上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈 磊
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-21
陈磊, 男, 1982年生, 副教授, 上海市晨光****。2010年华东师范大学博士毕业。研究方向包括图论及算法、算法设计与分析、生物信息学等。目前已主持完成科研项目5项,其中包括一项国家自然科学基金项目,一项上海市晨光计划,一项上海市教委科研创新项目。目前正承担上海市自然科学基金面上项目一项。曾获上海海事大学课题组科技奖(2010)、上海市计算机学会优秀博士论文优胜奖(2012)、上海海事大学学术论文奖三等奖(2012)、校优秀青年教师(2013)、上海海事大学ESI高被引论文奖(2014)、上海海事大学科技论文奖一等奖(2016)、校优秀教育工作者(2017)、刘浩清青年英才奖 (2019)。目前共发表论文170余篇,其中以(共同)第一作者或通讯作者在SCI检索刊物上发表论文98篇,先后有18篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。论文累计被SCI刊物论文引用3000余次。
E-mail: chen_lei1@163.com?或 lchen@shmtu.edu.cn
办公地点: 信息楼212???????? 办公电话:
1. 美国《数学评论》评论员
2. 以下刊物部门编辑(Section Editor): Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening (SCI检索)(2019-present); Current Proteomics (SCI检索) (2019-present)
3. 以下刊物编委: Current Bioinformatics (SCI检索)(2016-present); Current Gene Therapy (SCI检索)(2020-present);?The Open Bioinformatics Journal (2019-present),?Gene & Translational Bioinformatics?(2016-present)
4. 以下刊物专刊客座编委:?Current Bioinformatics (SCI检索)(2016年、2019年)、BioMed Research International (SCI检索)(2013年、2014年、2015年、2016年、2020年)、Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine?(SCI检索)(2014年、2015年、2020年)、Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (SCI检索)(2016年)、 Current Proteomics (SCI检索)(2017年、2019年)、Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening?(SCI检索)(2017年)、Genes?(SCI检索)(2017-2018年)、Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (SCI检索)(2019年)、Frontiers系列 (Frontiers in Genetics 、Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology、Frontiers in Plant Science)(SCI检索) (2020年)
6. 中国计算机学会会员, 中国人工智能学会会员、上海市计算机学会生物信息专业委员会副主任
主讲课程: 离散数学、数据结构、矩阵分析与应用(课件)、算法设计与分析、计算方法
目前研究兴趣: 生物大数据处理、机器学习算法在化合物功能预测和疾病相关基因预测的应用、控制集问题的算法与理论
1. KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes): 基因组、化学和系统功能信息的数据库
2. STRING (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins): 蛋白质相互作用数据库
3. STITCH (Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals) : 化合物和蛋白质相互作用数据库
4. DrugBank: 药物、药物作用和药物靶点知识库
5. CTD (Comparative Toxicogenomics Database): 收录了环境化学物质与基因功能之间的关系
18. Haiyan Liang (学生), Bin Hu, Lei Chen, Shuaiqun Wang, Aorigele, Recognizing novel chemicals/drugs for anatomical therapeutic chemical classes with a heat diffusion algorithm, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease, 1866(11)(2020), 165910.
17. Jian-Peng Zhou (学生), Lei Chen, Tianyun Wang (学生), Min Liu, iATC-FRAKEL: A simple multi-label web-server for recognizing anatomical therapeutic chemical classes of drugs with their fingerprints only, Bioinformatics, 36(11)(2020), 3568-3569.
16. Jian-Peng Zhou (学生), Lei Chen, Zi-Han Guo (学生), iATC-NRAKEL: An efficient multi-label classifier for recognizing anatomical therapeutic chemical classes of drugs, Bioinformatics, 36(5)(2020), 1391-1396. (ESI highly cited paper)
15. Lei Chen, Xiaoyong Pan, XiaoHua Hu, Yu-Hang Zhang, ShaoPeng Wang,?Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Gene expression differences among different MSI statuses in colorectal cancer, International Journal of Cancer,?143(7)(2018), 1731-1740. (ESI highly cited paper)
14.?Lei Chen, Tao Liu (学生), Xian Zhao (学生), Inferring anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) class of drugs using shortest path and random walk with restart algorithms, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease,?1864(6, Part B)(2018), 2228-2240.
13.?Lei Chen, ShaoPeng Wang, Yu-Hang Zhang, JiaRui Li, Zhi-Hao Xing, Jialiang Yang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identify key sequence features to improve CRISPR sgRNA efficacy, IEEE?Access, 5(2017), 26582-26590.
12.?Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Guohui Lu, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis of cancer-related lncRNAs using gene ontology and KEGG pathways, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,?76(2017), 27-36.?(ESI highly cited paper)
11. Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Mingyue Zheng, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of compound-protein interactions through the analysis of gene ontology, KEGG enrichments for proteins and molecular fragments of compounds, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 291(6)(2016), 2065-2079.
10.? Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Jing Lu, Xiangyin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, A computational method for the identification of new candidate carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic chemicals, Molecular BioSystems, 11(9)(2015), 2541-2550.
9. Lei Chen, Jing Lu, Ning Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, A hybrid method for prediction and repositioning of drug Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classes, Molecular BioSystems, 10(4)(2014), 868-877. (ESI highly cited paper)
8. Lei Chen, Wei-Ming Zeng, Yu-Dong Cai, Tao Huang, Prediction of metabolic pathway using graph property, chemical structure set and chemical functional group, Current Bioinformatics, 8(2)(2013), 200-207. (ESI highly cited paper)
7. Lei Chen, Wei-Ming Zeng, Yu-Dong Cai, Kai-Yan Feng, Kuo-Chen Chou, Predicting Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification of Drugs by Integrating Chemical-Chemical Interactions and Similarities, PLoS ONE, 7(4)(2012), e35254. (ESI highly cited paper)
6. Lei Chen, Weiming Zeng, Changhong Lu, NP-completeness and APX-completeness of restrained domination in graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 448(2012), 1-8.
5. Lei Chen, Kai-Yan Feng, Yu-Dong Cai, Kuo-Chen Chou, Hai-Peng Li, Predicting the network of substrate-enzyme-product triads by combining compound similarity and functional domain composition, BMC Bioinformatics, 11(2010), 293. (ESI highly cited paper)
4. Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, Zhenbing Zeng, Hardness results and approximation algorithms for (weighted) paired-domination in graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 410(47-49)(2009), 5063-5071.
3. Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, Zhenbing Zeng, A linear-time algorithm for paired-domination problem in strongly chordal graphs, Information Processing Letters, 110(1)(2009), 20-23.
2. Lei Chen, Lin Lu, Kairui Feng, Wenjin Li, Jie Song, Lulu Zheng, Youlang Yuan, Zhenbin Zeng, Kaiyan Feng, Wencong Lu, Yudong Cai, Multiple classifier integration for the prediction of protein structural classes, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 30(14)(2009), 2248-2254.
1. Lei Chen, Xiaohe Shi, Xiangyin Kong, Zhenbing Zeng, Yudong Cai, Identifying protein complex using hybrid properties, Journal of Proteome Research, 8(11)(2009), 5212-5218.
154. YuHang Zhang, Zhandong Li, Tao Zeng, Lei Chen, Hao Li, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Detecting the multiomics signatures of factor-specific inflammatory effects on airway smooth muscles, Frontiers in Genetics, in press.
153. Yu-Hang Zhang, Hao Li, Tao Zeng, Lei Chen, Zhandong Li, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying transcriptomic signatures and rules for SARS-CoV-2 infection, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, in press.
152. Hongwei Liu (学生), Bin Hu, Lei Chen, Lin Lu, Identifying protein subcellular location with embedding features learned from networks, Current Proteomics, in press.
151. Xuefei Peng (学生), Lei Chen, Jian-Peng Zhou (学生), Identification of carcinogenic chemicals with network embedding deep learning methods, Current Bioinformatics, in press.
150. Yu-Hang Zhang, Zhandong Li, Tao Zeng, Xiaoyong Pan, Lei Chen, Dejing Liu, Hao Li, Tao Huang,?Yu-Dong Cai, Distinguishing glioblastoma subtypes by methylation signatures, Frontiers in Genetics, 11(2020), 604336.
149. Lei Chen, Zhandong Li, Tao Zeng, Yu-Hang Zhang, Dejing Liu, Hao Li, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying robust microbiota signatures and interpretable rules to distinguish cancer subtypes, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 7(2020), 604794.
148. Ran Zhao (学生), Bin Hu, Lei Chen, Bo Zhou, Identification of latent oncogenes with network embedding methods and random forest, BioMed Research International, 2020(2020), **.
147. Yu-Hang Zhang, Xiaoyong Pan, Tao Zeng, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying the RNA signatures of coronary artery disease from combined lncRNA and mRNA expression profiles, Genomics, 112(6)(2020), 4945-4958.
146. Xiaolin Zhang (学生), Lei Chen, Prediction of membrane protein types by fusing protein-protein interaction and protein sequence information, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins and Proteomics, , 1868(12)(2020), 140524.
145. Yanjuan Jia (学生), Lei Chen, Jian-Peng Zhou (学生), Min Liu, iMPT-FRAKEL: A simple multi-label web-server that only uses fingerprints to identify which metabolic pathway types compounds can participate in, The Open Bioinformatics Journal, 13(2020), 83-91.
144. Yanjuan Jia (学生), Ran Zhao (学生), Lei Chen, Similarity-based machine learning model for predicting the metabolic pathways of compounds, IEEE Access, 8(2020), 130687 – 130696.
143. Xiaoyong Pan, Tao Zeng, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, KaiYan Feng, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Investigation and prediction of human interactome based on quantitative features, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8(2020), 730.
142. YuHang Zhang, Tao Zeng, Lei Chen, ShiJian Ding, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of COVID-19 infection-related human genes based on random walk in a virus–human protein interaction network, BioMed Research International, 2020(2020), **.
141. Min Li, XiaoYong Pan, Tao Zeng, Yu-Hang Zhang, Kaiyan Feng, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Alternative polyadenylation modification patterns reveal essential post-transcription regulatory mechanisms of tumorigenesis in multiple tumor types, BioMed Research International, 2020(2020), **.
140. Shiqi Zhang, Tao Zeng, Bin Hu, Yu-Hang Zhang, Kaiyan Feng, Lei Chen, Zhibin Niu, Jianhao Li, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Discriminating origin tissues of tumor cell lines by methylation signatures and dys-methylated rules, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8(2020), 507..
139. Haiyan Liang (学生), Lei Chen, Xian Zhao (学生), Xiaolin Zhang (学生), Prediction of drug side effects with a refined negative sample selection strategy, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2020(2020), **.
138. Fei Yuan, XiaoYong Pan,?Tao Zeng,?Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, Zijun Gan, Tao Huang,?Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying cell-type specific genes and expression rules based on single-cell transcriptomic atlas data, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8(2020), 350.
137. Jingang Che (学生), Lei Chen, Zi-Han Guo (学生), Shuaiqun Wang, Aorigele, Drug target group prediction with multiple drug networks, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 23(4)(2020), 274-284. (ESI highly cited paper)
136. Lei Chen, XiaoYong Pan, Wei Guo, Zijun Gan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Zhibin Niu, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Investigating the gene expression profiles of cells in seven embryonic stages with machine learning algorithms, Genomics, 112(3)(2020), 2524-2534.
135. JiaRui Li, Lin Lu, Yu-Hang Zhang, YaoChen Xu, Min Liu, KaiYan Feng , Lei Chen, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of leukemia stem cell expression signatures through Monte-Carlo feature selection strategy and support vector machine, Cancer Gene Therapy, 27(2020), 56-69. (ESI highly cited paper)
134. Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Guohua Huang, Xiaoyong Pan, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Inferring novel genes related to oral cancer with a network embedding method and one-class learning algorithms, Gene Therapy, 26(2019), 465-478.
133. ShiQi Zhang, XiaoYong Pan, Tao Zeng, Wei Guo, Zijun Gan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, YunHua Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Copy number variation pattern for discriminating MACROD2 states of colorectal cancer subtypes, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7(2019), 407.
132. Xian Zhao (学生), Lei Chen, Zi-Han Guo (学生), Tao Liu (学生), Predicting drug side effects with compact integration of heterogeneous networks, Current Bioinformatics, 14(8)(2019), 709-720. (ESI highly cited paper)
131. Lei Chen, XiaoYong Pan, Tao Zeng, Yu-Hang Zhang, YunHua Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Immunosignature screening for multiple cancer subtypes based on expression rule, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7(2019), 370.
130. XiaoYong Pan, Tao Zeng, Fei Yuan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, LiuCun Zhu, SiBao Wan, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Screening of methylation signature and gene functions associated with the subtypes of isocitrate dehydrogenase-mutation gliomas, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7(2019), 339.
129. Ran Zhao (学生), Lei Chen, Bo Zhou, Zi-Han Guo (学生), Shuaiqun Wang, Aorigele, Recognizing novel tumor suppressor genes using a network machine learning strategy, IEEE Access, 7(2019),155002-155013.
128. Xiaolin Zhang (学生), Lei Chen, Zi-Han Guo (学生), Haiyan Liang (学生), Identification of human membrane protein types by incorporating network embedding methods, IEEE Access, 7(2019), 140794-140805.
127. Lei Chen, XiaoYong Pan, Tao Zeng, Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying essential signature genes and expression rules associated with distinctive development stages of early embryonic cells, ?IEEE Access, 7(2019), 128570-128578.
126. Lei Chen, Tao Zeng, Xiaoyong Pan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying methylation pattern and genes associated with breast cancer subtypes, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(17)(2019), 4269.
125. Lei Chen, Xiaoyong Pan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Xiaohua Hu, KaiYan Feng, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Primary tumor site specificity is preserved in patient-derived tumor xenograft models, Frontiers in Genetics, 10(2019), 738.
124. Fei Yuan, Xiaoyong Pan, Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis of protein–protein functional associations by using gene ontology and KEGG pathway, BioMed Research International, 2019(2019), **.
123. Hao Cui (学生), Lei Chen, A binary classifier for the prediction of EC numbers of enzymes, Current Proteomics, 16(5)(2019), 381-389. (ESI highly cited paper)
122. XiaoYong Pan, Lei Chen, KaiYan Feng, XiaoHua Hu, Yu-Hang Zhang, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis of expression pattern of snoRNAs in different cancer types with machine learning algorithms, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(9)(2019), 2185.
121. Lei Chen,?Xiaoyong Pan,?Yu-Hang Zhang,?Tao Huang,?Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis of gene expression differences between different pancreatic cells, ACS Omega, 4(4)(2019), 6421-6435.
120. Lei Chen, Xiaoyong Pan, Yu-Hang Zhang, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai,?Tissue differences revealed by gene expression profiles of various cell lines,?Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 120(5)(2019), 7068-7081.
119.?Lei Chen,?Shiqi Zhang, Xiaoyong Pan,?XiaoHua Hu,?Yu-Hang Zhang,?Fei Yuan, Tao Huang,?Yu-Dong Cai, HIV infection alters the human epigenetic landscape, Gene Therapy, 26(2019), 29-39.
118.?Xiaoyong Pan, XiaoHua Hu, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, LiuCun Zhu, ShiBao Wan, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of the Copy Number Variant Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Subtypes, Molecular Genetics and Genomics,?294(1)(2019), 95-110.
117.?Lei Chen, XiaoYong Pan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Min Liu, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Classification of widely and rarely expressed genes with recurrent neural network, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 17(2019), 49-60.
116. JiaRui Li, Lin Lu, YuHang Zhang, Min Liu, Lei Chen, Tao Huang,?Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of synthetic lethality based on a functional network by using machine learning algorithms, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 120(1)(2019), 405-416. (ESI highly cited paper)
115.?Tianyun Wang (学生), Lei Chen, Xian Zhao, Prediction of drug combinations with a network embedding method, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 21(10)(2018), 789-797.
114. Zi-Han Guo (学生), Lei Chen, Xian Zhao (学生), A network integration method for deciphering the types of metabolic pathway of chemicals with heterogeneous information, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 21(9)(2018), 670-680.
113.?Xian Zhao (学生), Lei Chen, Jing Lu, A similarity-based method for prediction of drug side effects with heterogeneous information, Mathematical Biosciences,?306(2018), 136-144.
112.?Lei Chen,?Yu-Hang Zhang,?Xiaoyong Pan,?Min Liu,?ShaoPeng Wang,?Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Tissue expression difference between mRNAs and lncRNAs, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(11)(2018), 3416.
111.?Yu-Dong Cai, Shiqi Zhang, Yu-Hang Zhang, Xiaoyong Pan, KaiYan Feng, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, XiangYin Kong, Identification of the gene expression rules that define the subtypes in glioma, Journal of Clinical Medicine,?7(10)(2018), 350.
110.?JiaRui Li, Lei Chen, YuHang Zhang, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang,?Yu-Dong Cai, A computational method for classifying different human tissues with quantitatively tissue-specific expressed genes, Genes, 9(9)(2018), 449.
109.?Tao Liu (学生), Lei Chen, Xiaoyong Pan, An integrated multi-label classifier with chemical-chemical interactions for prediction of chemical toxicity effects, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 21(6)(2018), 403-410.
108. Lei Chen, ShaoPeng Wang, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lai Wei, XianLing?Xu, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction of nitrated tyrosine residues in protein sequences by extreme learning machine and feature selection methods, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 21(6)(2018), 403-410.
107.?Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Zhenghua Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Inferring novel tumor suppressor genes with a protein-protein interaction network and network diffusion algorithms, Molecular Therapy – Methods & Clinical Development, 10(2018), 57-67.
106.?Xiaoyong Pan, XiaoHua Hu, Yu-Hang Zhang, Kaiyan Feng, ShaoPeng Wang, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying patients with atrioventricular septal defect in Down syndrome populations by using self-normalizing neural network and feature selection, Genes, 9(4)(2018), 208.
105.?Lei Chen, The Novel Methods of Computational Proteomics and their Applications to Bio-medicine and Bio-pharmacy, Current Proteomics, 15(2)(2018), 83-83.
104. Deling Wang, Jia-Rui Li, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of differentially expressed genes between original breast cancer and xenograft using machine learning algorithms, Genes, 9(3)(2018), 155.
103.Lei Chen, JiaRui Li, Yu-Hang Zhang, KaiYan Feng, ShaoPeng Wang, YunHua Zhang, Tao Huang, Xiangyin Kong, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of gene expression signatures across different subtypes of neural stem cells with the Monte-Carlo feature selection method, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 119(4)(2018), 3394-3403.
102.?Lei Chen, Jiangning Song, Network Mining and Machine Learning Methods of the Analysis of the Large-Scale Data in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy, Current Bioinformatics, 13(1)(2018), 2-2.
101.?JiaRui Li, Lei Chen,?ShaoPeng Wang,?YuHang Zhang,?XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, A computational method using the random walk with restart algorithm for identifying novel epigenetic factors, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 293(1)(2018), 293-301.
100.?Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Guohua Huang, Xiaoyong Pan, ShaoPeng Wang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Discriminating cirRNAs from other lncRNAs using a hierarchical extreme learning machine (H-ELM) algorithm with feature selection, Molecular Genetics and Genomics,293(1)(2018), 137-149.
99.?Lei Chen, Application of Computational Biology in Bio-Pharmacy, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 20(10)(2017), 830-830.
98. ShaoPeng Wang, JiaRui Li, Fei Yuan, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Computational Method for Distinguishing Lysine Acetylation, Sumoylation, and Ubiquitination using the Random Forest Algorithm with a Feature Selection Procedure, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 20(10)(2017), 886-895.
97.?Quan Zou, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Zhenguo Zhang, Yungang Xue, Machine Learning and Graph Analytics in Computational Biomedicine, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 83(2017), 1-1.
96. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Yu-Hang Zhang, Mingyue Zheng, LiuCun Zhu, Xiangyin Kong, Tao Huang, Identification of drug-drug interactions using chemical interactions, Current Bioinformatics, 12(6)(2017), 526-534.
95.?Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, JiaRui Li, ShaoPeng Wang,YunHua Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Deciphering the relationship between obesity and various diseases from a network perspective, Genes, 8(12)(2017), 392.
94.?Qianwu Ni(学生), Lei Chen, A feature and algorithm selection method for improving the prediction of protein structural classes, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 20(7)(2017), 612-621.
93. ShaoPeng Wang, Yu-Hang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Recognizing and predicting thioether bridges formed by lanthionine and β-methyllanthionine in lantibiotics using a random forest approach with feature selection, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 20(7)(2017), 582-593.
92. Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Lei?Chen, YaoChen Xu, Yu Hu, Lan-Dian Hu, Yudong Cai, Xiangyin Kong, Identifying and analyzing different cancer subtypes using RNA-seq data of blood platelets, Oncotarget, 8(50)(2017), 87494-87511.
91.?Lei Chen, Hongying Pan, Yu-Hang Zhang, Kaiyan Feng, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Network-based method for identifying co-regeneration genes in bone, dentin, nerve and vessel tissues, Genes, 8(10)(2017), 252.
90. Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, ShaoPeng Wang, YunHua Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction and analysis of essential genes using the enrichments of gene ontology and KEGG pathways, PLoS ONE, 12(9)(2017), e**.
89.?Lei Chen, Jing Lu Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, A computational method for the identification of candidate drugs for non-small cell lung cancer, PLoS ONE, 12(8)(2017), e**.
88. ShaoPeng Wang, Yu-Hang Zhang, GuoHua Huang, Lei Chen, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis and prediction of myristoylation sites using the mRMR method, the IFS method and an extreme learning machine algorithm, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 20(2)(2017), 96-106.
87.?Yemin Fang(学生), Lei Chen, A binary classifier for prediction of?the types of metabolic pathway of chemicals, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 20(2)(2017), 140-146.
86.?Shiheng Lu, Yan Yan, Zhen Li, Lei Chen, Jing Yang, Yu-Hang Zhang, ShaoPeng Wang, Lin Liu, Determination of genes related to uveitis by utilization of the Random Walk with Restart algorithm on a protein-protein interaction network, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(5)(2017), 1044.
85.?Lei Chen, Jing Yang, Zhihao Xing, Fei Yuan, Yang Shu, YunHua Zhang, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, HaiPeng Li, Yu-Dong Cai, An integrated method for the identification of novel genes related to oral cancer, PLoS ONE, 12(4)(2017), e**.
84.?Yu-Dong Cai, Qing Zhang, Yu-Hang Zhang, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Identification of genes associated with breast cancer metastasis to bone on a protein-protein interaction network with a shortest path algorithm, Journal of Proteome Research, 16(2)(2017), 1027-1038.
83. Lili Liu, Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, ?Lai Wei, Shiwen Cheng(学生), Xiangyin Kong, Mingyue Zheng, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis and prediction of drug-drug interaction by minimum redundancy maximum relevance and incremental feature selection, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 35(2)(2017), 312-329.?(ESI highly cited paper)
82. Lei Chen, Baoman Wang, SaoPeng Wang, Jing Yang, Jerry Hu, ZhiQun Xie, Yuwei Wang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, OPMSP: A computational method integrating protein interaction and sequence information for the identification of novel putative oncogenes, Protein & Peptide Letters,?23(12)(2016), 1081-1094.
81. Jian Zhang, Jing Yang, Tao Huang, Yang Shu, Lei Chen, Identification of novel proliferative diabetic retinopathy related genes on protein-protein interaction network, Neurocomputing, 217(2016), 63-72.? (ESI highly cited paper)
80.?Yu-Hang Zhang, Chen Chu, Shaopeng Wang, Lei Chen, Jing Lu, XiangYin Kong, Tao Huang, HaiPeng Li, Yu-Dong Cai, The use of Gene Ontology term and KEGG pathway enrichment for analysis of drug half-life, PLoS ONE, 11(10)(2016), e**.
79. Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Jiangning Song, Mingyue Zheng, Jialiang Yang, Zhenguo Zhang, Integrated Analysis of Multiscale Large-Scale Biological Data for Investigating Human Disease 2016, BioMed Research International, 2016(2016), **.
78. Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Quan Zou, Chen Chu, Zhiliang Ji, Analysis of the chemical toxicity effects using the enrichments of Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – General Subjects, 1860(11 Part B)(2016), 2619-2626.
77.?ZhiHao Xing, Chen Chu, Lei Chen, Xiangyin Kong, The use of Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways for analysis and prediction of oncogenes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – General Subjects, 1860(11 Part B)(2016), 2725-2734.
76. Nizhuan Wang, Weiming Zeng, Dongtailang Chen, Jun Yin, Lei Chen, A Novel Brain Networks Enhancement Model (BNEM) for BOLD fMRI Data Analysis with Highly Spatial Reproducibility, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 20(4)(2016), 1107-1119.
75. Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Yang Jiang, Mingyue Zheng, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of novel candidate drivers connecting different dysfunctional levels for lung adenocarcinoma using protein-protein interactions and a shortest path approach, Scientific Reports, 6(2016), 29849.
74. Liucun Zhu, Yu-Hang Zhang, Fangchu Su, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, A shortest-path-based method for the analysis and prediction of fruit-related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, PLoS ONE, 11(7)(2016), e**.
73. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Yu-Hang Zhang, Changming Zhu, Xiangyin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis of gene expression profiles in the?brain stem, cerebellum and cerebral cortex, PLoS ONE, 11(7)(2016), e**.
72. Guangzhong Liu, Min Liu, Daozheng Chen, Lei Chen, Jiali Zhu, Bo Zhou, Jun Gao, Predicting protein ligand binding sites with structure alignment method on Hadoop, Current Proteomics, 13(2)(2016), 113-121.
71.? Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying new protein phenotypic annotations by hybridizing protein-protein interactions and protein sequence similarities, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 291(2)(2016), 913-934.
70. Lei Chen, Yu-Hang Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Gene expression profiling gut microbiota in different races of humans, Scientific Reports, 6(2016), 23075.
69. Bi-Qing Li, Lu-Lu Zheng, Kai-Yan Feng, Le-Le Hu,? Guohua Huang, Lei Chen, Prediction of linear B-cell epitopes with mRMR feature selection and analysis, Current Bioinformatics, 11(1)(2016), 22-31.
68. You Zhou, Biqing Li, Yuchao Zhang, Lei Chen, Xiang-Yin Kong, Feature Classification and Analysis of Lung Cancer Related Genes Through Gene Ontology and KEGG pathways, Current Bioinformatics, 11(1)(2016), 40-50.
67. Lei Chen, ZhiHao Xing, Tao Huang, Yang Shu, Guohua Huang, Hai-Peng Li, Application of the shortest path algorithm for the discovery of breast cancer-related genes, Current Bioinformatics, 11(1)(2016), 51-58. (ESI highly cited paper)
66. Jing Lu, Lei Chen, Jun Yin, Tao Huang, Yi Bi, Xiangyin Kong, Mingyue Zheng, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of new candidate drugs for lung cancer using chemical-chemical interactions, chemical-protein interactions and a K-means clustering algorithm, Journal of Biomolecular Structure?& Dynamics, 34(4)(2016), 906-917.
65. ?Cao Wang, Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, k-power domination in block graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 31(2)(2016), 865-873.
64. Lei Chen, Jing Yang, Xiangyin Kong, Lin Lu, Yu-Dong Cai, Mining for novel tumor suppressor genes using a shortest path approach, Journal of Biomolecular Structure?& Dynamics, 34(3)(2016), 664-675.
63. Bing Niu,?Zhihao Xing,?Manman Zhao,?Haizhong Huo,?Guohua Huang,?Fuxue Chen,?Qiang Su,?Yin Lu,?Meng Wang,?Jing Yang,?Lei Chen,?Ling Tang, Linfeng Zheng, Study of drug-drug combinations based on molecular descriptors and physicochemical properties, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 19(2)(2016), 153-160.
62. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Kaiyan Feng, Predicting the types of metabolic pathway of compounds using molecular fragments and sequential minimal optimization, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 19(2)(2016), 136-143.
61. Lei Chen, Yuhang Zhang, Jian Zhang, Tao Huang, Yang Shu, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of candidate genes related to renal carcinoma using protein interactions and structures, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2015, Vol I, 577-581, July 1-3, 2015, London, U.K.
60. Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Chuan Lu, Lin Lu, Dandan Li, Machine Learning and Network Methods for Biology and Medicine, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2015(2015), 915124.
59. Lei Chen, Jing Yang, Tao Huang, Xiangyin Kong, Yu-Dong Cai, The use of chemical-chemical interaction and chemical structure to identify new candidate chemicals related to lung cancer, PLoS ONE, 10(6)(2015), e**.
58.?Yu-Dong Cai, Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Bing Niu, Application of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Methods in Biochemistry and Biomedicine 2014, BioMed Research International, 2015(2015), 568607.
57. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Tao Huang, Xiangyin Kong,Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction and analysis of cell-penetrating peptides using pseudo amino acid composition and random forest models, Amino Acids, 47(7)(2015), 1485-1493.
56. Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, Zhenbing Zeng, Graphs with unique minimum paired-dominating sets, Ars Combinatoria, 119(2015), 177-192.
55. Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Mingyue Zheng,?Jiangning Song, Integrated Analysis of Multiscale Large-Scale Biological Data for Investigating Human Diseas, BioMed Research International, 2015(2015), 760765.
54. Pei-Wei Zhang, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Ning Zhang, Xiang-Yin Kong, Yu-Dong Cai, Classifying Ten Types of Major Cancers Based on Reverse Phase Protein Array Profiles, PLoS ONE, 10(3)(2015), e**.
53. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Xiangyin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Discovery of new candidate genes related to brain development using protein interaction information, PLoS ONE, 10(1)(2015), e**.
52. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Xiangyin Kong, Guohua Huang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, A hybrid computational method for the discovery of novel reproduction-related genes, PLoS ONE, 10(3)(2015), e**.
51. Lei Chen, Chen Chu, Jing Lu, Xiangyin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis of a drug target-based classification system, PLoS ONE, 10(5)(2015), e**.
50. Lei Chen, Jing Lu, Tao Huang, Jun Yin, Lai Wei, Yu-Dong Cai, Finding candidate drugs of Hepatitis C based on chemical-chemical and chemical-protein interactions, PLoS ONE,?9(9)(2014), e107767.
49. Lei Chen, Jing Lu, Xiaomin Luo, Kai-Yan Feng, Prediction of drugs’ target group by integrating information of chemical-chemical similarities and chemical-chemical/protein connections, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Proteins and Proteomics, 1844(1)(2014), 207-213.
48. Jing Yang, Lei Chen, Xiangyin Kong, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Analysis of tumor suppressor genes based on gene ontology and the KEGG pathway, PLoS ONE, 9(9)(2014), e107202.
47. Ning Zhang, You Zhou, Tao Huang, Yu-Chao Zhang, Bi-Qing Li, Lei Chen, Yu-Dong Cai, Discriminating between Lysine Sumoylation and Lysine Acetylation using mRMR Feature Selection and Analysis, PLoS ONE, 9(9)(2014), e107464.
46. Jian Zhang, ZhiHao Xing, Mingming Ma, Ning Wang, Yu-Dong Cai, Lei Chen, Xun Xu, Gene Ontology and KEGG enrichment analyses of gene related to age-related macular degeneration, BioMed Research International, 2014(2014), 450386.
45. Yu-Dong Cai, Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Shan Gao, Ning Zhang, Novel computational methods and tools in biomedicine and biopharmacy, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2014(2014), 127515.
44. Tianlong Ren, Weiming Zeng, Nizhuan Wang, Lei Chen, Chenglin Wang, A novel approach for fMRI data analysis based on the combination of sparse approximation and affinity propagation clustering, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32(6)(2014), 736-746.
43. Jing Lu, Guohua Huang, Hai-Peng Li, Kai-Yan Feng, Lei Chen, Ming-Yue Zheng, Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction of cancer drugs by chemical-chemical interactions, PLoS ONE,? 9(2)(2014), e87791.
42. Guohua Huang, Yuchao Zhang, Lei Chen, Ning Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction of multi-type of membrane protein in human by an integrated approach, PLoS ONE, 9(3)(2014), e93553.
41. Lei Chen, Wei-Ming Zeng, A two-step similarity-based method for prediction of drug’s target group, Protein & Peptide Letters, 20(3)(2013), 364-370.
40. Yang Jiang, Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Yu-Fei Gao, Yudong Cai and Kuo-Chen Chou, Signal propagation in protein interaction network during colorectal cancer progression, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 287019.?(ESI highly cited paper)
39. Bi-Qing Li, Jin You, Lei Chen, Jian Zhang, Ning Zhang, Tao Huang, Xiang-Yin Kong, Yu-Dong Cai, Identification of lung-cancer-related genes with the shortest path approach in a protein-protein interaction network, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 267375.
38. Weiren Cui, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Qian Gao, Min Jiang, Ning? Zhang, Lulu Zheng, Kaiyan Feng, Yudong Cai , Hongwei Wang, Computationally identifying virulence factors based on KEGG pathways, Molecular BioSystems, 9(6)(2013), 1447-1452.
37. Nizhuang Wang, Weiming Zeng, Lei Chen, SACICA: A sparse approximation coefficients based ICA model for functional magnetic resonance imaging data analysis, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 216(1)(2013), 49-61.
36. Bi-Qing Li, Bing Niu, Lei Chen, Ze-Jun Wei, Tao Huang, Min Jiang, Jing Lu, Ming-Yue Zheng, Xiang-Yin Kong, Yu-Dong Cai, Identifying chemicals with potential therapy of HIV based on protein-protein and protein-chemical interaction network, PLoS ONE, 8(6)(2013), e65207.
35.? Shengnan Yao, Weiming Zeng, Nizhuan Wang, Lei Chen, Validating the Performance of Once Decomposition for fMRI Analysis Using ICA with Automatic Target Generation Process, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31(6)(2013), 970-975.
34. Zhen Li, Bi-Qing Li, Min Jiang, Lei Chen, Jian Zhang, Lin Liu, Tao Huang, Prediction and Analysis of retinoblastoma related genes through Gene Ontology and KEGG, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 304029.
33. Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Jian Zhang, Ming-Yue Zheng, Kai-Yan Feng, Yu-Dong Cai, Kuo-Chen Chou, Prediction of drugs side effect based on chemical-chemical interactions and protein-chemical interactions, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 485034.
32. Lei Chen, Jing Lu, Jian Zhang, Kai-Rui Feng, Ming-Yue Zheng, Yu-Dong Cai, Predicting chemical toxicity effects based on chemical-chemical interactions, PLoS ONE, 8(2)(2013), e56517.
31. Lei Chen, Bi-Qing Li, Ming-Yue Zheng, Jian Zhang, Kai-Yan Feng, Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction of effective drug combinations by chemical interaction, protein interaction and target enrichment of KEGG pathways, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 723780.
30. Lei Chen, Bi-Qing Li, Kai-Yan Feng, Predicting biological functions of protein complexes using graphic and functional features, Current Bioinformatics, 8(5)(2013), 545-551.
29. Ning Zhang, Shan Gao, Lei Chen and Jishou Ruan, Using Multitask Learning Methods to Investigate Signal Peptides and Signal Anchors, Current Bioinformatics, 8(5)(2013), 533-538.
28. Min Jiang, Yukang Chen, Yuchao Zhang, Lei Chen, Ning Zhang, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, XiangYin Kong, Identification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Related Genes with k-th Shortest Paths in a Protein-Protein Interaction Network, Molecular BioSystems, 9(11)(2013), 2720-2728.
27. Tao Zhang, Min Jiang, Lei Chen, Bing Niu, Yudong Cai,? Prediction of gene phenotypes based on GO and KEGG pathway enrichment scores, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 870795.
26. Yu-Fei Gao, Lei Chen, Guo-Hua Huang, Tao Zhang, Kai-Yan Feng, Hai-Peng Li, Yang Jiang, Prediction of drugs target groups based on ChEBI ontology, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 132724.
25. Jian Zhang, Min Jiang, Fei Yuan, Kai-Yan Feng,?Yu-Dong Cai,?Xun Xu, Lei Chen, Identification of age-related macular degeneration related genes by applying shortest path algorithm in protein-protein interaction network, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 523415.
24. Yu-Dong Cai, Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Bin Niu, Application of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Methods in Biochemistry and Biomedicine, BioMed Research International, 2013(2013), 651968.
23. Lei Chen, Yu-Dong Cai, Xiao-He Shi, Tao Huang, Analysis of metabolic pathway using hybrid properties, Protein & Peptide Letters, 19(1)(2012), 99-107.
22. Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Lei Chen, Lele Hu, Xiang-Yin Kong, Yi-Xue Li, Kuo-Chen Chou, Selection of Reprogramming Factors of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Based on the Protein Interaction Network and Functional Profiles, Protein & Peptide Letters, 19(1)(2012), 113-119.
21. Tao Huang, Jian Zhang, Zhong-Ping Xu, Le-Le Hu, Lei Chen, Jian-Lin Shao, Lei Zhang, Xiang-Yin Kong, Yu-Dong Cai, Kuo-Chen Chou, Deciphering the effects of gene deletion on yeast longevity using network and machine learning approaches, Biochimie, 94(4)(2012), 1017-1025.
20. Nizhuan Wang, Weiming Zeng, Lei Chen, A Fast-FENICA method on resting state fMRI data, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 209(1)(2012), 1-12.
19. Bi-Qing Li, Le-Le Hu, Lei Chen, Kai-Yan Feng, Yu-Dong Cai, Kuo-Chen Chou, Prediction of protein domain with mRMR feature selection and analysis, PLoS ONE, 7(6)(2012), e39308.
18. Peng Gao, Qing-Ping Wang, Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Prediction of human genes’ regulatory functions based on protein-protein interaction network, Protein & Peptide Letters, 19(9)(2012), 910-916.
17. Bi-Qing Li, Kai-Yan Feng , Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Prediction of protein-protein interaction sites by Random Forest algorithm with mRMR and IFS, PLoS ONE, 7(8)(2012), e43927.
16.?Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, Zhenbing Zeng, Vertices in all minimum paired-dominating set of block graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 24(3)(2012), 176-191.
15. Yu-Fei Gao, Lei Chen, Yu-Dong Cai, Kai-Yan Feng, Tao Huang, Yang Jiang, Predicting metabolic pathways of small molecules and enzymes based on interaction information of chemicals and proteins, PLoS ONE, 7(9)(2012), e45944.
14. Tao Huang, Zhong-Ping Xu, Lei Chen, Yu-Dong Cai, Xiangyin Kong, Computational Analysis of HIV-1 Resistance Based on Gene Expression Profiles and Virus-Host Interaction Network, PLoS ONE, 6(3)(2011), e17291.?(ESI highly cited paper)
13. Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Xiao-Jun Liu, Yu-Dong Cai, Predicting triplet of transcription factor – mediating enzyme – target gene by functional profiles, Neurocomputing, 74(17)(2011), 3677-3681.
12. Tao Huang, Lei Chen, Yu-Dong Cai, Classification and analysis of regulatory pathway using graph property, biochemical and physicochemical property, and functional property, PLoS ONE, 6(9)(2011), e25297. ?(ESI highly cited paper)
11. Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, Zhenbing Zeng, Labelling algorithms for paired-domination problems in block and interval graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 19(4)(2010), 457-470.
10. Lei Chen, Ziliang Qian, Kaiyan Feng, Yudong Cai, Prediction of interactiveness between small molecules and enzymes by combining gene ontology and compound similarity, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 31(8)(2010), 1766-1776.
9. ZhiSong He, Tao Huang XiaoHe Shi, LeLe Hu, Lei Chen, Fang Liu, Kai Wang, TieQiao Wen, XiangYin Kong, Yudong Cai, Computational Analysis of Protein Tyrosine Nitration, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB2010), 35-42.
8. Lei Chen, Tao Huang, Xiao-He Shi, Yu-Dong Cai, Kuo-Chen Chou, Analysis of protein pathway network using hybrid properties, Molecules, 15(11)(2010), 8177-8192.
7. Yu-Dong Cai, Lin Lu, Lei Chen, Jian-Feng He, Predicting subcellular location of proteins using integrated-algorithm method, Molecular Diversity, 14(3)(2010), 551-558.
6. Lei Chen, Zhi-Song He, Tao Huang, Yu-Dong Cai, Using compound similarity and functional domain composition for prediction of drug-target interaction networks, Medicinal Chemistry, 6(6)(2010), 388-395.
5. Lei Chen, Changhong Lu, Zhenbing Zeng, Distance paired-domination problems on subclasses of chordal graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 410(47-49)(2009), 5072-5081.
4. Lei Chen, Ziliang Qian, Yudong Cai, Zhenbing Zeng, Wencong Lu, Prediction of compounds’ biological function (metabolic pathway) based on compound similarity, 4th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, Supplementary Proceedings, P08.
3. CHEN Lei, LU Chang-hong, ZENG Zhen-bing, Constructive characterizations of (γ_p, γ)- and (γ_p, γ_pr)-trees, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese? Universities Series B, 23(4)(2008), 475-480.
2. Chen Lei, Lu Changhong, Ye Yongsheng, On the Number of Increasing Paths in Labeled Cycles and Stars, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B, 22(1)(2007), 1-6.
1. Changhong Lu, Lei Chen, Mingqing Zhai, Extremal problems on consecutive L(2, 1)-labelling, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155(10)(2007), 1302-1313.
1. 谢瑜, 2013年9月-2015年6月, 毕业论文题目:花授粉算法的改进及其在集成学习算法中的应用
2. 程时稳,2014年9月-2016年6月,毕业论文题目:基于机器学习的药物新功能预测方法研究 (发表2篇SCI检索论文)
3. 倪前武,2015年9月-2017年6月,毕业论文题目:融合特征选择的分类算法选择性集成方法研究 (发表1篇SCI检索论文), 获研究生优秀成果二等奖一项
4. 崔浩,2016年9月-2018年6月,毕业论文题目:一种针对多层多标签问题的分类方法??(发表1篇SCI检索论文, 其中1篇为ESI高被引论文), 获研究生优秀成果特等奖一项
5. 郭子汉,2017年9月入学 (已发表6篇SCI检索论文),2019年转为硕博连读
6. 刘涛,2017年9月-2019年6月,毕业论文题目:化合物的毒性多标签分类方法研究 (发表3篇SCI检索论文, 上海海事大学优秀毕业论文), 获国家奖学金、特等学业奖学金、研究生优秀成果二等奖两项、上海海事大学优秀毕业生
7. 赵贤,2017年9月-2019年6月,毕业论文题目: 基于异构数据整合的药物副作用鉴别方法研究 (发表7篇SCI检索论文, 其中1篇为ESI高被引论文, 上海海事大学优秀毕业论文), 获中国船级社科创优秀奖、研究生优秀成果特等奖和二等奖各一项、 上海海事大学优秀毕业生
8. 吴方,2017年9月-2019年6月,毕业论文题目:基于Bezier曲线的书法字骨架生成
9. 周建彭, 2017年9月-2020年6月, 毕业论文题目:药物ATC编码分类预测关键技术研究 (发表3篇SCI检索论文, 其中2篇发表在生物信息领域顶级期刊上, 1篇为ESI高被引论文), 获上海海事大学优秀毕业生
10. 车金刚,2018年9月-2020年6月, 毕业论文题目:基于网络的药物靶蛋白方法研究 (发表1篇SCI检索论文, 为高被引论文), 获上海海事大学优秀毕业生
11. 王天云,2018年9月-2020年6月, 毕业论文题目:基于网络嵌入算法的药物相互作用预测方法研究 (发表2篇SCI检索论文), 获中国船级社科创优秀奖, 上海海事大学优秀毕业生
1. 张小琳,2018年9月入学 (已发表3篇SCI检索论文), 获国家奖学金、特等学业奖学金、研究生优秀成果二等奖一项
2. 梁海燕,2018年9月入学 (已发表3篇SCI检索论文)
3. 赵冉,2018年9月入学 (已发表3篇SCI检索论文), 获研究生优秀成果二等奖一项
4. 杨莹,2019年9月入学
5. 吴子鑫,2019年9月入学
6. 刘宏伟,2019年9月入学 (已发表1篇SCI检索论文)
7. 彭雪飞,2019年9月入学 (已发表1篇SCI检索论文), 获国家奖学金
8. 朱媛媛,2019年9月入学
9. 贾艳娟,2019年9月入学 (已发表1篇SCI检索论文),获国家奖学金、特等学业奖学金
10. 姜蒙,2020年9月入学
11. 吴晨浩,2020年9月入学
12. 冉冰,2020年9月入学
13. 王浩,2020年9月入学
14. 王瑞,2020年9月入学
15. 李旋,2020年9月入学
16. 汤顺荣,2020年9月入学
17. 陈围,2020年9月入学
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上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-殷 俊
1984年生,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,上海市计算机学会人工智能专委会副主任,主要研究方向是机器学习、模式识别、生物特征识别。教育与研究工作经历:2006年6月获得南京理工大学信息与计算科学专业理学学士学位2011年6月获得南京理工大学模式识别与智能系统专业工学博士学位2015年9月~2016年 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-章夏芬
章夏芬,女,1977年生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2006年获得浙江大学计算机科学与技术专业的工学博士学位,2007年入选上海海事大学骨干教师,2015年起任信息工程学院计算机系副主任、计算机科学与技术专业主任。主持完成1项目国家自然科学基金,1项教育部基金,2项校基金;参与完成国家级、省部级、局 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 静
博士,副教授,硕士生导师1997-2007,本硕博免试连读江南大学,2007年4月获轻工信息技术与工程专业博士学位;2007-至今,上海海事大学信息工程学院讲师,副教授;2012.8-2013.8/2018.8-2019.8?美国新泽西RUTGERSUniversity访问****。曾获上海市“晨光 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-黄洪琼
女,博士、副教授、硕士研究生导师。曾在美国NorthCarolinaStateUniversity智能交通研究所进行访问研究工作。主要从事智能信息处理及其在智能交通领域、航运智能运输系统领域,以及智能电网中的应用研究。近年共发表EI检索论文及软件著作权十余篇/项。研究方向:智能信息处理及其在智能交通 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱昌明
朱昌明(联系方式:cmzhu@shmtu.edu.cn)上海海事大学副教授,硕士生导师。近年来在PatternRecognition、Knowledge-BasedSystems、InformationSciences、Neurocomputing、PatternAnalysisandApplica ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈淑荣
女,1972年生,副教授。目前主要从事视频分析处理、现代通信网络技术领域的教学和科研工作。曾长期从事通信网交换技术以及通信产品的研发工作,在西安邮电部第十研究所、西安大唐电信公司以及西安邮电学院工作多年。参与了国内首批数字程控交换机的研制,并主要完成了该交换机通用测试器的研发工作;参与了大容量VoI ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐志京
个人简介:徐志京,男,1972年生,工学博士,副教授,电子工程系系主任。曾在日本东京海洋大学(2000.10-2001.9),澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(2014.2-2015.1)做访问****,长期从事信息与通信工程领域的教学与科研工作,负责建设完成上海市重点课程建设项目1项,校级重点课程(群)建设项 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨 静
女,1973年生,博士、副教授、硕士研究生导师。2006年上海交通大学获博士学位,后进入上海海事大学信息工程学院电子工程系工作。2010年至2011年在加拿大McMaster大学访学半年,2017-2018在美国加州大学河滨分校访学一年。主持或参与国家级项目三项,省部级或校级项目多项,发表SCI或E ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-薄 华
女,1971年生,副教授。2006年6月,获得西安电子科技大学电路与系统专业工学博士学位。作为主要完成人,参加国防科技八五重点预研项目、“十五”国防预研以及国家’863’计划等重大项目的研究工作,获中国人民解放军科技进步三等奖两项、西安电子科技大学科技成果二等奖一项。在核心刊物和国际会议上发表论文多 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21上海海事大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁国良
姓名???袁国良性别??男职称??副教授电话???电子邮箱???glyuan@shmtu.edu.cn研究领域????????通信与信息系统?教育经历:1985年7月获北京师范大学理学学士学位;1990年7月获吉林大学硕士学位。?长期从事通信与信息系统和电子类的教学与科研工作。编著并出版的高等学校教 ...上海海事大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-21