

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-23

Major: Computer Science & Humanities

Education background
2009 Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) – Costech lab
PHD in Computer Science and Communication & Information Science Information Spatialization: semiology of data visualization, Exploratory Data Analysis, Visual Analytics, Web data mining
2003 Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC)
Master in Science and Technology, speciality Cognitive Science & Philosophy
2003 Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC)
Master of Engineering in Computer Science
Second speciality in Philosophy, Technology and Cognition, with honors

Work experience
2011–now, UTSEUS: Associate Professor, bachelor and master international programs leader
2010, UTC: Postdoc, Project Leader AEDHE (Exploratory Analysis of Dynamic and Heterogenous Data)
2009 UTC: Postdoc, Projet Leader Intertact.net (virtual world for vision impaired people)
2008 Network and Communication System (NCS): R&D engineer for voice-over-IP services

Research field
Urban Data Science, Complex Networks, NLP

Scientific results within 5 years
Book Chapter : ? A Meta-Model for Intelligent Engineering Design of Complex City ? in Systems Engineering in Research and Industrial Practice, Pfaender, Ostrosi, Fougères, Springer 2019
Journal paper : Semantic Interpretation of the map with Diabetes-Related Websites, Hong Yi Shi, Marie-Christine Jaulent, Fabien Pfaender, 9th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2019)
Journal paper : Mapping the hyperlink structure of diabetes online communities, Shi, H., Pfaender, F., Jaulent, M.-C., 2019 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
264, pp. 467-471
Conference proceedings : Data-Driven Calculation of Boundaries and Potentials for District Heating and Cooling Systems, Hao Zheng, Eleanor Ho, Zheng Yang, Fabien Pfaender and Ben Schwegler, 15th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association, 2019
Open source library: Pfaender F., Tao T., Truong A., Github – ComplexCity/policosm, Python library to
extract, explore, analyze and draw osm based directed networks and polygons, Zenodo,
doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.**, 2018
Conference organization :
2016 Fabien Pfaender, What is data?, 23rd interdisciplinary conference on artificial and natural complex systems of Rochebrune, http://rochebrune2016.fr/

Data Science Literacy, Advanced Data Visualization, Agile project Management

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