本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-23
姓名:Samir Kumar KC(信息更新于2016年3月)
职称和最后学历: 研究科学家,博士研究生
2009. 荷兰格罗尼根大学获得空间科学博士学位
2001 -2003 荷兰格罗尼根大学人口研究中心人口学硕士学位
1997 -2000尼泊尔加德满都特里布文大学统计学系统计硕士学位
1994-1997 尼泊尔加德满都特里布文大学数学与物理专业统计学学士学位
2012.5-2015.6 IIASA 维特根斯坦人口和世界人力资源研究中心研究科学家
2008-2010 合作领导者,温室气体探索, IIASA,莱克森堡,奥地利
Lutz W, Butz W, KC S, Sanderson W, and Scherbov S. (2014). Population growth: Peak probability.
Science, 346(6209), 561 –561. (Letters to Science, October 2014)
· Lutz W, Butz W P and KC S, eds. 2014. World Population and Human Capital in the 21st Century.
Oxford University Press.
· KC S & Lutz W (2014). The human core of the shared socioeconomic pathways: Population scenarios by
age, sex and level of education for all countries to 2100. Global Environmental Change, published
online (4 July 2014).
· KC S (2014). An age distribution story: Reading into the population pyramid of Nepal. Asian Population
Studies, published online (14 March 2014)
· KC S & Lutz W (2014). Demographic scenarios by age, sex and education corresponding to the SSP
narratives. Population and Environment, 35(3), 243–260. (Published online 19 February 2014).
· KC S (2013). Community vulnerability to floods and landslides in Nepal. Ecology and Society, 18(1):8
(March 2013).
· KC S (2013). Population stabilization, human. In: SA Levin (ed.), Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second
Edition). Elsevier/Academic, Waltham, USA, pp.199-209 (Published online 23 January 2013).
· Lutz W & KC S (2013). Demography and human development: Education and population projections.
Occasional Paper No. 2013/04, UNDP Human Development Report Office, New York, NY, USA.
· Lutz W & KC S (2013). The Asian century will be built on human capital. East Asia Forum Quarterly
(EAFQ), 5(1):7-8 (January-March 2013).
· Skirbekk V & KC S (2012). Fertility-reducing dynamics of women's social status and educational
attainment. Asian Population Studies, 8(3):251 -264.
· Lutz W & KC S (2011). Global human capital: Integrating education and population. Science,
333(6042):587-592 (29 July 2011).
· Lutz W & KC S (2010). Dimensions of global population projections: What do we know about future
population trends and structures? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological
Sciences, 365(1554):2779-2791 (27 September 2010).
· KC S, Barakat B, Goujon A, Skirbekk V, Sanderson WC & Lutz W (2010). Projection of populations by
level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-2050. Demographic Research,
22(15):383-472 (16 March 2010).
· KC S & Lentzner H (2010). The effect of education on adult mortality and disability: A global
perspective. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2010, 8:201 -235.
· Stonawski M, Skirbekk V, KC S & Goujon A (2010). Projections of religiosity for Spain. In:
Eurostat/UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections. 28-30 April 2010, Lisbon, Portugal,
pp.421 -438.
· Goujon A & KC S (2009). Past, present, and future demographic trends in Spain [Pasado, presente y
futuro de las tendencias demograficas en Espana]. In: Ferrer JV (ed.), Economia Espanola, 2nd Edition.
McGraw-Hill, Madrid, Spain pp.75-86.
· Lutz W, Sanderson WC, Scherbov S & KC S (2009). Demographic and human-capital trends in Eastern
Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Stiftung Bertelsmann & Institute Migration Policy (eds), Talent,
Competitiveness and Migration. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, Germany, pp.163-192.
· Lutz W, KC S, Khan HTA, Scherbov S & Leeson GW (2009). Future ageing in Southeast Asia:
Demographic trends, human capital, and health status. In: Arifin EN & Ananta A (eds), Older Persons in
Southeast Asia: An Emerging Asset. ISEAS Publishing, Singapore, pp.47-67.
· KC S (2009). Lung Health in Rural Nepal: Multi-State Modeling of Health Status and Economic
Evaluation of Integrated Respiratory Care Guidelines. IIASA Research Report RR-09-001. (PhD Thesis)
· Lutz W, KC S & Scherbov S (2009). Future population growth, aging and human capital in the
Mediterranean. In: Lutz W & Goujon A (eds), Capital Humano, Genero y Envejecimiento en el
Mediterraneo, PAPERSIEMed. 7, IEMed., Barcelona, Spain, pp.19-29.
· Goujon A & KC S (2009). Women's level of educational attainment in North Africa (1970-2050). Gender
gap versus gender dividend: Challenges and policy implications. In: Lutz W & Goujon A (eds), Capital
Humano, Genero y Envejecimiento en el Mediterraneo, PAPERSIEMed. 7, IEMed., Barcelona, Spain,
· Goujon A & KC S (2008). The past and future of human capital in South-east Asia: From 1970 to 2030.
Asian Population Studies, 4(1):31 -56. (Published online 20 March 2008).
· Lutz W, Goujon A, KC S & Sanderson W (2007). Reconstruction of populations by age, sex and level of
educational attainment for 1 20 countries for 1970-2000. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2007,
5:193-235. (Published online 11 December 2007).
· Shrestha, N., S. KC, R. Baltussen, K.K. Kafle, D. Bishai, and L. Niessen. 2006. Practical approach to
lung health in Nepal: Better prescribing and reduction of cost. Tropical Medicine and International Health
11(5): 765-772.
· Mohan CI, Bishai D, Kumar S, ten Asbroek G, Niessen L. Changes in utilization of TB health services in
Nepal. International Journal of Turberculosis and Lung Disease. 2005 Sep;9(9):1054-6.
· Bishai D, Kumar KC S, Waters H, Koenig M, Katz J, Khatry SK, West KP Jr. The impact of vitamin A
supplementation on mortality inequalities among children in Nepal. Health Policy and Planning 2005 Jan;
20(1): 60-6.
2014.5-2015.6 国际应用系统分析学会( IIASA)"涉及社会经济学异质性的 IIASA模型项目"合作领导者
2012.9-2014.4 "人力资本形成模型"项目主持人
上一条:Guy Jonathan Abel
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