Professor Zheng Guoxin, Deputy Dean
B317, Baoshan Campus, Shanghai University
Mail Address:
99 Shangda Rd, Shanghai Dep. Communication Engineering, P.R. Chin
Zip Code:
Guoxin Zheng
Team leader of wireless communication
P. R. China
Tel. 86-
Interesting area:
Confined space radio communications, Wireless communications in Metro system
Academic and Industrial Appointments:
October 2000 - Present
Professor in
June 2005 – August 2005
Tan Chin Tuan Exchange fellow in
August 1999 – September 2000
Professor in the Institute of Confined Space Communications at
April 1995 – July 1999
Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanxi Mining Institute,
May 1995 – July 1995
Research Assistant in Microwave Laboratory at
October 1991 – March 1995
Lecturer in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanxi Mining Institute,
January 1982 – August 1984
Assistant lecturer in Department of Electronic Engineering at Taiyuan Polytechnic Institute, Taiyuan University of Technology, China.
September 1984 – September 1991
Assistant lecturer in Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanxi Mining Institute, Taiyuan University of Technology, China.
October 1970 – March 1978
M. Eng., Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanxi Mining Institute,
B. Eng., Department of Electronic Engineering, Taiyuan Polytechnic Institute, Taiyuan University of Technology, 1982, China.
Vice Committee Chair of Microwave Society of Shanghai Institute of Electronics
Senior Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Recent publications:
1. Asad Saleem, Min Wang, Guoxin Zheng, and Xiaoyu Yin, Spatial Characteristics of Wideband Channels Using Leaky Coaxial Cables in Tunnel Scenario, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2019, Article ID **, 10 pages, 2019.
2. Zhicheng Ren, Fangqi Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Asad Saleem, and Ke Guan, A 3D Non-Stationary Channel Model with Moving Mobile Station in Rectangular Tunnel, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2019, Article ID **, 12 pages, 2019
3. Liu Xi, Yin Xiaoyu, Zheng Guoxin, Experimental Investigation of Millimeter-Wave MIMO Channel Characteristics in Tunnel, IEEE ACCESS,Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.293257.
4. Ye Jiang,Guoxin Zheng, Xiaoyu Yin, Asad Saleem, Bo Ai, Performance Study of Millimeter-wave MIMO Channel in Subway Tunnel Using Directional Antennas, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2018.2.26.
5. Xiaoyu Yin , Xi Liu, Guoxin Zheng , Asad Saleem, and Xuping Zhai, 28-GHz Channel Characterizationfor a Short Tunnel, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018.12.4.
6. Pan, Yun-Tian, Zheng, Guo-Xin, Wang, Tao, Investigation of MIMO Channel Correlation and Capacity in Curved Subway Tunnel, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (IF 1.79), 2016.01.01, 15: 1698~1702.
7. Wu, Yiming, Zheng, Guoxin, Wang, Tao, Performance Analysis of MIMO Transmission Scheme Using Single Leaky Coaxial Cable, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16, 2017, 298-301.
8. Wu, Yiming, Zheng, Guoxin, Saleem, Asad, Zhang, Yue Ping, An Experimental Study of MIMO Performance Using Leaky Coaxial Cables in a Tunnel, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16, 2017:1663-1666.
9. Yun-Tian Pan, Guo-Xin Zheng, and Claude Oestges, Characterization of Polarized Radio Channel With Leaky Coaxial Cable in a Tunnel-Like Environment, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16, 2017:2803-2807.
10. Dakui Wu, Guoxin Zheng, Compact Dual-Band Coupler for Vehicular Beam-Forming Array, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation(IF 1.16), 2017.1.18, 2017:1-6.
11. LI Zhen, ZHU Xiang, JI Wenli, ZHENG Guoxin, The Real-Time, Simulation of Doppler Spread in Wireless Mobile Environment by RF Circuits, Chinese Journal of Electronics(IF0.51), 2015.10.01,24(4):837~843.
12. Qingfeng DING, Guoxin Zheng, Liu YANG, The Novel Channel Estimation Algorithms for Rail Wireless Communication Relying on Prediction Theory, Journal of Computational Information Systems(IF1.3), 2013.01.01,9(23):9405~9412.
13. Ding, Qing-Feng, Zheng, Guo-Xin, Yang, Liu, Cellular differential evolution combined opposition-based learning initialization with orthogonal crossover, Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,2014.01.01, 37(3):7~12.
14. Ding Qing-Feng, Zheng Guo-Xin, Zuo Li-Xia, Wu Peng, Design of MVBC Frame Transceiver Based on VHDL Information Technology, Information Technology Journal (IF2.2)2013.12.01,12(18):4362~4367.
15. Liu Yang, Weidong Xiang and Guoxin Zheng, A Study on Vehicle Connectivity for VANETs Adopting Beamforming Antenna Array, Mathematical Problems in Engineering(IF0.8), Volume 2017, Article ID **,1-6G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, and Y. P. Zhang, Propagation of UHF Radio Waves in Trapezoidal Tunnels, Microwaves and Optical Letters, 1999, Vol., 20: 295-297.
16. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Dongli Jia, “Spectrum Pooling-Based Vertical Handover for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks with QoS Constrains”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol., 5, No 5, July 31, 2010, PP 156-159
17. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Dongli Jia, “Reliable Information Transmission: A Chaotic Sequence-Based Authentication Scheme for Radio Environment Maps Enabled Cognitive Radio Networks”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Vol., 4, No 4, July 31, 2010, pp 48-57.
18. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng. “Adaptive Opportunistic Channel Access Strategy: A Tridimensional Traffic Model for Cognitive Radio”, International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2008, pp.277-281.
19. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, “Adaptive QoS-aware channel access scheme for Cognitive Radio networks”, international Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing,
20. G. X. Zheng, J. Z. Feng, M. H. Jia, Very Minimum Chirp Keying as a Novel Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, IEEE ICICS2007, Singapore, Dec.,10-13, 2007, invited paper.
21. G. X. Zheng, W. Y. Yang, et a1., Non DC Offset Very Minimum Chirp Keying Modulation as a Novel Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, CCWMSN07 Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec., 12-14, 2007: 755-758.
22. G. X. Zheng, W. Y. Yang, The Orthogonal Very Minimum Chirp Keying (OVMCK) Modulations with Very High Bandwidth Efficiency, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting,
23. J. Z. Feng, G. X. Zheng, Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communication System Based on Chirp -BOK-BPSK Modulation, Journal of Applied Sciences,2008,26,(2): 123-126.
24. W. Hu, G. X. Zheng , Orthogonal Hermite Pulses Used for UWB M-ary Communication, in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, ITCC, v 1, Proceedings ITCC 2005 - International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2005: 97-101.
25. C. Y. Li, ,G. X. Zheng, Q. Ai, Channel estimation for OFDM based UWB wireless communications, in Proceedings of WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, v 4, n 11, November, 2005: 1765-1769.
26. Z. Y. Gao, G. X. Zheng, Performance Analysis of UWB Time-Hopping Spread-Spectrum Communication System, Journal of Shanghai University (In Chinese) , Vol. 10, No. 3, June, 2004: 225-229.
27. Z. Y. Gao, G. X. Zheng, Performance Analysis of TH-BPSK UWB Communication Systems using Different waveforms, in Proc. of 2003 Symposium on Communication Principle and Signal Processing, China: 764-769.
28. Z. Y. Gao, G. X. Zheng, UWB Time-Hopping Spread-Spectrum Communication System using BPSK Modulation Scheme, in Proc. of 2003 Symposium on Microwaves and Millimeter-wave symposium of China: 856-860.
29. H. Y. Zhang, G. X. Zheng, Narrow Band Interference Suppression In Ultra-Wide Band Systems, in Proc. of 2003 Symposium on Microwaves and Millimeter-wave symposium of China: 861-865.
30. W. Fan, G. X. Zheng, Ultra-Wideband Pulse Shape And Spectrum Analysis, in Proc. of 2003 Symposium on Microwaves and Millimeter-wave symposium of China: 22-25.
31. Y. P. Zhang, G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, Radio Propagation at 900MHz in Coal Mines, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagations, Vol., 49, No., 5, May, 2001:757-762.
32. G. X. Zheng, Y. P. Zhang, et al, UTD prediction of radio wave propagation Characteristics in tunnel microcellular environment, Acta Electronics Sinica, Vol. 26, No. 12, Dec., 1998: 26-30.
33. G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, Y. P. Zhang, Propagation of UHF radio waves in trapezoidal tunnels, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 20, No. 5, March, 1999:295-297.
34. G. X. Zheng, Y. P. Zhang, et al, UHF Radio Propagation Characteristics in straight open-groove structure, Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, Jan., 1999:1-5.
35. G. X. Zheng, Y. J. Li, et al, Application of Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology in design of microcomputer for mine monitoring and control, Journal of China Coal Societies, Vol. 23, No. 5, Oct., 1998: 535-539.
36. G. X. Zheng, W. M. Zhang, Y. P. Zhang, J. H. Sheng, Theory of radio wave propagation in railway tunnel, Journal of Railway Engineering Society, Series No. 61, March, 1999: 92-97.
37. Y. P. Zhang, Y. Hwang and G. X. Zheng, Gain-enhanced probe-fed microstrip patch antennas with very high permittivity, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 15, No. 2, June, 1997: 89-91.
38. Y. P. Zhang, T. S. Ng., G. X. Zheng, et al, Radio propagation within coal mine longwall faces at 900MHz, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 3, June, 1998: 184-187.
39. Y. Hwang, Y. P. Zhang and G. X. Zheng, Planar inverted F antennas loaded with high permittivity material, Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 20, Sept., 1997: 1710-1713.
Research Projects:
1. Key technology of information security in intelligent running surveying system of railway transit, funded by Shanghai Administration, 2015-2017, (270000CHY).
2. Microwave and Millimeterwave radio propagation modeling in tunnels and real time channel emulation theory, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2015, (650,000 CHY).
3. Channel modeling in metro tunnels and its application, 2012-2015, funded by Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2016, (2,900,000 CHY).
4. Field strength measurement for Meglev system, funded by National Eleven Five Plan Supporting project, 2009-2010,(1,200,000 CHY)
5. Very Minimum Chirp Keying with High Transmission Rate as Ultra Narrow Band Radio Communication Scheme,
6. Test Bed for Wireless Communication System in Metro, funded by National Science and Technology Bureau, 2010-2011, (300,000 CHY).
7. The First China-made Equip of Wireless Communication Based Train Control System, funded by Shanghai Economy Administration Project, 2008-2009, (15,000,000 CHY).
8. Propagation Characteristics of Millimeter Waves in Tunnels, funded by National Eleventh Five- Year Supporting Plan, 2009-2010, (1,200,000 CHY).
9. Key Technology of Ultra-Wide Band Radio Communications, funded by Shanghai Municipality International Collaboration Project between Shanghai University of China and Nanyang Technical University of Singapore, 2005-2007, (200000 CHY) .
10. Propagation of Millimeter Waves in Confined Spaces, funded by the 863 National Key Foundation of
11. Interoperability of TETRA Systems in
12. Interoperability of TETRA Systems in Shanghai Metro, funded (400000 CHY) by Shanghai Municipality, 2004-2006.
13. Narrow Band Interference Suppression in Ultra-Wide Band Systems, funded by Shanghai Key Disciplinary Development Programs, 2003.
14. Technical specification for trunked mobile radio system of urban rail transit, funded (280000 CHY) by
15. Trunked mobile radio system of urban rail transit, funded by Shanghai City Construction Bureau and Shentong Co. Ltd., 2002(100000 CHY).
16. Personal Communication System in Working Face and Gate Entries in Mines, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1999-2002(300000 CHY).
17. Applications of Blue-tooth Technology, funded by the Key Project of Ten Five Key Program of Shanghai, 2001-2002 (900000 CHY).
18. Excitation and propagation of UHF radio waves in confined spaces funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1996-1999 (140000 CHY).
19. A low cast personal radio communications for underground mines funded by the National nine-five Key Program, The Ministry of Coal Industry, 1996-1999(50000 CHY).
20. Coal shearer power supply control using RF link technique funded by the Ministry of Coal Industry, 1996-1999 (45000 CHY).
21. Characteristics of radio propagation channel in long-wall mining faces, funded by the Government of Shanxi Province, 1998-1999 (45000 CHY).
Dedicated measurement technology and its applications for metro and high speed train wireless communications, The third class of Shanghai Science and Technology Award, 2014.
Key technology of wireless communications in metro systems, The third class of Shanghai Science and Technology Award, 2010.
Test bed for wireless communications in metro systems, The first class of University exhibition award, 2010 China International Industry Fair, Shanghai.
Outstanding Teacher of BAOGANG award, 2008.
Characteristics of UHF radio propagation in mining tunnels, The second class of Shanxi Province Science and Technology Award, 2000.
Outstanding Yong Scientist Award from
Outstanding Scientist and Technician of
Outstanding Teacher of Shanxi Institute of Mining and Technology, 1994.