本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-23
现任上海大学环境与化学工程学院“有机物复合污染控制工程”教育部重点实验室学术骨干,曾任华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院“国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制”重点实验室主任助理;获教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、上海市“曙光****”、上海市“优秀技术带头人”、国家环境保护专业技术“青年拔尖人才”、霍英东“青年基金”、上海市“青年科技英才”、上海市“青年科技启明星”和上海市人才发展资金等人才计划;主持了在研和完成国家自然科学基金项目3 项、国家重点研发计划课题、国家环境基准专项课题、国家环境与健康专项课题、环保部公益性项目课题和上海市科委重点项目课题等国家和省部级重点科研课题20余项;在Chemical Engineering Journal、Environmental Science and Technology、Bioresource Technology、Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、FEMS Microbiology Ecology、Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry和Journal of Environment Management等刊物发表第一和通讯作者的SCI 论文46篇,总他引超过500次(Web of Science),单篇最高引用85次;获得发明专利16项;获得国家科技进步二等奖1项、上海市科技进步一等奖1项、上海市技术发明一等奖1项、环境保护科学技术一等奖1项、中国石油与化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖1项等;兼任国际期刊Journal of Environmental Management副主编,Applied Environmental Biotechnology编委,国家环境基准专家委员会委员,上海市环保局污染场地项目评审专家,上海市司法局环境损害司法鉴定评审专家,国家基金委和上海市科委科研项目评审专家。
[1] Chen Wang; Jing An; Yingchen Bai; Haibo Chen; Dong Ou; Hui Li*; Yongdi Liu, Tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate accelerated the aging process induced by the 4-hydroxynon-2-enal response to reactive oxidative species in Caenorhabditis elegans, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 246: 904-913.
[2] Xue Cao, Xiaoli Wang, Haibo Chen, Hui Li*, et al. Neurotoxicity of nonylphenol exposure on Caenorhabditis elegans induced by reactive oxidative species and disturbance synthesis of serotonin. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 244: 947-957.
[3] Dong Ou, Wei Li, Hui Li*, et al. Enhancement of the removal and settling performance for aerobic granular sludge under hypersaline stress. Chemosphere, 2018. 212: 400-407.
[4] Shuai Chen, Carolina Belver, Hui Li *, Lu Yao Ren, Yong Di Liu, Jorge Bedia, Gui Lan Gao, Jie Guan. Effects of pH and Ca2+ on the adsorption and removal of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by immobilized nanoscale zero-valent iron on silica based supports. Chemosphere, 2018. 211: 102-111.
[5] Luy ao Ren, Liang zhong Li, Shuai Chen, Hui Li*, et al. Yolk-Shell Fe/FeS@SiO2 particles with enhanced dispersibility, transportability and degradation of TBBPA. Catalysis Today, 2019. 327:2-9.
[6] Xiaoli Wang, Jie Yang, Hui Li*, Shu Guo, et al. Chronic toxicity of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) induced by oxidative stress and cell apoptosis on nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Chemosphere, 2018, 208: 31-39.
[7] Chen Shuai, Jorge Bedia, Li Hui*, Ren Lu Yao, Fauzia Naluswata, Carolina Belver. Nanoscale zero-valent iron@mesoporous hydrated silica core-shell particles with enhanced dispersibility, transportability and degradation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 343: 619-628.
[8] Yu Yunjiang, Yu Ziling, Sun Peng, Lin Bigui, Li Liangzhong, Wang Zhengdong, Ma Ruixue, Xiang Mingdeng, Li Hui*, Guo Shu. Effects of ambient air pollution from municipal solid waste landfill on children's non-specific immunity and respiratory health. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236:382-390.
[9] Zhou Liyang, Yang Jie, and Li Hui*, EDDS enhanced Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 and alpha-FeOOH reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride. Chemosphere, 2018,198:556-564.
[10] Yang Jie, Zhou Liyang and Li Hui*. Synergistic effects of acclimated bacterial community and zero valent iron for removing 1,1,1-trichloroethane and 1,4-dioxane co-contaminants in groundwater. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2018, 93(8): 2244-2251.
[11] Yu Yunjiang, Huang Zheng, Yongming Ju, Luyao Ren, Liangzhong Li, Hui Li*. Synthesis of millimeter-scale sponge Fe/Cu bimetallic particles removing TBBPA and insights of degradation mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 325: 279–288.
[12] Yu Yunjiang, Wang Zhengdong, Wang Qiong, Xiang Mingdeng, Li Hui*. Excretion characteristics of tetrabriomobisphenol-A in Wistar rats following mouth and nose inhalation exposure. Chemosphere, 2017, 175:147-152.
[13] Li Hui*, Qiu Yuefeng, Wang Xiaoli, Chen Yaqing, Liu Yongdi. Biochar supported Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles to remove 1,1,1-trichloroethane under various reaction conditions. Chemosphere, 2017, 169:534-541.
[14] Tao Pin, Wang Xiaoli, Li Hui*, Yang Jie, Gu Jidong, Liu Yongdi. Ectoine and 5-hydroxyectoine accumulation in the halophile Virgibacillus halodenitrificans PDB-F2 in response to salt stress. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(15):6779–6789.
[15] Zhou Dong, Yang Jie, Li Hui*, Changzheng Cui, Liu Yongdi, Yu Yunjiang, Lin Kuangfei. The chronic toxicity of bisphenol A to Caenorhabditis elegans after long-term exposure at environmentally relevant concentrations. Chemosphere, 2016, 154:546-551.
[16] Dong Zhou, Jie Yang, Hui Li*, Qiang Lu, Yong-di Liu, Kuang-fei Lin. Ecotoxicity of bisphenol A to Caenorhabditis elegans by multigenerational exposure and variations of stress response in vivo across generations. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 208: 767-773.
[17] Dong Zhou, Jie Yang, Hui Li*, Qiang Lu, Yong-di Liu, Kuang-fei Lin. Ecotoxicological evaluation of low-concentration bisphenol A exposure on the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and intrinsic mechanisms of stress response in vivo. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2016, 35(8):2041–2047.
[18] Yu Yunjiang; Xiang Mingdeng; Gao Dandan; Ye Hao; Wang Qiong; Zhang Yanping; Li Liangzhong; Li Hui. Absorption and excretion of Tetrabromobisphenol A in male Wistar rats following subchronic dermal exposure. Chemosphere, 2016, 146:189-194.
[19] Qiang Lu, Rui-Li Zhu, Jie Yang, Li Hui*, Yong-Di Liu, Shu-Guang Lu, Kuang-Fei Lin. Natural attenuation model and biodegradation for 1,1,1-trichloroethane contaminant in shallow groundwater. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:839.
[20] Xiao-Jue Guo, Zhi-Yan Lu, Li Hui*, Zhong-Zi Huang, Kuang-Fei Lin and Yong-Di Liu. Diversity and degradation mechanism of an anaerobic bacterial community treating phenolic wastewater with sulfate as an electron acceptor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:16121–16132.
2. 出版专著
[1] Li Hui*, Mu Bo-zhong. Methanogenes and ammonia-oxidation archaeal communities in the high temperature oil reservoirs. In: Sakura Y. Kat? (eds) Archaea: Structure, Habitats and Ecological Significance, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011, pp. 39–68.
3. 发明专利
[1] 李辉*, 林匡飞, 吕树光 等. 植物微生物联合去除土壤及浅层地下水有机污染物系统. 发明专利,授权ZL4.9.
[2] 李辉*, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟 等. 一种氯代烃高效好氧降解混合菌剂的制备方法与应用.发明专利, 授权ZL4.0.
[3] 李辉*, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟, 吕树光 等.一种挥发性有机物污染地下水样品的无扰动采集与测定方法.发明专利,授权ZL8.3.
[4] 李辉*, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟, 吕树光 等. 一种氯代烃厌氧降解菌剂的制备方法及应用.发明专利, 授权ZL4.5.
[5] 林匡飞, 吕树光, 李辉* 等. 一种挥发性有机物污染地下水的一体化异位修复系统.发明专利,授权ZL3.1.
[6] 李辉*, 刘勇弟, 林匡飞, 吕树光 等. 一种降解高盐苯系物的中度嗜盐菌群的构建方法及应用.发明专利,公开CN1.5.
[7] 李辉*,林匡飞,刘勇弟 等. 用于场地修复的固定化微生物小球及其制备方法 . 发明专利,公开CN2.7.
[8] 李辉*,林匡飞,刘勇弟 等. 地下水中挥发性有机污染物迁移转化模拟装置及应用. 发明专利,公开CN9.9.
[9] 李辉*,林匡飞,刘勇弟 等. 零价铁-活性污泥耦合处理氯代烃/二恶烷复合污染方法. 发明专利,公开CN8.2.
[10] 李辉*,刘勇弟,杨洁,王晓丽,周栋. 强化脱氯性能的厌氧颗粒污泥及其制备方法及其应用. 发明专利, 公开CN7.4
[11] 李辉, 刘勇弟,杨洁,王晓丽,陈帅,欧栋,周阳. 一种处理高盐含酚废水的活性污泥及应用. 发明专利, CN0.8
[12] 李辉, 刘勇弟, 王晓丽, 陆志艳, 陶萍, 武骁. 降解苯酚的中度嗜盐菌及其高通量筛选方法和应用. 发明专利, CN3.0
[13] 李辉,杨洁,刘勇弟,王晓丽,陈帅. 絮凝调理剂耦合超声氧化的污泥脱水方. 发明专利,CN8.1
1. 上海市科委地方院校能力建设项目,**,上海典型地质条件污染场地有机溶剂高效修复材料及作用机理,2019/4-2022/3,100万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,生物炭介导希瓦氏菌还原FeOOH降解地下水氯代有机物污染机理,2019/1-2022/12,61万元,在研,主持
3. 全国重点地区环境与健康调查、检测与风险评估专项,-HJJKDC2018-0201,上海江桥生活垃圾焚烧厂周边区域环境与健康预调查,2018/8-2020/12,180万元,在研,主持
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,2016YFC020620,大气污染的暴露测量及健康风险来源解析技术,2017/01-2020/06,100万,在研,主持
5. 国家环境基准管理专项,场地土壤环境基准研究,2018/9-2021/8,100万元,在研,主持
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费****培育项目,5,土壤和地下水环境有机物污染健康风险与修复机理,2015/11-2018/11,100万,已结题,主持
7. 全国重点地区环境与健康专项调查,EHH(2015)04-02,吉林省吉林市化工区环境与健康专项调查,2015/11-2017/03,120万,已结题,主持
8. 上海市科委创新行动计划重点项目子课题,15DZ**,大型工业区再开发场地地下水污染调查评估及治理关键技术研究与示范,2015/07-2017/06,30万,已结题,主持
9. 上海市教委科研创新重点项目,14ZZ059,嗜盐微生物活性污泥颗粒化结构稳定机理及耐盐降解分子机制,2014/01-2016/12,16万元,已结题,主持
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,典型污染场地浅层地下水体系中氯代烃自然衰减规律及其环境响应机制,2013/01-2016/12,75万元,已结题,主持
Li Hui, Ph.D., Professor
Contact information
Office Address: Room 305, building School of Environmental and Chemical engineering
E-mail: huili2018@shu.edu.cn
Research field
Environment toxicology and health risk of chemicals;
Risk assessment and remediation of contaminated sites;
Industrial wastewater treatment and reuse of reclaimed water.
Educational experience
March 2008, graduated from East China University of Science and Technology, received a doctorate in physical chemistry;
April 2008 ~ March 2009, East China University of Science and Technology, Institute of chemical engineering and technology, post-doctoral
March 2009 ~ March 2010, the University of Hong Kong, Ecological diversity and environmental toxicology laboratory, post-doctoral.
Work experience
April 2010 ~ August 2011, Assistant Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology;
September 2011 ~ March 2016, Associate professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology;
September 2016 ~ April 2018, Professor, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology.
April 2018 ~ present, Professor, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University.
2018, National Science and Technology Progress Award, second prize;
2017, Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, first prize;
2016, Shanghai Technical Invention Award, first prize;
2015, Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award, first prize;
2014, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Science and Technology Award, first prize.
2016, National environmental protection professional technology of youth talents;
2013, Ministry of Education New Century excellent Talent Support Program;
2013, Fok Ying Tung Foundation Youth College Teachers Fund;
2016, Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Talent;
2012, Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Star;
2012, Shanghai Talent Development Fund.
Research funds
Project name
Project on National Natural Science Foundation of China
National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project
Central University of basic scientific research business costs over major projects
Fundamental research funds for the Central Universities outstanding youth training project
The sub project of special investigation on environment and health in key regions of China
The Sub-project on National key research and development programs
The research project of the public welfare industry research project of the ministry of environmental protection
Ministry of Education, New Century excellent Talent Support Plan
Huo Yingdong foundation for Youth Research
Shanghai human resources development fund
Teaching experience
September 2011 ~ present, biology and environment, undergraduate elective courses;
September 2013 ~ present, ecological pollution, master's professional core course;
September 2014 ~ present, environmental engineering experiments, undergraduate elective experiment;
2016 ~ present, sustainable development, undergraduate professional elective courses.
Part-time Academic job
Editorial board for the International Journal of Applied Environmental Biotechnology;
Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau of industrial enterprises and municipal sites in the field of environmental protection assessment experts;
Shanghai pollution site repair industry technology innovation strategic alliance unit secretary;
The Ministry of Education Degree Center and the Shanghai Municipal Education;
Expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China project;
Expert of Shanghai science and technology research projects.
相关话题/上海大学 环境
职务:副院长(分管科研、外事)职称:研究员(博士生导师)系所:环境污染与健康研究所办公室:校本部东区环化楼334室电话:**Email:lily@shu.edu.cn个人简介教授,博士生导师,首批国家环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才,上海市领军人才。长期从事大气复合污染成因、来源与控制研究,先后主持或主 ...上海大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-23上海大学环境与化学工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邓小勇
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上一条:王菲菲下一条:朱晓辉 ...上海大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-23上海大学环境与化学工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-严丽君
职称:副研究员系所:环境科学与工程系办公室:校本部东区环化楼426室电话:Email:ljyan@shu.edu.cn2000年获北京科技大学理化系博士学位,2000-2003年上海大学冶金系博士后。出站后在上海大学环境与化学工程学院工作。在国际、国内核心刊物上发表论文40多篇,获国家发明专利两项。 ...上海大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-23上海大学环境与化学工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-胡龙兴
职称:副教授系所:环境科学与工程系办公室:校本部东区环化楼429室电话:Email:hulxhhhb@shu.edu.cn学士,1983年7月,上海工业大学(现上海大学)硕士,1986年3月,上海工业大学(现上海大学)博士,2004年3月,上海大学教师,1986年3月至今,上海工业大学和上海大学。期 ...上海大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-23上海大学环境与化学工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邹联沛
职称:副教授系所:环境科学与工程系办公室:校本部东区环化楼431室电话:Email:zoulianpei@163.com邹联沛,湖北宣恩人。毕业于哈尔滨工业大学;2001年获环境工程工学博士学位;2002年7月至今,在上海大学环境科学与工程系工作,硕士生导师。2007年10月,晋升为副教授。(1)水 ...上海大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-23上海大学环境与化学工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张晓岚
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职称:副教授、博士系所:环境科学与工程系办公室:宝山区南陈路333号环化楼436室电话:传真:Email:ruanxiuxiu@shu.edu.cn邮编:2004442002年毕业于浙江大学化学系,获学士学位。2008年毕业于浙江大学环境与资源学院环境科学与工程专业,获博士学位。同年,进入上海大学工 ...上海大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-23