017.
(6) H. Ding, H. Fan, H. Wang and W. Xie, “Crude Oil Price and China’s Stock Market Revisited: A Nonlinear Quantile Causality Test Approach”, Annals of Economics and Finance, 18-2, 377-391, 2017.
(7) H. Ding, H. Kim and S. Park, “Crude oil and stock markets: Causal relationships in tails?”, Energy Economics, 59, 58-69, 2016.
(8) W. Xie, H. Ding and T. T.-L. Chong, “The Nexus between Social Capital and Bank Risk Taking”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 9, 9-28, 2016.
(9) H. Ding, H. Zheng and C. Zhu, “Equity Funds in Emerging Asia: Does Size Matter?” International Review of Economics & Finance, 35, 149-165, 2015.
(10) H. Ding, T. T.-L. Chong and S. Park, “Tail Interdependence between Stock and Real Estate Markets in China: Evidence from Quantile Causality Test”, Economics Letters, 124, 526-529, 2014.
(11) H. Ding, H. Kim and S. Park, “Do Net Positions in the Futures Market Drive Spot Price of Crude Oil?”, Economic Modelling, 41, 177-190, 2014.
(12) 丁浩员, 张志栋, 靳玉英. 浮动汇率制度有助于经常账户的调节吗? 基于双倍差分法的检验,世界经济研究, 2012, (012),38-45。

工作论文 (1) H. Ding, H. Fang, S. Lin and K. Shi, “Equilibrium Consequences of Corruption on Firms: Evidence from China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign”, presented at NBER-CCER Conference, 2018.Related article on Vox: " Equilibrium Consequences of Corruption on Firms: Evidence from China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign" Vox, 24 August 2017(invited).
(2) H. Ding, J. Du, Y. Hu and C.-S. Hsieh, “Loan Facilitators? The Role of Commercial Bankers in Non-financial Corporations”, presented at CICF Conference, 2018.
(3) H. Ding, Y. Hu and N. Zhong, “Informal Financing via University Alumni: the Substitution of Political Connections”, presented at NBER-China, 2018.
(4) H. Ding, H. Fan, Y. Hu and S. Lin, “Learning by Hiring”, 2017, presented at HKIMR and Tsinghua University, 2018.
(5) H. Ding, K. Shi, J. Xu and X. Zhang, “Political Connection and Land Transaction: Evidence from China’s Stock Market”, presented at IFABS Conference and Tsinghua University, 2017.
(6) H. Ding, Y. Hu, C. Li and S. Lin, “Second home country bias? Director Country-specific Experience and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions”, presented at Renmin University, 2017.
(7) H. Ding, Y. Hu, Z. Li, and G. Wan, “Board Embeddedness across Country Experience-based Social Subnetworks and Performance Implication of Internationalization”, Best Paper Award of SYSBS, presented at AIB, AOM conference, 2017.
(8) X. Zhou, H. Ding, Y. Hu, and X. Yang, “Blinded by History: The Role of Organizational Categories in Firm Inattention to Environmental Issues”, 2017.
(9) H. Ding, C. Qin, and X. Zhou, “The Effect of Government-led Microcredit on Rural Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment in China”, 2017.
(10) H. Ding, Y. Hu and G. Wan, “Endogeneity and the Dynamics of Upper Echelons Research”, presented at AIB, AOM conference, 2017.
(11) H. Ding, Y. Hu, X. Yang and X. Zhou, “Anomalies in the Iron Cage: Network Contagion in Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies”, 2017.

科研项目 (1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,后金融危机时期下基于网络分析的实体经济联动性恢复研究,项目批准号:**,主持,在研。
(2) 中国(上海)自贸协同创新中心,建立“一带一路”国别风险指标体系,主持,在研。
(3) 上海国际金融与经济研究院,上海如何促进民营经济发展,主持,在研。

教授课程 开放宏观经济实证(博士)
金融市场专题( MBA 硕士)
计量经济分析( MBA 硕士)
国际经济学 II(留学生本科)

审稿工作 Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Economics Letters等

学生指导与人才培养 教学项目
1. T. Qi, J. Li, W. Xie, and H. Ding, “Alumni networks and investment strategy: Evidence from Chinese mutual funds”. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 1-17. (齐彤)
2. H. Ding, Y. Jin, C. Qin, and J. Ying, “Tail Causality between crude oil price and RMB exchange rate”. China and World Economy, Accepted. (应芥舟)
3. H. Ding, G. Liang, T. Qi, and J. Ying, “Tail casualties between monetary supply and real estate prices in China”. Economic and Political Studies, Accepted. (齐彤,应芥舟)
1. H. Ding, H. Fan, Y. Jin, and T. Qi, “Talented overseas returnees and outward foreign direct investment”. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, R&R. (齐彤)

指导博士生 2016年,齐彤,金则杨,应芥舟

指导硕士生(含专业硕士,MBA及EMBA) 2015年,吴纬烨,俞琳琳,俞婧晶,徐虹丽,谢文骏,崔骥骁,李刚,MAO MONIVANN

指导本科生 2014年,王永立,晁洋,王艺霖,胡耀东,魏泠泠
2018年,张城硕,廖旖旎,倪嘉辰,俞乾伟,曹姝劼,李光炫,户田纪帆,Siriphong Phommathansy, Vilayphone Chanthavong

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