

上海大学 /2013-04-21

Zhuang-Zhi Yan
Dr. Eng. (Kyoto University, Japan)
Director, Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Deputy Dean, School of Communication & Information Engineering
Professor, Shanghai University
P.O. Box 01, 149 Yanchang Road, Shanghai 200072, China
TEL: +86 (21) 5633-8964, 5633-1787
FAX: +86 (21) 5633-6908
Email: zzyan@shu.edu.cn


Professor Yan received the B.S. degree in automation from Tianjin University (1983) and the M.S. and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto University in Japan (1987 and 1993). Currently, he is a Professor of biomedical engineering and the Deputy Dean of the School of Communication and Information Engineering at Shanghai University. He also serves as the Director of Shanghai Institute of Biomedical Engineering.
During his PhD study at Kyoto University, Prof. Yan’s research interests include medical image processing and interpretation, human interface, and medical diagnosis support systems. His Ph.D. thesis, entitled "a knowledge-based diagnosis support system for interpretation of brain CT images", is on the R&D of a knowledge-based CT image diagnosis system that can perform the majority of routine diagnostic reasoning and image interpretation in order to support radiologists' interpretation of brain CT images. The system was constructed on the workstation using Prolog, C, and X Window. The system was verified clinically by the Shimane Medical University Hospital.
After graduation from Kyoto University, Prof. Yan did research at ASTEM RI involving with the artistical graphics system (AGS) project and three-dimensional motion image analysis system (3D-MIA) project until joining the Shanghai University. The AGS project is concerned with the analysis and collection of the rules (heuristics) commonly used by the artists in their drawings, and aims to develop an automated computer drawing system. The 3D-MIA project is on the R&D of measurement and analysis system for three-dimensional motion of microorganism.

Prof. Yan's research and teaching at ShanghaiUniversity have focused on digital imaging, biomedical imaging and image analysis, computer aided diagnosis in medicine, and biomedical instrumentation. He is a patent holder, has given numerous invited talks at technical conferences, and contributed to several book chapters as well as over 30 research papers. 

 Research in Prof. Yan’s group revolves around the scientific and technological issues related to biomedical informatics, especially those involving computer aided interpretation of biomedical signals and images. It overlaps a number of areas in biomedical imaging and medical instrumentations. Most of Prof. Yan’s graduate students and research staff collaborate with a number of universities and major IT companies.

Recent Works:
Cellular automaton and lattice Boltzmann model for image processing;
Wireless communication technologies for physiological data monitoring;
Real-time image mosaicing for multiple live video streams and web-based panorama imaging;
FPGA-based real-time image processing for endoscopy and optometry;
Computer-aided interpretation system for mammographic images.















 讲授课程 Teaching Courses 













 近期发表的论文 Recent Publications 
 Wang ZQ, Yan ZZ, Qian YH, and Chen Q. Lattice Boltzmann model of anisotropic diffusion for image denoising. 2010 IEEE Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications, November 28-30, 2010, Beijing, China, 21-24
王志强, 严壮志, 张蕊, 钱跃竑. 矢量图像去噪的格子波尔兹曼方法. 应用科学学报, 2010, 28(5):493-500 
王志强, 严壮志, 钱跃竑. 图像非线性扩散去噪的格子波尔兹曼方法. 应用科学学报, 2010, 28(4):367-373
Jiang JH, Yan ZZ, Shi J, et al. A mobile monitoring system of blood pressure for underserved in China by information and communication technology service. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2010, 14(3):748-757 [PDF]
陈玉, 严壮志, 钱跃竑. 基于格子波尔兹曼模型的图像去噪. 电子学报, 2009, 37(3):574-580
严壮志, 邵世杰, 张静, 潘瑞琪, 杨静琼. 基于Java Web的图像拼接系统: WebPano. 应用科学学报, 2009, 27(3):253-259
朱翔明, 严壮志, 刘书朋, 司文. 同时测量鞋地间三维相互作用力的传感器系统. 应用科学学报, 2009, 27(2):172-176
张静, 严壮志, 邵世杰, 王牧云, 王黎明. 自动图像拼接中的一种特征提取和匹配方法. 应用科学学报, 2008, 26(3):288-294
Chen Y and Yan ZZ. A cellular automata method for the edge detection of images. D.-S. Huang et al. (Eds.):2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2008), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI),5227, 935–942, 2008. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008[PDF]
Chen Y, Yan ZZ, and Qian YH. An anisotropic diffusion model for medical image smoothing by using the lattice Boltzmann method. Yi Peng, Xiaohong Weng (Eds.): APCMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 19, 255–259, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008 [PDF]
Chen Y, Yan ZZ, and Shi J. Application of lattice Boltzmann method to image segmentation. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/EMBS 29, Lyon, France, August, 2007, 6561-6564 [PDF]
Chen Y and Yan ZZ. Cellular Automata based level set method for image segmentation. 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 23-25, 2007, 171–174 [PDF]

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