
物流工程与管理高峰学科专家讲座:My Research regarding trade and shipping development under One Belt One Road Initiat

上海海事大学 免费考研网/2018-05-04

讲座题目:My Research regarding trade and shipping development under One Belt One Road Initiative



讲 ?座 人:?杨冬 ??博士 ?香港理工大学助理教授



杨冬博士在《Journal of transport geography》、《Transportation Science》、《Transportation Research Part E》、《Transportation Research Part A》、《Accident Analysis & Prevention》、《Maritime Policy & Management》、《Maritime Economics & Logistics》等等SCI/SSCI学术期刊发表论文多篇。其中,论文《数据聚合对于国际货运交通模式选择预测结果影响的探索性研究》荣获2012年世界海运经济学会年会最佳论文奖。杨冬博士是超过20个SSCI/SCI期刊和国际会议的论文审稿人及《Transport Policy》的客座编辑,同时还担任2016香港一带一路下物流与海事研究国际会议分会主席,第5届物流与海事国际会议组委会委员, 2017年世界海运经济协会年会学术委员会委员,分会主席等职务。曾受邀在丹麦Nordea公司,亚太经合组织多个研讨会,太平洋经济合作组织多个研讨会,国际港口经济和海运物流会议,香港海运周,包括上海交大,山东大学,大连海事大学,中国海洋大学等等多个大学做过多次关于航运港口方面研究的主题演讲。

讲座摘要:With the launch of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative in 2013, China has the ambitious goal of transforming regional political and economic landscapes over the coming decades by building a ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ and a ‘21st Century Maritime Silk Road’. Massive investments into these infrastructure networks have already taken place. For the land-based routes, eleven Chinese cities have successively opened direct railway container services to European cities, and most of these services are enjoying subsidies from the local governments. For the oceangoing routes, in recent years Cosco Pacific Limited has continued to invest heavily in the Port of Piraeus (Greece), transforming it into an important hub port in Southern Europe. Against this background, one of my research compared the performance of two emerging routes connecting the East Asia and Europe developed under the One Belt One Road Initiative with the traditional Sea-Land route. The route performance under current status and possible future scenarios have been intensively discussed and the results provide strong managerial and political implications on the choice criteria and route preference considered by different target groups. Another research of mine explored the coping strategy for Chinese liner shipping companies, taking into consideration of the impact of the rail development in East Europe and New Eurasian land bridge. A bi-level optimization model is established to realize this objective with real data collected from COSCO, the giant Chinese shipping liner. Furthermore, under the Belt and Road initiatives, more Free Trade Agreements are expected to be concluded and more Free Trade Zones will be established, it is expected that the effective import tariff rate may continue to decrease in the future. My co-authors and I have also conducted an analysis on the impact of further reduction in Chinese import tariff rate on major economic indicators using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and based on the Chinese macro-economic data of 2012. In this presentation, I will briefly introduce these three researches conducted by my co-authors and me to address the trade and shipping development under One belt and One Road Initiative.?

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