摘要: Hybrid nanostructures consist of two or more nanostructures that allow the significant property enhancement for individual nano-components. Recently, the ability to produce hybrid nanostructures has been of growing interest worldwide. ?Due to the difficulty of control during their fabrication, most available hybrid nanostructures, at present, are generally arranged in a random order leading to significant degeneration of performance in comparison with perfectly-ordered hybrid nanostructures. Thus, it is reasonable that there have been very few reports of methods on the fabrication of ordered hybrid nanostructures. Notwithstanding, these methods require mask/template and involve a fairly complex procedure during the fabrication although the production of the ordered non-hybrid nanostructures has been well established.
In this talk, two special Si-based ordered hybrid nano-structured arrays will be presented in terms of their fabrication and properties including gas sensing and photocurrent response. One is a unique hybrid nanoneedle structure with a small nanodot sitting on the top.?The sharp tip of the nanonipples with a small radius, for instance, is an ideal design of filed ionizer for gas sensing.?The sharp tip of the nanonipples?with a small radius, for instance,?is an ideal design of filed ionizer for gas sensing.?The measurements show that the nanoneedle gas sensor not only is capable of differentiating the type of gas but also has a high sensitivity of resolving the gas quantity with a small breakdown applied voltage.??Ordered ZnO/Si nano-?heterojunction is the other hybrid nanostructured array, where ZnO nanorods are grown on top of ordered Si (p-type) nano-needles. Each nano-heterojunction is examined to be a p-n junction and shows better diode characteristic after heat treatment. A number of such individual nano-heterojunctions that are perfectly arranged across the Si substrate surfaces can provide a building block to fabricate various types of optoelectronic nanodevices, such as photovoltaic solar cells and light emitting diodes with significantly enhanced properties.
报告人: 黄一中
时间: 2018.4.25,14:00-15:30
报告人简介: 黄一中,新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院副教授。1998年北京科技大学博士,2003年至2008年英国牛津大学研究员。研究方向:有序纳米结构阵列的制作和表征、纳米电化学
上海海事大学 免费考研网/2018-05-04
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