? ? ? ? 蒋先涛,工学博士(后),讲师, 研究生导师,2016年11月加入上海海事大学,曾担任上海知名通信公司嵌入式软件高级工程师,有多年的嵌入式智能系统研发经验。
2018-2020, 加拿大卡尔顿大学,博士后研究员/Mitacs****
2013-2016, 同济大学, 电信学院, 获计算机科学与技术博士学位
2013-2015 ,? 日本德岛大学, 工学部, 获系统工程博士学位
2. 科研工作(1) 主要研究方向
理论研究:多媒体技术、 物联网与区块链技术、人工智能。
已在IEEE Internet of Things Journal、Journal of Real-Time Image Processing、 IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences、IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems、Sensor等国际期刊与会议上发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI收录12篇,EI收录10余篇。
【国际期刊论文, #: 第一作者,*: 通讯作者】
[J10] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Intelligent Resource Allocation for Video Analytics in Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Autonomous Vehicles with Edge Computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.**. (中科院TOP一区,IF:9.9)
[J9] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Blockchain-Enabled Cross-Domain Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Model Sharing Approach, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.7, no. 5, pp.3681-3692, May 2020. (中科院TOP一区,IF:9.9)
[J8] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Maximum-Entropy-Model-Enabled Complexity Reduction Algorithm in Modern Video Coding Standards, Symmetry 2020, 12, 113.
[J7] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Low-complexity and Hardware-friendly H.265/HEVC Encoder for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Sensor, 2019, 19(8),1927.?
[J6] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Quality-oriented Perceptual HEVC based on Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Model, Entropy,2019, 21(2),165.
[J5] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Spatial Correlation-Based Motion-Vector Prediction for Video-Coding Efficiency Improvement, Symmetry,2019,11(2), 129.
[J4] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al,?An efficient complexity reduction algorithm for CU size decision in HEVC,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2018, 14(1), 309-322.
[J3] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Fast Coding Unit Size Decision Based on Probabilistic Graphical Model in High Efficiency Video Coding Inter Prediction. IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, 2016, 99(11):2836-2839.
[J2] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, Spatio-Temporal Prediction Based Algorithm for Parallel Improvement of HEVC, IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2015, 98(11): 2229-2237.?
[J1] Xiantao Jiang(#), et. al, High Efficiency CU Depth Prediction Algorithm for High Resolution Applications of HEVC, IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2015, 98(12): 2528-2536.
[C9] Zhaowei Ma, F. Richard Yu, Xiantao Jiang, and Azzedine Boukerche,? Trustworthy Tra?ic Information Sharing Secured via Blockchain in VANETs, In Proc.the 10th ACM symposium on design and analysis of vehicular networks and applications, pp. 33-40, Nov. 2020.
[C8] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al, Edge Computing for Video Analytics in the Internet of Vehicles with Blockchain, In Proc. the 10th ACM symposium on design and analysis of vehicular networks and applications, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1145/**.**.
[C7] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al, A Coding Efficiency Improvement Algorithm for Future Video Coding,? In Proc. International Conference on Intelligence Science,Shanghai, pp.279-287, Oct., 2017.
[C6] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al, High Efficiency CU Depth Decision Algorithm for High Resolution Application of HEVC, In Proc. IEEE-TENCON 2015, Macau, pp. 1-4, Nov, 2015.
[C5] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al,? Merge prediction algorithm for adaptive parallel improvement of high efficiency video coding. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW), 2015: 310-311.
[C4] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al, High Efficiency Inter CU Size Prediction Algorithm for HEVC. In Proc. International Forum on Advanced Technologies(IFAT2015), 2015: 165-167.
[C3] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al,? AMVP prediction algorithm for adaptive parallel improvement of HEVC.? In Proc. IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2014: 511-514.
[C2] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al,? Temporal prediction improvement for parallel processing of HEVC. In Proc.IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2014: 515-518.
[C1] Xiantao Jiang(#),et. al, High efficiency video coding (HEVC) motion estimation parallel algorithms on GPU, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, pp. 115-116, 2014.
[ dblp论文列表、?google?scholar论文列表 ]
作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金一项( NSFC NO.**)、中国博士后科学基金面上资助、 博士后国际交流计划 (派出项目)资助;作为科研骨干,参与国家重点研发计划一项、国家自然科学基金二项(NSFC NO. **、 **)、上海市科委重点项目一项,上海市青年科技英才杨帆计划一项。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 ( **) : 面向船舶监控的目标基高效视频编码关键技术,主持, 起止年月:2018.1-2020.12.
2.加拿大信息技术与综合系统数学组织 (Mitacs):? Research on key techniques of video perceptual coding and wireless transmission for shipping surveillance, 主持, 起止年月:2018.12-2019.12.
3. 博士后国际交流计划 (派出项目): 海上视频智能感知编码与无线传输关键技术,主持, 起止年月:2018.12-2020.12.
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助 (2018M641981):?目标基高效视频编码及其在船舶监控系统中的应用研究, 主持, 起止年月:2018.12-2020.12.
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (**): 基于多模态数据融合处理的复杂背景中的文字检测与识别方法研究, 核心骨干, 起止年月: 2019.1-2022.12.
?2017.09 Second Prize in the 1st Underwater Robot Object Detection Contest?(NSFC)
?2016.09 International Exchange Research Award (Japan)
欢迎对多媒体网络,智能系统等研究方向感兴趣的高年级本科生、研究生同学加入我们的科研团队,并推荐成绩优异的同学到日本, 加拿大等著名高校深造!
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指导学生: 指导多名研究生,本科毕业生。