

上海海事大学 免费考研网/2018-05-04

讲座主题:Maritime research at UCL with a focus on future ship design


主讲人:Richard Bucknall?? 伦敦大学学院教授




Bucknall教授现任英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)海洋和电力系统工程教授,是海洋研究小组的主席,英国轮机工程及海事科技学会(Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology, IMarEST)会刊Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology(SCI期刊)的主编。目前负责三个技术研究小组,包括低碳海运领域,使用燃料电池的混合动力推进装置,以及无人水面艇自主导航。Bucknall教授多年来一直专注于船舶无人化与低碳化技术研究,在船舶智能化领域具有深厚的研究基础和行业基础,承担过英国工程与自然科学研究理事会(EPSRC)、欧盟框架计划(EU Framework Programme)、美国海军研究所(ONR)、英国技术战略委员会创新英国(Innovate UK)、劳氏船级社(LR)等组织的科研项目。迄今为止,Bucknall教授参与了10多个重大科研项目。Bucknall教授是ONR在英国的唯一合作伙伴,与许多全球性的公司和组织有良好合作,如英国国防部(MOD)、劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)和英国海事技术公司(BMT)等。Bucknall教授至今已经发表了150多篇高水平论文。目前领导着由研究讲师,博士后研究助理和博士生组成的大型研究团队。

伦敦大学学院UCL是伦敦大学联盟(University of London,简称UOL)的创校学院,与剑桥、牛津、帝国理工、伦敦政经并称“G5超级精英大学”,代表了英国最顶尖的科研实力、师生质量、经济实力,在经济危机时期政府财政预算不减反增,是英国金三角的名校之一,同时也是英国顶尖研究型大学联盟——罗素大学集团(有24所成员大学,类似于美国的“常春藤”)的成员,享有英国政府最多的财政预算。




(Length 40 minutes + 20 minutes questions)

The presentation given by Professor Bucknall will encompass research activities at UCL in the maritime sector with a focus on how ships are likely to be designed in the future so as to take advantage of new technologies, especially autonomy and low carbon technologies.

UCL Marine Research Group is London’s premier maritime research group and one of four internationally renowned university maritime groups in the UK. With seven professors and some 40 researchers it undertakes research into new ship designs with a focus on understanding the likely opportunities of future technologies to ship design and impact of new legislation especially in the field of atmospheric emissions.

The MRG has worked with international partners in the fields of autonomy and low carbon shipping. The presentation will explain these relationships and focus of key areas of interest. Research in autonomous ships has focused primarily on autonomous navigation methods at?‘algorithm level’. Research into autonomous ships has focused on coastal cargo vessels. Research into low carbon ships has examined alternative fuels, advanced power and propulsion, and demand side reductions.

Professor Bucknall is the Director of Research at UCL in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and has spent his life working in the marine industry. He holds several major grants, has published over 150 prestigious articles and currently leads a large research team consisting of research lecturers, post-doctoral research assistants and PhD students. He is also the editor in chief of the SCI Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology.



? ?Bucknall教授的报告将重点介绍伦敦大学学院(UCL)在海事领域的研究活动,重点关注未来如何利用新技术进行船舶设计,特别是自主驾驶和低碳技术。

? ?UCL海事研究组是伦敦首屈一指的海事研究团队,也是英国四大国际知名大学海事团队之一。UCL海事研究组由7位教授和40位研究人员组成,主要针对新船设计技术进行研究,重点研究船舶设计新技术,以及国际减排立法的影响。



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